【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒粗魯的覺醒》
THE HEALING OF RUDE AWAKENINGS is the card for today. We have tried to find our own way and it has led to rude awakenings. Today we let Heaven lead the way out of the situation we have gotten ourselves into. Today we give ourselves some quiet time listening for Divine Inspiration to show us the easiest way back to the joy that shows we are following Heaven's plan for us.
Have a most brilliant day!!
THE HEALING OF RUDE AWAKENINGS is the card for today. We have tried to find our own way and it has led to rude awakenings. Today we let Heaven lead the way out of the situation we have gotten ourselves into. Today we give ourselves some quiet time listening for Divine Inspiration to show us the easiest way back to the joy that shows we are following Heaven's plan for us.
Have a most brilliant day!!