今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒嗜血的心靈》。這是療癒我們固執、消極、頑強不聽話、剛愎自用墮落為的只是要有不好的態度。今天是去清理我們走錯方向的好日子。這是所有長期問題的隱藏動力。有個好好清理的好日子!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 09 Feb 2012 12:20 AM PST
HEALING BLOODY-MINDEDNESS is the card for today. This is the healing of where we are stubborn, negative, recalcitrant and perverse for the sake of having a bad attitude. Today is a good day for cleaning up where we have been going in the wrong direction. This is a hidden dynamic of all chronic problems. Have a good day of clearing!
Posted: 09 Feb 2012 12:20 AM PST
HEALING BLOODY-MINDEDNESS is the card for today. This is the healing of where we are stubborn, negative, recalcitrant and perverse for the sake of having a bad attitude. Today is a good day for cleaning up where we have been going in the wrong direction. This is a hidden dynamic of all chronic problems. Have a good day of clearing!