
目前顯示的是 7月, 2013的文章


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒對黑暗的恐懼》。這是我們童年的恐懼和黑暗的超自然。黑暗是缺乏愛和光明,當愛和光明進來時就驅散了黑暗。即使最邪惡的黑暗也因神聖的存在而溶解了。今天記得 “ 誰 ” 與你同行,你就不會恐懼。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEAR OF THE DARK Posted: 29 Jul 2013 09:36 AM PDT HEALING THE FEAR OF THE DARK is the card for today. This is both our childhood fears and the dark supernatural. Darkness is an absence of love and light and when they are invited in the darkness is dispelled. Even the most evil darkness is dissolved with Divine Presence. Today remember Who walks with you and you will know no fear. Have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《英雄》。再次的抽到這張英雄卡。這談到對呼求幫助的回應超越了對使命的呼召。我們給出如此的多與完整,卻不知道還有更多是可以供應給我們的。英雄原型有一種自然的超越。有個很美好付出的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE HERO Posted: 26 Jul 2013 10:50 PM PDT THE HERO is once again the card for today. It speaks of going above and beyond the call of duty in responding to the calls for help. We give so much and so completely that there is more of us that we didn't know was us that becomes available to us. There is a natural transcendence that comes of the HERO archetype. Have a powerful day of giving today!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《騙子的心魔》。這個心魔帶來不受歡迎的意外以及看起來似乎來自意外的不幸事件。今天意識到這個問題,並問問自己你有多少這些心魔。問問自己,你用它們做什麼,並把它們交在那總是要你有完全幸福的天堂之手。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE TRICKSTER SHADOW Posted: 20 Jul 2013 11:12 PM PDT THE TRICKSTER SHADOW is the card for today. This shadow brings unwelcome surprises and unhappy events that seem to come from out of the blue. Today be aware of this issue and ask how many of these shadows you have. Ask yourself what you are using them for and put them in Heaven's Hands Whose only Will for you is total happiness. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《英雄(原型)》。我們每個人都擁有真正英雄的能量。今天,當我們超越了一般所謂的正常,或者被認為可能省了時間或拯救我們身邊的人,我們就成為英雄了。我們超越了正常的限制,且在我們的生活中像明星般的閃耀。今天靠著上天的幫助,你可以完成偉大的事 ...... 有個能超越自己的美好一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE HERO (ARCHETYPE) Posted: 19 Jul 2013 11:23 PM PDT THE HERO (ARCHETYPE) is the card for today. This true HERO energy that is available in all of us. Today it becomes realized as we go beyond what is normal or thought possible to save the day or someone around us.  We transcend normal limits and shine as a star in our lives. Today with Heaven's help you can accomplish great things...Have a great day of going beyond yourself!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒佔有的恐懼》。在無意識層面的恐懼會吸引某些事物。我們會失去控制的恐懼,會避免在關係裡,我們下意識的害怕習慣地想要佔有他人。當我們進展到交互依靠時,我們會害怕被魔鬼(古老的我執)所佔有,最後我們是害怕會失去我執而被上帝的愛所擁有。我們死了我執而在神聖的自我重生。有個最美好的一天! ... ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEAR OF POSSESSION Posted: 19 Jul 2013 12:09 AM PDT HEALING THE FEAR OF POSSESSION is the card for today. Fear at unconscious levels is an attraction to something. It is a fear that we will lose control so it prevents relationships where subconsciously we are afraid of how we used to be of wanting to possess people. As we progress in interdependence we get frightened of being possessed by devils( The ancient ego) and finally we are afraid of losing our ego and being possessed by the Love of God. We die to self and are reborn in Self. Have a most fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒渺小》。 渺小會犯一些錯誤。這使得一切都只是與我有關,認為別人該為我們的幸福負責,如果任何一點不順心的事,我們有權讓情緒污染我們的環境。我們被困在我執裏,缺乏自我負責和責任。我們療癒了渺小,就戰勝了自己,有正確的觀點,且有正確的關係。這將恢復流動,幫助我們看到所有困擾我們的都是療癒的機會,不再讓我們的我執欺壓我們,讓我們也不會在每件小事上欺壓他人。療癒了渺小,使我們更具吸引力,成為更好的合作夥伴。