
今天Chuck博士的卡片是《承諾》。承諾就是我們對某人或某事,完全的給出自己。承諾療癒了分裂的心智,以及過往的衝突,讓我們飛躍的前往重要的下一步。它解決了每個問題的根源即恐懼和內疚。它讓給我們成為真實,新層次的夥伴關係,顯示了往什麼方向前進或往前走是否是真實的。承諾是偉大的治療師之一,使我們的忠誠帶來與其他人相似的心智。這是幸福的關鍵之一。有個全心全意的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 01 Dec 2011 10:53 AM PST
COMMITMENT is the card for today. COMMITMENT is giving ourselves fully to someone or something. Commitment heals the split mind and conflicts from the past and allows us to leap forward to the next major step. It resolves the fear and guilt at the root of every problem. It brings us to truth, new levels of partnership so it shows what direction to go forward in or even if its true to go forward. COMMITMENT is one of the great healers and allows our fidelity to bring about a like mind in others. It is one of the keys to happiness. Have a wholehearted day!



