[Thursday, April 28, 2011]
(translated by Ted Liao)
HEALING DESPAIR is the card for today. It is so painful we feel like dying and it usually hides one of the big fractures of the mind. Beneath that is vision and purpose at a whole new level. Despair is a level of pain I have called Sacred Fire Pain, when you are on your knees with pain. It is easily healed in two ways one is asking Heaven's help and the other is to see the despair as a ring of emotional fire around you but caught on the other side is someone you love and someone who needs your help. If you choose to help them and not be stopped you can step through the emotional fire to help and embrace them.This leads to a new birth in your life. In the rare case there's more pain you simply repeat the exercise until all the despair has been turned into vision level gifts or focused creative energy.by Chuck Spezzano