
目前顯示的是 5月, 2011的文章


Thursday, May 19, 2011 淘氣頑皮 今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《淘氣頑皮》。這是一個好玩的領導力原則 , 帶著充滿調皮幽默且誠實完善。玩耍創造歡笑和流動。這使得任何工作輕鬆,並保持著神聖無禮的需要去輕輕碰觸嚴肅的工作。祝有個充滿有趣生產力的淘氣一天 。 XXX(x 代表親吻 )OOO(O 代表擁抱 ) NAUGHTINESS NAUGHTINESS is the card for today. This is a playful leadership principle that is full of naughty humor yet stays in integrity. It is all about the play, which creates laughter and flow. It is what makes any work easy and keeps the sacred irreverence necessary for a light touch in deeply serious work. Have a playful day of fun productivity.XXXOOO  by Chuck Spezzano


[Saturday, April 30, 2011] 今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《療癒磨難》。磨難反映的是接連不斷的麻煩與痛苦。是個人無意識與集體無意識最深處的地方在餵養著磨難。今天,恩典與愛在療癒這一層次時會有很驚人的影響。就算是對那些生活很美好的人來講,如果能在磨難浮出檯面前就好好清理,那是很棒的。磨難不是老天給你的旨意,磨難也不是你真實的意願。如果磨難底下不是有不好的態度的話,那麼磨難反映的就是我們為自己設下的靈性課程,甚至是在來到人世前就設下的。今天,迎接這些學習,接納愛的智慧,那是一切學習背後會學到的東西。如果這段關係是重要的,值得有份關鍵的學習,那就邀請這份學習來到關係裡。接著邀請愛。祝你有奇蹟般的一天! (translated by Ted) HEALING TRIBULATION is the card for today. Tribulation reflects continuous trouble and misery. It is fed by some of the deepest levels in the personal and collective unconscious. Today is a day when grace and love have an amazing effect to heal this layer.  Even for those whose life is rosy, it is a great thing to clear before this level ever hits the surface. Tribulation is not Heaven's Will for you nor is it your true will. Usually tribulation if it is not part of some hidden bad attitude reflects a soul lesson we set up for ourselves even before this life began. Today welcome the lesson and the loving wisdom that is part of any learned lesson. If a...


[Saturday, April 30, 2011] 今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《心愛的人》。心愛的人是我們的伴侶,我們用愛、結合、療癒一起打造天堂之梯的那個人。我們會和那人一起追求,用全然的愛、接納以及喜悅的神聖片刻來讓時間停止、啟動永恆。當個人的愛有所超越時,最棒的境界就是有位心愛的人。會變成最棒的愛是因為我們是最棒的伴侶,永不間斷地對伴侶完全給出自己。我們用關係來打破時間的牢籠。今天好好和伴侶一起享受,享受道,因為今天是充滿愛的一天。 (translated by Ted Liao) THE BELOVED is the card of the day. THE BELOVED is our partner,the one we are building a stairway to Heaven with through our love, joining and healing.They are the one we are seeking to stop time and start eternity with through a holy instant of complete love,welcome and joy. THE BELOVED is the best that personal love can be as it becomes transcendent. It is the best because we are the best partner and give ourselves to our partner completely in a continual way. We are using the relationship to break out of the prison of time. Enjoy the tao and your partner today because today is a day of love. by Chuck Spezzano


[Friday, April 29, 2011] 今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《男性面》。反映的是創始的力量、給出的力量。男性面會把注意力放在外頭的環境上面,把任務完成。不管懷的野心真不真實,這都是我們有雄心壯志的一面。今天,我們真實的男性面會讓我們「像個男子漢」,面對我們必須面對的事情。今天,好好享受你自己的男性面,男性面也是順流的一部分,是你的平衡所需。祝你有快樂的一天! (translated by Ted Liao) MASCULINITY is the card for today. It reflects the power of initiating and focuses on giving. MASCULINITY pays attention to the outer circumstances and getting the job done. It is this side of us that is ambitious in a true and an untrue way. Today our true MASCULINITY will help us to"man-up" and do or deal with whatever we have to deal with. Enjoy the MASCULINE side of yourself today as it is part of the flow that supplies what you need to balance. Have a happy day ! by Chuck Spezzano


[Thursday, April 28, 2011] 今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《療癒絕望》。絕望令人痛不欲生,通常藏在心靈數一數二大的碎片裡頭。而在絕望底下藏著全新層次的願景與使命。當你屈膝於絕望的痛苦時,那樣的痛我稱為聖火的灼痛。有兩種方式可以輕易療癒,一是請求老天的幫助,二是把絕望看成圍繞著你的情緒之火,然而在外圍的是你愛的人、需要你幫助的人。如果你的選擇是不要停下腳步,向前幫助他們,那麼就你就可以穿越這情緒的火焰,進而擁抱那些人。這樣的決定會給你的生命帶來重生。少數情況會有比這更多的痛苦,而你要做的就只是重複此項練習,直到絕望都轉化為願景層次的禮物、或轉為有焦點的創造力能量。 (translated by Ted Liao) HEALING DESPAIR is the card for today. It is so painful we feel like dying and it usually hides one of the big fractures of the mind. Beneath that is vision and purpose at a whole new level. Despair is a level of pain I have called Sacred Fire Pain, when you are on your knees with pain. It is easily healed in two ways one is asking Heaven's help and the other is to see the despair as a ring of emotional fire around you but caught on the other side is someone you love and someone who needs your help. If you choose to help them and not be stopped you can step through the emotional fire to help and embrace them.This leads to a new birth in your life. In the rare cas...