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING PETTINESS Posted: 16 Jul 2013 11:40 PM PDT HEALING PETTINESS is the card for today. Pettiness makes a couple of mistakes. It makes it all about us and we think that someone else is in charge of our happiness and if any little thing goes wrong we have the right to emotionally pollute our surroundings. We are ego trapped and we lack accountability and responsibility. As we heal this we get over ourselves, put things in right perspective and act in right relationship. This restores the flow, helps us see all upset as an opportunity to heal and no longer lets our ego tyrannize us so we don't tyrannize others about every little thing. HEALING PETTINESS makes us a much more attractive and better partner. Have a good one...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒被摧毀粉碎》。在一個星期內這張卡出現兩次,意味著有重要的療癒在進行,當這情緒浮出表面時,雖然這不會是最愉快的經驗。 但有句力量的話語,卻可以一層一層的去除這幻相。它是我將奇蹟課程的話語所組成的 ...... “ 我因上帝的旨意被拯救。令我有任何的受苦,這不是神的旨意。神的旨意乃是要我有完美的幸福。 ” 有個最驚奇療癒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE HEALING OF GETTING PULVERIZED Posted: 18 Jul 2013 01:23 AM PDT THE HEALING OF GETTING PULVERIZED is once again the card for the day. Twice in one week signals major healing going on, though it may not be the most pleasant experience as the emotions of it come the surface.  Here are some words of power that can remove illusion layer by layer. It is made up of statements from A COURSE IN MIRACLES that I put together..."God wills that I be saved from this. It is not God's Will that I suffer in any way. God's Will for me is perfect happiness." Have a most amazing healing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是 《“我們所看到的世界,只是反映出我們心智的主導思想,期望和情緒的內在準則。”》。這是奇蹟課程的一段話。這意味著,世界是我們的鏡子。這使我們能更容易為生活中所發生的事情負起責任及寬恕。今天去清除及祝福,在你鏡子中所反映出來的。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE WORLD WE SEE Posted: 16 Jul 2013 02:48 AM PDT "THE WORLD WE SEE MERELY REFLECTS OUR OWN INTERNAL FORM OF REFERENCE-- THE DOMINANT IDEAS, WISHES AND EMOTIONS IN OUR MIND."  is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. It simply means the world is our mirror. This allows us to take responsibility for what is happening in our lives and forgive that much more easily. Reflect on this today and clean and bless your mirror. Have a great day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒天使和惡魔之間的大戰》。這是心智的另一個極大的分裂。它讓心智分離,因而有了恐懼和內疚。這阻止我們了解愛和純真無罪的世界。今天,讓我們意識到,我們是與神在一起,而這種分裂是不存在的 。 但在我執層面,卻散布著這種衝突和黑暗。 “我與神同在。”是每一個問題的答案,而不是這些在心智上的原始分裂。有個神奇奇蹟的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE GREAT WAR BETWEEN THE ANGELIC AND DEMONIC Posted: 15 Jul 2013 12:04 AM PDT HEALING THE GREAT WAR BETWEEN THE ANGELIC AND DEMONIC is the card for today. This is another great split in the mind. It sets the mind in separation and thus in fear and guilt. This keeps us from realizing a world of love and innocence. Today let us realize that we are one with God and no such split exists except at ego level that promulgates such conflicts and darkness. "I am one with God." is the answer to every problem not just these primordial splits in the mind. Have a miraculous day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒靈性與形式的大戰》。這是產生二元性的一項原始分裂。我執利用這個大戰,讓我們分離,好像這是事情的真相而不是幻象。今天在願景階段的這個極大的分裂是可以被療癒的。如果你願意,意識到這不是上天的旨意,要你有這樣的分裂。上帝的旨意乃是要你能全然的幸福,且免予所有的幻象和所有的痛苦。請記得在今天和每天,觀看著幻象被消融。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF SPIRIT AND FORM Posted: 13 Jul 2013 11:53 PM PDT HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF SPIRIT AND FORM is the card for today. It is one of the primordial splits that generate duality. The ego uses the Great Wars to keep us in separation as if that was the way things were and not the illusion. This great split at the Vision Stage can be healed today. If you are willing, realize that it is not Heaven's Will that you have this split. It is God's Will that you be totally happy and saved from all illusion and all pain. Keep this in mind today and every day to watch illusions melt away. Have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒利用生病來剝削》。