今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒獨立性》。這指是疏離的獨立,這是因舊有的傷痛,失落和需索的一種防衛。這也包括心碎和內疚所造成的控制和死寂。這是受害者和犧牲者惡性循環的一部分。結束競爭後的獨立性,開始帶來了夥伴關係,自我包容和平等。療癒獨立是真實,輕易和順流的開始。它啟動了交互依靠的全新局面。祝美好。(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 08 Mar 2013 04:14 AM PST
HEALING INDEPENDENCE is the card for today.
This is the dissociated independence that is a defense for old pain, loss and
needs. It also covers heartbreak and guilt setting up control and deadness. It is
part of a vicious circle that includes being victimized and sacrifice. The end
of independence with its competition is the beginning of partnership,
self-inclusion and equality. HEALING INDEPENDENCE is the beginning of truth,
ease and flow. It brings about a whole new level of interdependence. Have a
fine day