
今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒自憐》。 自憐給了我們痛苦之事有一種隱藏的動力。希望某人可以給予我們充滿愛的關注是個基本的需要。這種動能可以是在一些我們生活中最具破壞性的事件或長期問題的根源。然而,我們得到的關注是遠遠不夠的,因為它隱藏著發脾氣生氣不好的態度以及與神對抗。這是我們對世界的依戀,也想成為神。當他人試圖幫助我們時卻讓他們感到無助,我們幸災樂禍,同時當他們試圖對我們的行事與我們溝通時,我們卻傷害他們把他們推開。這種背信棄義通常發生在潛意識層面,且隱藏在絕望,有時甚至是災難性的問題下。今天,這行不通的僵局開始在覺察裡鬆動,且為了更好的方式而釋放了本身。有個生活改變的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 08 Feb 2014 11:34 PM PST

HEALING SELF-PITY is the card for today. It gives us one of the hidden dynamics of painful events happening to us. It is a basic need for attention with the hope of someone being available to us in a loving way. This dynamic can be at the root of some of the most devastating events or chronic problems in our lives. Yet the attention we get is never enough as it hides tantrum, bad attitude and fight with God. This comes about because of our attachment to the world and our wanting to be God. When we render people helpless in their attempt to help us, we gloat and when they attempt to communicate to us about how we are acting we use hurt to push them away. This bad faith occurs typically at unconscious levels and it is hidden under desperate and sometimes catastrophic problems. Today this logjam in consciousness begins to loosen with awareness and free itself for a better way. Have a life changing day!



