今天Chuck博士的卡片是《基督》。這是所有卡中屬於高卡之一的卡。今天基督就在這裡。今天我們都屬於永恆的神子身份。這是到達合一的快捷方式,如同耶穌是第一個進到合一,以及我們藉由與神結合和歡迎祂,可以附著在祂的成就上。今天無論你的信仰是什麼,有極大的恩典來到你的生命,讓你藉此飛躍前進。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian
Posted: 23 May 2012 10:53 AM PDT
CHRIST is the card for today. This is one
of the high cards in the deck. The CHRIST is here today. The Eternal Sonship in
which we are all included is here today. This is the quick way to Oneness as
Jesus was the first to reach Oneness and God; we can piggyback on His
accomplishment by joining Him and welcoming Him. Whatever your beliefs are
today, there is a great amount of grace about and you can take advantage of the
leap forward it gives you in your life. Have a good ONE!