今天Chuck博士的卡片是《顯化》。 顯化就是有意識地,運用我們心靈的力量,使我們想要能呈現在這世界上。實際上,我們一直都在顯化,而沒意識到。它來自選擇,願望和信念,這些都是種靜態的選擇。今天去意識到這個極大的禮物。去看,去感覺,去意識,去聽到自己,已經接受到所想要的......而被恭賀著。然後放下它。宇宙是一個郵購目錄。有個最好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 11 Jun 2014 10:38 AM PDT
MANIFESTING is the card for today.
MANIFESTING is consciously using the power of our mind to make what we want in
the world. Actually we are MANIFESTING all the time but we are unconscious of
it. It comes from choices, wishes and beliefs, which are static choices. Today
be conscious of this great gift. See, feel, sense and hear yourself being
congratulated on receiving what you want...And then let it go. The Universe is
a mail order catalogue. Have the best day!