今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒犧牲》。 犧牲就是我們給出或做,但卻沒有接受,但真正的給出總是帶來接受......真正的給出,不是為了奪取或需要而給予。犧牲導致受傷和心碎。選擇給予,你將會改變在犧牲之處,進到連結之處。除此之外,不管你在做或給出什麼,如果你能百分百的給出自己,犧牲就溶解了。讓今天有個美好的改變,讓那看起來是真實的,成為真實。放下你所做的犧牲,因為你害怕往前,邁向下一步...願你有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 21 Aug 2014 06:37 PM PDT
HEALING SACRIFICE is the card for today.
Sacrifice is a place where we give or do but don't receive as true giving
always brings receiving …True giving is not giving to take or to get. That
leads to hurt and heartbreak. Choose to give and you will change a place of
sacrifice into a place of bonding. Also if you give yourself 100% in whatever
you are doing or giving then sacrifice dissolves. Have a good one today of
changing what only looks like is true for what is true. Let go of jobs you have
taken on because you were afraid of stepping forward to the next step…May you
have an amazing day!!