
今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒渺小》。渺小會犯一些錯誤。這使得一切都只是與我有關,認為別人該為我們的幸福負責,如果任何一點不順心的事,我們有權讓情緒污染我們的環境。我們被困在我執裏,缺乏自我負責和責任。我們療癒了渺小,就戰勝了自己,有正確的觀點,且有正確的關係。這將恢復流動,幫助我們看到所有困擾我們的都是療癒的機會,不再讓我們的我執欺壓我們,讓我們也不會在每件小事上欺壓他人。療癒了渺小,使我們更具吸引力,成為更好的合作夥伴。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 16 Jul 2013 11:40 PM PDT
HEALING PETTINESS is the card for today. Pettiness makes a couple of mistakes. It makes it all about us and we think that someone else is in charge of our happiness and if any little thing goes wrong we have the right to emotionally pollute our surroundings. We are ego trapped and we lack accountability and responsibility. As we heal this we get over ourselves, put things in right perspective and act in right relationship. This restores the flow, helps us see all upset as an opportunity to heal and no longer lets our ego tyrannize us so we don't tyrannize others about every little thing. HEALING PETTINESS makes us a much more attractive and better partner. Have a good one!!



