
目前顯示的是 11月, 2015的文章


在生命中的某些時刻,我們評斷自己的身體和自身,因而有了扭曲的身體形象。現在是時候來療癒,因為它阻擋了我們自愛,成功,性和親密。然而,許多時候,你扭曲了自己的身體形像時,將那些融進你的高層心靈,使它完整。 願擁有個美好的一天!! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING OUR DISTORTED BODY IMAGE is the card for today. At some point or points in life we judged our body and our self and as a result have a distorted body image. Now it is time to heal that as it blocks our self-love, success, sex and intimacy. However, many times you distorted your body image melt those into your higher mind to bring wholeness. Have a beautiful day!! HEALING OUR DISTORTED BODY IMAGE Posted: 28 Nov 2015 04:11 PM PST


惡意乃是對他人邪惡的想法。這些都是我們最隱蔽,且對自己所編寫的一章又一章的劇本的補償。當然,我們希望在他人身上的,也會回到我們自身,這也是我們經歷許多弊病的根源。問自己寫了多少這樣的惡意劇本的故事。問問這些對你的生命有什麼樣的影響。用它們來做什麼呢。如果你不喜歡它,放掉這些,選擇以快樂或療癒的故事來取代它 ... 願有個美好自由的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE MALICE STORY is the card for today. Malice are the thoughts that wish evil on another. They are the most hidden and compensated for of scripts that we author chapter after chapter. Of course, what we wish on another is visited on ourselves so it is the source of many maladies that we experience. Ask how many of these malice stories you are scripting. Ask what effect these have had on your lives. Ask what you are using them for. And if you don't like it let them go and choose to replace them with happy or healing stories…Have a great a freeing day!! HEALING THE MALICE STORY Posted: 27 Nov 2015 02:46 PM PST


這是個重大的療癒過程,清除了無意識的痛苦和修復了對新且更好的道路的願景。它帶來了重生。療癒期盼的失落的方法之一,就是付出給另一個更需要幫助的人。如果你透過你的痛苦去付出給其他的人,它就會療癒你的痛苦,帶來一個新且更好的道路。呼求奇蹟!身為老天的小孩,你配得擁有所有美好的事物,當你真的放下時,放下總是帶來一些更美好的事物。願有一個最令人驚喜的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING HOPES LOST is the card for today. It is a major healing process that clears out unconscious pain and restores vision for a new and better way. It brings a rebirth. One of the way lost hope is healed is to give to another in even more need of help. If you give through your pain to another it heals your level of pain and generates a new and better way. Ask for a miracle!! As a child of Heaven you deserve every good thing and letting go always brings something even better if you really let go. Have a most amazing day!! HEALING HOPES LOST Posted: 26 Nov 2015 03:41 PM PST


這是奇蹟課程中的一段話,這為我們走向完整性和天堂指出了正確的方向。這將帶領我們走在純潔無罪的路徑,到每個人的純潔無罪以及人間天堂的經驗。願有個有力量和美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) RETURN YOUR WHOLE MIND TO GOD is the card for today. It is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES and it is what points us in the right direction toward wholeness and Heaven. This would lead us on a path of innocence to everyone's innocence and an experience of Heaven on earth. Have a powerful and beautiful day!! RETURN YOUR WHOLE MIND TO GOD Posted: 24 Nov 2015 09:11 PM PST


當你認錯時,你的高層心靈就會立即轉化這錯誤。這是很好的一天去發現,你在那裡做錯了,且可以允許它們被修正,以釋放掉已經被困的自己。願你有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ACKNOWLEDGING MISTAKES is the card for today. As soon as you ACKNOWLEDGE A MISTAKE your higher mind goes immediately to transform the mistake. This is a good day of finding where you have been making mistakes and letting them be corrected to free yourself of where you have been trapped. Have a wonderful day!! ACKNOWLEDGING MISTAKES Posted: 22 Nov 2015 02:29 PM PST


意識覺醒談的是新的覺知,使生命有效地啟動且往前躍進。今天是躍進道的河流,並被攜帶往前行的美好的一天。願有個最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) AWAKENING IN CONSCIOUSNESS is the card of the day. It speaks of a new realization that has the effect of an initiation and a jump forward in one's life. It's a good day to leap into the river of the Tao and be carried forward. Have a superlative day!! AWAKENING IN CONSCIOUSNESS 20 Nov 2015


不好的選擇,建立了我們偏離軌道的模式。這會造成自我毀滅。今天是個好日子,回到我們做了不好的選擇之處,再次選擇,邀請愛和恩典,放棄不好的選擇,去選擇真理。願有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING BAD CHOICES is the card for the day. Bad choices set up patterns where we are off the track. This can become self-destructive. Today is a good day to go back to the places we made bad choices and choose again inviting love and grace to let go of our bad choices and choose the truth instead. Have a fine day!! HEALING BAD CHOICES Posted: 19 Nov 2015 11:20 PM PST


  集體小我是一致同意的信念系統導致共有的一致現實。這是大家彼此都共有的受苦的幻象。藉由寬恕和放下依附,角色和自我概念可得療癒。今天是很美好的一天,藉著療癒自己心靈來幫助整個世界。願有個驚人的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE COLLECTIVE EGO is the card for today. The collective ego is the consensual belief system leading to the consensual reality we share. It is the illusions we all suffer and share collectively. It is healed by forgiveness and letting go of attachments, roles and self-concepts. Today is a great day to help the whole world through healing our own mind. Have a stupendous day!! HEALING THE COLLECTIVE EGO Posted: 17 Nov 2015 05:51 PM PST


