
惡意乃是對他人邪惡的想法。這些都是我們最隱蔽,且對自己所編寫的一章又一章的劇本的補償。當然,我們希望在他人身上的,也會回到我們自身,這也是我們經歷許多弊病的根源。問自己寫了多少這樣的惡意劇本的故事。問問這些對你的生命有什麼樣的影響。用它們來做什麼呢。如果你不喜歡它,放掉這些,選擇以快樂或療癒的故事來取代它...願有個美好自由的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
HEALING THE MALICE STORY is the card for today. Malice are the thoughts that wish evil on another. They are the most hidden and compensated for of scripts that we author chapter after chapter. Of course, what we wish on another is visited on ourselves so it is the source of many maladies that we experience. Ask how many of these malice stories you are scripting. Ask what effect these have had on your lives. Ask what you are using them for. And if you don't like it let them go and choose to replace them with happy or healing stories…Have a great a freeing day!!

HEALING THE MALICE STORY Posted: 27 Nov 2015 02:46 PM PST



