
個人神話是指利用傳奇,童話故事,或者歷史人物做為一種創傷的補償,因為自己不再覺得可以為自己的人生做些什麼,但卻以為個人神話可以做得到這一點。像所有的補償它會阻止感受與接受的能力,並將痛苦鎖在內心深處。今天你可以邀請自己,將個人的神話以及仍在內心的痛苦整合為一。願有個最美妙的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
HEALING PERSONAL MYTHS is the card for today. A personal myth is a legendary, fairy tale or historical character that you used as a compensation over a trauma because you no longer felt that you could do your life but you feel that your personal myth could do it. Like all compensations it blocks your ability to feel and receive and it locks the pain inside. You can ask today that your personal myth be integrated with the pain still inside. Have the most wonderful day!!



