
今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒關係的問題》。乃是要穿越分離和任何要分離的藉口。在潛意識裡我們的問題和我們夥伴的行為乃是種共謀,讓我們分離而不是療癒我們隱藏的罪惡壓抑及投射的議題。今天,以全新的態度面對就是當你感受心煩時,意味著你的內在有需要療癒之處。你越過世界是怎麼想的,而去採取更深層次的責任和力量去療癒藉由寬恕和你的天賦才華而不是隱藏使周圍所有的情況往前,以及在一個全新的層面閃亮。否則,你會覺得受害,陷入痛苦,只能受苦而沒有法子,逃跑和責怪或反擊這只會使事情變得更糟。上天的靈感與你同在,如果你會停下來去聽。讓真理告訴你的道路,而不是讓自己所隱藏舊有或古老的罪惡的所謂正義反應來帶領...有個療癒以及新層次親密的美好一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 05 Feb 2014 11:24 PM PST

HEALING THE RELATIONSHIP PROBLEM is the card for today. It speaks of moving through separation and whatever was set up as the excuse to separate. At a subconscious level our problems and our partners 'Bad' behavior was collusion that gives us the right to separate rather than heal our hidden guilt and repressed and projected issues. Today a new attitude can emerge in which you realize that any upset means there is something within that YOU are called to heal. You move beyond how the world thinks and take a deeper responsibility and power to heal and make whole situations around by forgiveness, accepting your gifts instead of hiding and stepping up and shining at a whole new level. Otherwise you feel victimized, caught in pain, with no recourse but to suffer, run and blame or attack back which only makes things worse. Heaven's inspiration is with you if you would but stop and listen. Let truth show you the way and not let yourself be led by righteous reaction that hides old or ancient guilt…Have a wonderful day of healing and a new level of intimacy!



