
目前顯示的是 6月, 2014的文章


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《信心》。只要有信心,就沒有問題 , 只是有些事情需要處理而已 ...... 這是個成功美好的日子 ... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) CONFIDENCE Posted: 28 Jun 2014 02:57 PM PDT CONFIDENCE is the card for today. With CONFIDENCE there are no problems just somethings to handle...This is a great day for success... Have a wonderful day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒僵硬的人》。 這是談到加入更多新層次的回應 , 在曾導致失去所有影響的巨大分離點。回應能力和復興是同在一起的 ...... 有個甜美的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING WOODENNESS Posted: 27 Jun 2014 11:23 AM PDT HEALING WOODENNESS is the card for today. It speaks of adding news levels of responsiveness where once there was dissociation so big it was to the point of losing all affect. Responsiveness and renaissance go together... Have a sweet day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《戀人》。在這一天你會發現一直來 , 是什麼阻擋了你成為一位更好的夥伴,或有夥伴關係。所有舊有心碎的深處 ,帶著 報復,仇恨和自我憎恨的模式 , 所以我們一定要理所當然地放下他們。還有放下舊有的信念,比如說如果我順服於對方,我可能會失去我自己或變脆弱,失去獨立自主,而不是獲得交互依賴的關係。今天是慶祝新層次的結合與愛的一天。真好哇! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE LOVERS Posted: 26 Jun 2014 08:20 AM PDT THE LOVERS is the card for today. This is a day in which you can find what has been holding you back from being a better partner or from having a partner. All old heartbreaks carry revenge, hatred and self-hatred patterns deep within so it would certainly behoove us to let them go. Also old beliefs could be let go of, such as if I surrender to them I could lose myself or become weak or lose my independence rather than gain interdependence. Today is a day to celebrate new levels of joining and love. Hurrah!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒我們不要和平》。今天我們穿越過去所有各種隱藏的報復,了解到和平擁有我們想要的一切。這是愛,喜樂,自信和健康的根源。今天就讓我們選擇和平以及所有它會帶來。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING WHERE WE ARE DECIDING AGAINST PEACE Posted: 24 Jun 2014 08:57 AM PDT HEALING WHERE WE ARE DECIDING AGAINST PEACE is the card for today. Today we move past all kinds of hidden payoffs to realize that peace holds everything we want. It is the root of love, joy, confidence and health. Today let us choose peace and all that it brings. Have a good One!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒無情的故事》。這是個通常被否認及埋藏在無意識的腳本。然而,每當我們受苦及在我們身邊的人遭受痛苦時,這就運作了。我們利用這個無情的故事做為要獨立的方式 , 這是我執要分離的目標。今天是個很好的日子,放下這一切無情和獨立。難道愛,幸福和成功不是更好嗎。這就是我們要放下無情。今天,我們選擇用真理和喜樂來替代無情。有個最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE HEARTLESS STORY Posted: 23 Jun 2014 11:55 AM PDT HEALING THE HEARTLESS STORY is the card for today. This is an unconscious script that is typically denied and buried. Yet every time we suffered and every time someone suffered around us this was operating. We use this heartless story as a means to be independent which is the ego's goal of separation. Today is a great day to let all of this heartlessness and independence go. isn't love, happiness and success so much better. That is what we gave up with heartlessness. Today we can choose for truth and joy instead. Have the best day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《毫無防衛》。“我的安全在於毫無防衛”,這是奇蹟課程的一段話。防衛帶來正試圖阻止之事。防衛吸引攻擊,所以就會在防衛中 ...... 今天就讓我們盡可能地不防衛 , 而又絕不讓他人欺負我們。今天,這會讓我們能夠領受 ...... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) DEFENSELESSNESS Posted: 22 Jun 2014 12:52 PM PDT DEFENSELESSNESS is the card for today. "In DEFENSELESSNESS my safety lies," is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. Defenses bring about the very thing they are trying to prevent. They attract attack and so does what they are defending...Today let us be as defenseless as possible yet never letting another abuse us. Today this allows us to receive...Have a fine day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒心魔》。心魔是我們對世界的譴責,壓抑和投射出來的一個概念。心魔包含自我憎恨 , 能建立一種無形的牆,阻止我們往前進。今天,尋找那些在你的世界裡無法忍受的 , 問你自己有多少在這方面的心魔以及其他的自我概念。將他們以及各種你所隱藏的補償,融化成純粹的光及能量 , 然後把光與能量一起帶進入自己。這個簡單的整合練習,可以再次的將你往前移動。