今天Chuck博士的卡片是《回到中心》。今天是個好日子去練習所有讓你平安的事。當你在中心時,所有外邊的就遠離了。所有的光彩和渺小就消失了。剩下的就是那些深刻,會帶你回家的。你越是回到中心,更多的內疚及其他的情緒就在純真中消融了。有個甜蜜的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 14 Jun 2014 09:12 AM PDT
CENTERING is the card for today. Today is a
good day to practice all the things that bring you peace. As you CENTER all
that is peripheral falls away. All the glitter and the litter falls away. What
remains is what is profound and what leads you home. The more centered you are
the more guilt and other emotions melt away in innocence. Have a sweet day!