所有的疾病在某一個層面上,都是試圖所需要的被滿足,縱使是在兩敗俱傷的局面。所有的問題都是我們利用它來獲得某樣東西,即使它是個藉口。今天是個很好的日子,去覺察我們在生活中是如何地在利用所有的負面事件,且放下這些糟糕的協議。這種負面事件只會繼續發生,如果我們沒意識到- 我們認 為輸了就會有所得。今天,希望能意識到這一直在改變我們心智且不自知的行事。有個有力量且美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING ILLNESS AS EXPLOITATION Posted: 11 Jul 2013 11:35 PM PDT HEALING ILLNESS AS EXPLOITATION is the card for today. All illness is at one level an attempt to get a need met even if this sets up a lose-lose situation. All issues are something we use in order to get something even if it is an excuse. Today is a great day to become aware of how we are using all negative events in our lives and let them go as a bad deal. This negative event could only be happening if we kept what was going from our awareness--that we thought there was some gain in loss. Today if we wish we can become aware of what we have been doing unbeknownst to ourselves and change our minds. Have a great and empowering day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒對道的攻擊》。這是我們試圖用我們的方式來做事,這卻不是最理想的方式。我們與神的計劃爭鬥。我們評斷,攻擊,然後自己也在做相同事的一個惡性循環裡。我們受苦,做事艱困,犧牲且辛苦,而不是在恩典供給下的和平輕易工作。今天是為幸福而放棄我們計劃的好日子。在我們的生活中,這有多少成效呢?任何不快樂,說明了我們只是嘗試要做對。你是想要對,還是想要快樂?今天是放掉這一直來害了你的好日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE ATTACK ON THE TAO Posted: 11 Jul 2013 12:28 AM PDT HEALING THE ATTACK ON THE TAO is the card for today. This is where we are trying to do things our way and they are not the highest way. We fight God's Plan. We judge, attack and then do the same with ourselves in a vicious circle. We suffer and do things with difficulty, sacrifice and hardship rather than with the peace and ease that grace allows. Today is a good day to give up our plan for happiness. How well has that worked in our lives?!? Any unhappiness shows where we are trying to be right. Do you want to be right or happy? Have a great day today giving up what has been killing you!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒被摧毀粉碎之處》。這是一個療癒的好機會,縱使在一個小或大的事件裡,會將帶我們帶回過去我們被摧毀粉碎時候的模式。經由這個可怕的事件建構了我執,並私下地讓我們更獨立,這通常是我們沒通過的大師級考驗。如果你發現,在該事件,你其實可以邀請愛和神的愛來完全療癒這種情況,並讓你有更多的和平,整體性和對恩典的敞開,同時終結創傷後的極大壓力 ... 願你終於勝利,通過大師的考驗,並有個很棒的療癒一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING WHERE WE GOT PULVERIZED Posted: 10 Jul 2013 12:29 AM PDT HEALING WHERE WE GOT PULVERIZED is the card for today. This is a great opportunity as a little or big incident may show up that is part of a pattern that would take us back to a time when we got pulverized. This built our ego and secretly gave us more independence through this terrible incident, which was typically a Mastery level Test we flunked. If you uncover that incident you can invite in love and God's Love to totally heal that situation giving you a lot more peace, wholeness and openness to grace ending a lot of post-traumatic stress...May you finally triumph, pass the Mastery Test and have a great healing day!!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《仁慈》。這是個慷慨的延伸,且在能量及行為上幫助他人。仁慈的溫暖是對給出者和接受者的祝福。今天是個祝福的一天。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) KINDNESS Posted: 08 Jul 2013 11:06 PM PDT KINDNESS is the card for today. It is a generous reaching out that both helps another by the deed and the energy. The warmth of kindness is a blessing to the giver and the receiver. Today is a day of blessing. Have a good one!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《喜劇》。這是一個熱鬧滑稽和喜劇搞笑的一天。看待事情輕鬆面及在所有的情況下以幽默看待。喜劇提供了歡笑 ; 順流和療癒 ... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) COMEDY Posted: 08 Jul 2013 02:44 AM PDT COMEDY is the card for today. This is a day of hilarious antics and COMEDIC mayhem. Look on the lighter side of things and see the humor in all situations. COMEDY provides laughter; flow and healing...Have a fine day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒死亡的偶像》。