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE SHADOW Posted: 21 Jun 2014 07:38 AM PDT HEALING THE SHADOW is the card for today. The shadow is an aspect of us that we have condemned, repressed and projected out on the world. Shadows contain self-hatred and they have a way of setting up an invisible wall that stops us from going forward. Today look for those you can't stand in your world and ask how many shadows and even other self-concepts you have in this regard. Melt them down to pure light and energy along with all the compensations you have hiding them and bring the light and energy together bringing it into you. This simple integration exercise can move you forward once more. Have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒投射》。我們的投射乃是,我們從這世界 或 是在世界上 , 所看到及所經驗到的一切。正如佛陀說:“我們的心靈,創造了這個世界。”所有這一切顯然是發生在我們的潛意識,但經由知道這個原則 , 給了我們力量能改變我們的心智及改變這個世界。我們所看到的 , 向我們展示了我們的心魔和內在最深的自我概念。這就是為什麼寬恕和選擇去幫助 , 是如此重要 , 因為我們給別人的,就是我們給我們自己的。有個燦爛的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING PROJECTION Posted: 20 Jun 2014 08:05 AM PDT HEALING PROJECTION is the card of the day. Our projection is everything we see and experience from the world or in the world. As the Buddha said, "It is our mind that makes the world." All of this is obviously taking place in our unconscious mind but knowing this principle gives us power to change our mind and change the world. What we see shows us our shadows and our deepest self-concepts. This is why forgiveness and the choice to help are so important because what we give to others we give to ourselves. Have a brilliant day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒害怕改變》。所有的問題都來自於恐懼,所有的恐懼是害怕失落,我執混淆了害怕失落與害怕改變。但是,改變,真正的改變,始終是為了更好。這就是進步。所以今天歡迎改變和改變帶來新的自由。有個美好的日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEAR OF CHANGE Posted: 19 Jun 2014 01:38 PM PDT HEALING THE FEAR OF CHANGE is the card for today. All problems come from fear and all fear is a fear of loss, which the ego confuses with fear of change. But change, true change, is always for the better. It is progress. So today welcome change and the new freedom it brings. Have a great day!!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《重建》。這提到的是恢復了我們已經失落的。古代的禮物和力量正返回給我們。療癒和願景的力量都回來了。愛在成長中 ... 我們的喜樂能力不斷地增加,除非我們正朝著錯誤的方向。有個最美麗的重建日子 ​​ ! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) RESTORATION Posted: 18 Jun 2014 12:15 PM PDT RESTORATION is the card for today. It tells of a return to us of what has been lost. Ancient gifts and power are returning to us. Powers of healing and vision are coming back. And love is growing...Our capacity for joy is increasing unless we are heading in the wrong direction. Have a most beautiful day of RESTORATION!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒苦瓜臉和幸災樂禍的惡性循環》。 一些最成功的關係,仍有這個陷阱。其實它是一種微妙形式的競爭 , 當我們進到更深層次的夥伴關係,它仍然存在。它通常出自補償,我看見一些幾乎沒有競爭的人,仍然在關係中會有 , 但卻完全否認它。 問你自己有多少 ?問問自己,若你的生活或在關係中,若沒這, 會有什麼不同 ? 然後放下它 , 交到天堂的交易所去換些真正會建立你生命的東西。有個最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE VICIOUS CIRCLE OF POUTING AND GLOATING Posted: 17 Jun 2014 08:11 AM PDT HEALING THE VICIOUS CIRCLE OF GLOATING AND POUTING is the card for today. Some of the most successful relationships still have this trap. It is actually a subtle form of competition that is still present as we get to higher stages of partnership. It is typically compensated for and I have seen some of the least competitive people still have this in relationships yet totally denied.  Ask how many you have. Ask how your life and relationship would be different without this. Then let it go or give it to Heaven's Trading Post for something that would really build your life. Have the best day!!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒艱辛生命的故事》。艱苦的生命故事,是個期待它會給我們帶來一些幸福和安全 , 而不斷地在寫的故事。但它是一種補償,以證明我們是好的,而不是有罪的。它所有的都只為了證明我執,是不必要的。我們編寫故事,但老天有個更好的故事給我們。讓我們停止錯誤投資,讓老天有更美好的辦法帶領我們。有個最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE HARD LIFE STORY Posted: 15 Jun 2014 09:19 AM PDT HEALING THE HARD LIFE STORY is the card for today. The hard life story is one that we write chapter after chapter expecting that it will give us some happiness or safety. But it is a compensation to prove we are good and not guilty. What it proves is all for the ego and was unnecessary. We wrote the story but Heaven has a much better story for us. Let us stop investing in a mistake and let Heaven lead us to a better way. Have the best day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《回到中心》。