今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒不誠實》。不誠實使你分離。你放縱,但卻無法接受。因而內疚感增多,自我懲罰和犧牲也增添。不誠實是我執想要滿足自我需要的伎倆,而讓他人仍然認為你很高尚,但它也啟動了業力模式,分離你的頭腦,使得它更難以接受,最終導致不信任。沒有信任,就沒有愛...... 今天有個誠實,正直和接受的很棒一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 05 Jul 2013 11:20 AM PDT
HEALING DISHONESTY is the card for today.
Dishonesty dissociates you. You indulge but don't receive. The guilt grows and
so does the self-punishment and sacrifice. Dishonesty is an ego ploy to get
needs met and have people still think highly of you but it also sets in motion
a karmic pattern, one that splits your mind and makes it even harder to receive
and that eventually leads to not trusting. And without trust there is no
love...Have a great day of honesty, integrity and receiving today!