
[Saturday, April 30, 2011]
(translated by Ted)

HEALING TRIBULATION is the card for today. Tribulation reflects continuous trouble and misery. It is fed by some of the deepest levels in the personal and collective unconscious. Today is a day when grace and love have an amazing effect to heal this layer.  Even for those whose life is rosy, it is a great thing to clear before this level ever hits the surface. Tribulation is not Heaven's Will for you nor is it your true will. Usually tribulation if it is not part of some hidden bad attitude reflects a soul lesson we set up for ourselves even before this life began. Today welcome the lesson and the loving wisdom that is part of any learned lesson. If any relationship is significant to learn a crucial lesson in, then invite the lesson into that relationship . Then invite the love. May you have a miraculous day!
by Chuck Spezzano



