今天Chuck博士的卡片是《優先順序》。這預示著,回到最重要的,而放下瑣事。優先順序帶給我們的生命有意義,讓我們返回到我們的真實。這依次帶來真理,夥伴關係和順流。透過先做最重要的,我們就有勇氣和精力去面對處理什麼是有助於我們最能進步的。有個美好的今日!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 03 Mar 2012 03:45 PM PST
PRIORITIES is the card for today. It signals a return to that which is most important letting trivialities go. PRIORITIES give meaning to our lives and returns us to our authenticity. This in turn brings truth, partnership and flow. By doing that which is most important first we have the courage and energy to tackle what would help us progress the most. Have a good ONE today!
Posted: 03 Mar 2012 03:45 PM PST
PRIORITIES is the card for today. It signals a return to that which is most important letting trivialities go. PRIORITIES give meaning to our lives and returns us to our authenticity. This in turn brings truth, partnership and flow. By doing that which is most important first we have the courage and energy to tackle what would help us progress the most. Have a good ONE today!