
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒心碎》 今天的卡片是《療癒心碎》。此時要來清理心碎,以及心碎的故事、陰謀與心魔人物。這一切會設計出權力鬥爭、報復、控制、憎恨、自我憎恨、罪惡感、恐懼、需要被關注、受害、獨立、犧牲,以及不配得的議題、故事、陰謀與心魔。心碎是場鬥爭,是背水一戰、最後的嘗試,試圖用情緒勒索來滿足需要。心碎是一種報復。心碎讓我們在生命中退縮,讓我們陷在支配與屈服的惡性循環裡。我們因此對自己關上心門。我們退縮了,拋棄了一部分的自己。今天,有著恩典,可以呈現出,我們只是害怕閃閃發光,沒有信心對夥伴或狀況踏出下一步而已。這樣,我們就會產生造成自我挫敗的自我概念,並渴望報復。現在,我們可以把自己的心找回來,走上正確感知的道路:對每個人都有責任,卻不懷著痛苦。祝你有個精彩展開的一天! HEALING HEARTBREAK is the card for today. This is a time to clear heartbreaks, Heartbreak Stories, Heartbreak Conspiracies, and heartbroken shadow figures. All of these program power struggle, revenge, control, hatred, self-hatred, guilt, fear, neediness, victim, independent, sacrifice and unworthiness issues, stories, conspiracies and shadows. Heartbreaks are a fight, a last ditch attempt to get needs met through emotional blackmail. They are a form of revenge. They have us withdraw from life and catch us up in a vicious circle of domination and submission. As a result we close doors on ourselves. We withdraw and throw parts of ourselv...