














德國 奧伊-米特爾貝格


Nightlight Newsletter
June 2016

June is in many ways a continuation of May with all of May’s themes still present in June. It`s as if there are two parallel roads to travel in June but almost no one stays on the same road for the entire month.

There have been those who have been following a healing path going through ever deeper layers of pain and darkness. But if you have been dedicated or have good friends to assist you, the ascendance through the painful dark has been occurring so that you might recover a center lost long ago. You have been in a birth process one of the very hardest you may have faced. To reach the other end of the tunnel will be a relief and really worth all the work.

There are more of these births, which are ascending into darkness to find long lost centers while dredging the deepest parts of your mind for ancient pain that has kept you separate from those around you.

Hopefully you will get used to making these positive soul choices to recover your long lost centers, even though they are such a challenge. You do this in order to recover rare and ancient gifts with new levels of confidence and authority that have long been missing.

You are transcending ancient fears restoring your ability to receive Heaven`s Voice growing within you and you are thus able to hear it more. If you remember to always walk with the angels your way will be lit for you. If you call for Divine Love and Divine Presence, what could be the problem?

No matter how big the ancient traps that occurred when you fell they are easily healed now.

It is Heaven’s Will that you succeed so you are asked to have only the smallest willingness necessary to move yourself forward and the remembrance of Heaven to keep yourself safe.

Beside the healing path the other path is fairly easy. There will be those who bask in the beauty of nature and the fun and friendship that comes of family, work and groups gathering together to enjoy each other. These meetings energize you for your life; they make life “juicy.”

June is split between three possible groupings. The first 20% of people this month will reach new heights, the second 50% will make steady progress and the last 30% will keep to the status quo. Quite a lot of work can get done in the month of June. A few people will complete prodigious amounts of work on the inside and on the outside. This high productivity will include spiritual and healing work also. The happiest people this month will complete an equal amount on both inner and outer planes. It will seem as if the great amount of work that gets done is both easy and second nature to those in the high 20% category.

Reflect on whether you are going the scenic route of beauty and congenial gatherings or the super highway of accomplishment. Then reflect on whether you are in the 20% reaching new heights, the 50% making steady progress or the 30% just coasting along.

If you don`t like where you happen to be at present or if you don’t like where you seem to be going you can choose to change this by asking Heaven for the grace of smooth transformation and easy accomplishment.

The highlight of the month is that you can be filled with love for yourself, God and everyone. Spend as much quiet time connecting with God and this can save you time and energy in every aspect of your life as well as accelerating the growth of joy and your consciousness.

May you be blessed with the great gifts of self-love, friends and God this month.
May your ability to receive answers, abundance and miracles increase this month for that is what Heaven wants to bestow on you.

Nightlight Newsletter
June 2016
Oy-Mittelberg, Germany