所有的創傷和痛苦,使我們失去了連結,但我們選擇這些痛苦的事件,一個在潛意識裡主要的原因,就是藉由這我們就可以隱藏起來。一旦我們開始躲藏,就會覺得無法邁向成功或親密。雖然因為補償而隱藏,我們覺得不妥,但它終究使我們卡住了。今天是個很好的時機,讓這些陰謀離去,運用恩典,這是每當我們覺得不夠格時,就都始終供應著的恩典,然後愛這一直在寫這些陰謀的內在小孩,直到這小孩逐漸長大,回歸與我們相融化,帶來更大的信心和完整性。願有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE HIDING CONSPIRACY is the card for today. All traumas and pain are ways in which we lose bonding but one of the main subconscious reasons we choose these painful events is so we can hide. Once we start hiding we feel we can't step up for success or intimacy. We feel inadequate and while we may compensate to hide, it it still keeps us stuck. Today is a great day to let these conspiracies go, use grace which is always offered when we feel inadequate and to love the little child inside who has been writing these conspiracies until it grows up and melts back into us bringing greater confidence and wholeness. Have a wonderful day!! HEALING THE HIDING CONSPIRACY Posted: 16 Nov 2015 07:39 PM PST


個人神話是指利用傳奇,童話故事,或者歷史人物做為一種創傷的補償,因為自己不再覺得可以為自己的人生做些什麼,但卻以為個人神話可以做得到這一點。像所有的補償它會阻止感受與接受的能力,並將痛苦鎖在內心深處。今天你可以邀請自己,將個人的神話以及仍在內心的痛苦整合為一。願有個最美妙的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING PERSONAL MYTHS is the card for today. A personal myth is a legendary, fairy tale or historical character that you used as a compensation over a trauma because you no longer felt that you could do your life but you feel that your personal myth could do it. Like all compensations it blocks your ability to feel and receive and it locks the pain inside. You can ask today that your personal myth be integrated with the pain still inside. Have the most wonderful day!!


《“我只受上主天律的管轄”》 這是奇蹟課程中的一段話,帶著強烈的意圖面對任何的狀況,如果沒有幸福,那就是可以開始逐層地去療癒在這狀況的幻相。今天是個快樂的日子。你只受上主天律的管轄。願有一個美好的日子,讓處處充滿奇蹟! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) "I AM UNDER NO LAWS BUT GOD'S" is the card for the day. It is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES and if it is said with strong intention into any situation that isn't happy it begins to heal the illusions in the situation layer by layer. Today is a happy day. You are under no laws but God's. Let miracles abound and have a great day!! "I AM UNDER NO LAWS BUT GOD'S 14 Nov. 2015


抱怨顯示了我們期待他人來使我們快樂,這是生命中最大的陷阱,也是一切痛苦的根源之一。我們期待他人能夠給我們的,其實是我們都沒給對方或自己的。我們抱怨,總是在我們沒給出他人幫助以及我們無法滿足自己時。抱怨是我們吝嗇的標誌。願有個慷慨和滿足的美好一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING COMPLAINING is the card for today. Complaining shows a place where we expect the other to make us happy, one of the biggest traps in life and the source of all pain. We expect them to give us what we are not giving to them or to ourselves. We always complain when there is something we are not giving that would help them and fulfill ourselves. Complaining is a sign of our own stinginess. have a great day of generosity and fulfillment!! HEALING COMPLAINING Posted: 12 Nov 2015 04:23 PM PST


如果你有犧牲或放縱,你將會有一個惡性循環的其他部分。放縱的罪惡感導致犧牲,犧牲的耗竭導致放縱。今天我們有機會意識到這一點,並放下整個的惡性循環。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE INDULGENT-SACRIFICE CONSPIRACY is the card for today. If you have sacrifice or indulgence you will have the other part in a vicious circle. The guilt of indulgence leads to sacrifice and the burnout of sacrifice leads to indulgence. Today we have an opportunity to become aware of this and let go of the whole vicious circle. Have an amazing day!!! HEALING THE INDULGENT-SACRIFICE CONSPIRACY 11/4/2015


突破反映了我們從一個陷阱裡走出來,從停滯之處往前行。享受你的一天和那讓你往前進的突破。願有個最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) BREAKING THROUGH is the card of the day. It reflects a place where we free ourselves from a trap and move on where we were becalmed. Enjoy your day and the BREAKTHROUGH that moves you forward. Have the best day!! BREAKING THROUGH 11/2/15


連結輕易地帶來愛和成功。所有任何沒有輕易的成功或愛之處,就是受了分離的干擾。終結分離就是終結問題。連結療癒了粘連和其他形式的虛假的愛如犧牲。願今天有個美好的連結! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) BONDING brings love and success with ease so anywhere there isn't ease success or love, separation has interfered with the situation. To end the separation is to end the problem. BONDING heals fusion and other forms of counterfeit love such as sacrifice. Have a fine day of joining today!! BONDING 11/1/15