
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《嬉戲》

今天的卡片是《嬉戲》,這已經是這週第二次抽到這張卡片了。顯然,這張卡會為我們的生命帶來春天。有嬉戲,我們就會有很多的能量、生氣勃勃,像小羊歡跳,充滿新生命。放下舊有的重擔吧。我們只是拿這些重擔,來撐住自己所造的形象而已。天堂會給我們更好的真相,不會是充滿痛苦、悲慘、重擔。讓自己成為老天所造的自由靈魂吧。今天,讓自己無憂無慮吧。讓自己回來吧。過天堂為你準備的生命故事 ── 黃金人生故事!!

FROLICKING is again the card of the day, the second time in two weeks. This is obviously a card to bring a springtime in our lives. With FROLICKING there is so much energy and exuberance that we gambol about like a little lamb full of new life. Let the old burdens be dropped. They were just a way to support the image of ourself that we made. Heaven has a much better truth about us that is not full of pain, distress and burdens. Let yourself be the free spirit that God created. Let yourself be carefree today. Get yourself back today. Have the life story Heaven wants for you—a Golden Life Story!!