今天是個好日子去練習所有讓你平安的事。當你在中心時 , 所有外邊的就遠離了。所有的光彩和渺小就消失了。剩下的就是那些深刻,會帶你回家的。你越是回到中心 , 更多的內疚及其他的情緒就在純真中消融了。有個甜蜜的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) CENTERING Posted: 14 Jun 2014 09:12 AM PDT CENTERING is the card for today. Today is a good day to practice all the things that bring you peace. As you CENTER all that is peripheral falls away. All the glitter and the litter falls away. What remains is what is profound and what leads you home. The more centered you are the more guilt and other emotions melt away in innocence. Have a sweet day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒自我厭惡》。今天,你認為最糟糕的你,可能會呈現出來或會感覺到自我厭惡。首先,你是不是你認知的自己。你比你想像的還好 ,你是神的小孩 。其餘的都是自我概念,而不是事實 , 這是要你去原諒自己。因為每次你懲罰自己 , 你就是在懲罰每一個愛你的人 ...... 振作起來!這是療癒的美好一天 ...... 有個神奇美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING SELF-LOATHING Posted: 13 Jun 2014 05:46 PM PDT HEALING SELF-LOATHING is the card for today. Today the worst of who you think you are may show up or just the feeling of self-loathing. First of all you are not who you think you are. You are so much better- a Child of God Himself. The rest are self-concepts that you are called to forgive as not the truth. Because every time you punish yourself you punish everyone you love...Buck up! This is a great day for healing... Have an amazing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《顯化》。 顯化就是有意識地 , 運用我們心靈的力量,使我們想要能呈現在這世界上。實際上,我們一直都在顯化 , 而沒意識到。它來自選擇,願望和信念,這些都是種靜態的選擇。今天去意識到這個極大的禮物。去看,去感覺,去意識,去聽到自己 , 已經接受到所想要的 ...... 而被恭賀著 。 然後放下它。宇宙是一個郵購目錄。有個最好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) MANIFESTING Posted: 11 Jun 2014 10:38 AM PDT MANIFESTING is the card for today. MANIFESTING is consciously using the power of our mind to make what we want in the world. Actually we are MANIFESTING all the time but we are unconscious of it. It comes from choices, wishes and beliefs, which are static choices. Today be conscious of this great gift. See, feel, sense and hear yourself being congratulated on receiving what you want...And then let it go. The Universe is a mail order catalogue. Have the best day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒犧牲》。所有一切不開心的 , 都是犧牲的一種形式。這包括失落,疾病,痛苦,貧窮,飢餓甚至死亡。犧牲是種不良的交易。“它付出一切,卻無法領受。它隱藏著攻擊,競爭,優勢和劣勢之間惡性循環的動力。今天有帶著完全給出自己 , 給予大家的恩典來到 ...... 有個 來自 完全給出自己 , 很棒愛和接受的日子 , ! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING SACRIFICE Posted: 10 Jun 2014 12:07 PM PDT HEALING SACRIFICE is the card for today. Almost everything that isn't happy is a form of sacrifice. This includes loss, illness, pain, poverty, starvation and even death. Sacrifice 'gives the store away.' It does all this giving but doesn't receive. It hides dynamics like attack, competition and the vicious circle between superiority and inferiority. Today there is the grace that comes of giving oneself fully to everyone...Have a great day of love and receiving that comes of giving yourself fully!!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒“犧牲是種攻擊。”》。“犧牲是種攻擊。”這是奇蹟課程的一段話。它談到的犧牲的評斷,退縮和競爭。在犧牲中我們從來沒有真正給出自己 ; 它是個角色 , 看起來像是個正確的事情,但其實是對內疚,失敗,不配得和分離的補償。它會導致病態附依與粘連,逃離我們的親密關係,成功和使命。今天我們為正確的理由 , 去做正確的事情,因為我們選擇去做所被召喚的事,且全然給出自己去做。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING "SACRIFICE IS ATTACK." Posted: 06 Jun 2014 11:03 AM PDT HEALING "SACRIFICE IS ATTACK." is the card for today. This is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. It speaks of the judgment, withdrawal and competitiveness of sacrifice. In sacrifice we never really give ourselves fully; it is a role that looks like the right thing but is compensating for guilt, failure, unworthiness and separation. It leads to co-dependency and fusion, running from intimacy, success and our purpose. ..Today we do the right thing for the right reason as we choose to do what we are called to do and we give ourselves in the doing. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《安全》。 它象徵當我們能知道誰與我們同行,覺得我們是被天使看顧以及在上帝的手中眷顧著。有個和平的日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) SAFETY Posted: 05 Jun 2014 10:20 AM PDT SAFETY is the card for today. It signals a time where we can know WHO walks beside us and that we are looked over by angels and in the Hands of God. Have a peaceful day today!!