
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒害怕老二》

今天的卡片是《療癒害怕老二》。這是無意識恐懼。如果曾發生過性侵害的話,也許有一些是潛意識與表意識的恐懼。這也反映出權力與性,而權力與性又反映了生活。今天,可以來和老二交朋友。就像我一些華人學生學英文時發現,……幸福快樂(Happiness)等於有老二(have penis)。男人有一根……女人可以有很多根……無意識的世界是由隱喻和象徵所組成的。今天,適合來寬恕老二、享受有老二的存在,而不是將老二當作隱性罪疚(或許沒那麼隱性)、責怪的目標。祝你有個有力量、充滿愛的一天!

HEALING THE FEAR OF THE PENIS is the card of the day. It is an unconscious fear that may be part of a subconscious or conscious fear if there was sexual abuse. It also reflects power and sexuality which reflects life. Today is a good day to make friends with the penis. As some of my Chinese students realized when learning English…Happiness = have penis. Men have one…Women can have many…The world of the unconscious is made up of metaphor and symbols. Today is a good day for forgiving the penis and enjoying it rather than using it as a target for blame and hidden or not so hidden guilt. Have a powerful and loving day!!



