
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《聖杯》
今天的卡片是《聖杯》。聖杯是耶穌在最後的晚餐所使用的酒杯,象徵不可能達成之事終究達成了,像是一場不可能完成的夢想。相傳亞瑟王最純潔的圓桌武士加拉哈德, 在國家危難時找到了聖杯。今天,每一個人都可以得到聖杯。不可能的事,在今天都可能達成,讓我們請求天堂的幫助,大膽爭取吧。祝你有個最精彩的一天!
THE GRAIL is the card for today. THE GRAIL is Jesus's chalice at the last supper. It is a symbol of the unattainable that somehow can be attained. It is like the impossible dream. Legend has it that Sir Galahad, purest of all the knights of Arthur's round table, found it when the country was in need. Today THE GRAIL is available to us. Let us ask Heaven's help and go for what is unattainable that is attainable today. Have the most amazing day!!