今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒惡魔的心魔》。惡魔的心魔(陰影),談的是我們對自己自我憎恨部分的信念。請問自己有多少,這些魔鬼令人討厭的自我概念。將它們融成一個大惡魔。這些惡魔隱藏了啟動之處。試問誰需要你的幫助......魔鬼的心魔是位於你和那需要你的人之間。記得”誰”與你同行,來穿過魔鬼。惡魔它甚至不是個實體。只是魔鬼3-D投影的全像圖。穿越過它走向那需要你的朋友......很棒的禮物,甚至是重生正在等待著你,而它會真正幫助你的朋友。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 05 Nov 2014 09:07 AM PST
HEALING THE DEVIL (SHADOW) is the card for
today. It speaks of beliefs we have about ourselves that are part of our
self-hatred. Ask how many of these loathsome self-concepts you have of the
devil. Melt them into one big devil. These hide places of initiation. Ask who
needs your help…the devil shadow figure is between you and the one who needs
you. Remember Who walks with you and walk right through the devil. It is not
even solid. It is a hologram-- a 3-D projection of a devil. Walk through it to
your friend who needs you…Great gifts, even a rebirth awaits you and it will
really help your friend. Have an amazing day!!