當我們不僅相信死,且以為它是來拯救我們,甚至讓我們快樂的出路。這是我們建構自己身份的最後結果。我們已經忘記了我們是永恆的靈性和思維,而卻轉向黑暗和死亡,以支持我們創造出的人生故事。我們建構的身份是建立在分離,痛苦,失落和內疚。它包含了恐懼和抗拒。今天是個慶祝的日子,我們為真理 、 生命和自由,放棄的我執的基石之一 : 死亡。有個很美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE IDOL OF DEATH Posted: 07 Jul 2013 05:23 AM PDT HEALING THE IDOL OF DEATH is the card for today. This is where we not only believe in death we see it as the way out to save us and even make us happy. This is the final outcome of making our own identity. We have forgotten who we are as eternal spirit and our thoughts turn to darkness and death to support the life story we made up. The identity we made up was built on separation, pain, loss and guilt. It contains fear and resistance. Today is a day to celebrate as we relinquish one of the cornerstones of the ego for truth and life and freedom. Have a great day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《老師(原型)》。一個老師掌握著學生們未來心智和情感的形式。這個神聖的信任就如同養育子女一般至關重要,因為事實上,一個老師是許多人的父母,啟發他們的學生,有關什麼是可能的以及本身的學習。一個虔誠的老師,一輩子都印記在學生的心智和情感裡。我們教我們所做的一切,所以讓我們把它做好。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE TEACHER (ARCHETYPE) Posted: 06 Jul 2013 01:03 PM PDT THE TEACHER (ARCHETYPE) is the card for today. A TEACHER holds the future in their hands in the form of the minds and hearts students. It is a sacred trust as crucial as parenting because in truth a teacher is a parent to many, inspiring their students about what is possible and about learning itself. A devoted TEACHER stays in the mind and heart of their students for a lifetime. We teach in everything we do so let's do it well. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒不誠實》。不誠實使你分離。你放縱,但卻無法接受。因而內疚感增多,自我懲罰和犧牲也增添。不誠實是我執想要滿足自我需要的伎倆,而讓他人仍然認為你很高尚,但它也啟動了業力模式,分離你的頭腦,使得它更難以接受,最終導致不信任。沒有信任,就沒有愛 ...... 今天有個誠實,正直和接受的很棒一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING DISHONESTY Posted: 05 Jul 2013 11:20 AM PDT HEALING DISHONESTY is the card for today. Dishonesty dissociates you. You indulge but don't receive. The guilt grows and so does the self-punishment and sacrifice. Dishonesty is an ego ploy to get needs met and have people still think highly of you but it also sets in motion a karmic pattern, one that splits your mind and makes it even harder to receive and that eventually leads to not trusting. And without trust there is no love...Have a great day of honesty, integrity and receiving today!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《源頭》。源頭就是造物主,祂提供我們每一天的資源。不幸的是,我們都忙著試圖做所有的一切,直到不順心時,那就是別人的錯。今天,讓自己被愛和被資源。在我成為夏威夷療癒師的啟動儀式時,他們也拿一隻魚給我吃,在夏威夷,魚也意味著源頭,提醒我的力量和滋養來自哪裡。如果你還記得源頭,你能不記得任何問題或疼痛。有個很棒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE SOURCE Posted: 03 Jul 2013 06:12 PM PDT THE SOURCE is the card for today. THE SOURCE is the Creator, Who Sources us everyday . Unfortunately we are too busy trying to do it all ourselves until something goes wrong then it is someone else's fault. Today let yourself be Loved and Sourced. In my initiation ceremony as a kahuna I was given a fish to eat that in Hawaiian also means THE SOURCE reminding me where my strength and nurturing comes from. If you remember THE SOURCE you can't remember any problem or pain. Have a great day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《和平》。和平產生愛,豐富,健康和快樂。和平是進入永恆之門,天堂和人間天堂的入口。和平祝福你有一切美好的事物。只有我執投注在衝突,因而愛的犧牲卻成了我們的英雄。有個和平美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) PEACE Posted: 02 Jul 2013 10:45 AM PDT PEACE is the card for today. From PEACE comes love, abundance, health and happiness. PEACE is the doorway to eternity, the portal to Heaven and Heaven on earth. PEACE blesses you with all good things. It is only the ego that is invested in conflict because there it becomes our hero at the expense of love. Have a wonderful day of PEACE today!