
目前顯示的是 2月, 2017的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒心碎》 今天的卡片是《療癒心碎》。此時要來清理心碎,以及心碎的故事、陰謀與心魔人物。這一切會設計出權力鬥爭、報復、控制、憎恨、自我憎恨、罪惡感、恐懼、需要被關注、受害、獨立、犧牲,以及不配得的議題、故事、陰謀與心魔。心碎是場鬥爭,是背水一戰、最後的嘗試,試圖用情緒勒索來滿足需要。心碎是一種報復。心碎讓我們在生命中退縮,讓我們陷在支配與屈服的惡性循環裡。我們因此對自己關上心門。我們退縮了,拋棄了一部分的自己。今天,有著恩典,可以呈現出,我們只是害怕閃閃發光,沒有信心對夥伴或狀況踏出下一步而已。這樣,我們就會產生造成自我挫敗的自我概念,並渴望報復。現在,我們可以把自己的心找回來,走上正確感知的道路:對每個人都有責任,卻不懷著痛苦。祝你有個精彩展開的一天! HEALING HEARTBREAK is the card for today. This is a time to clear heartbreaks, Heartbreak Stories, Heartbreak Conspiracies, and heartbroken shadow figures. All of these program power struggle, revenge, control, hatred, self-hatred, guilt, fear, neediness, victim, independent, sacrifice and unworthiness issues, stories, conspiracies and shadows. Heartbreaks are a fight, a last ditch attempt to get needs met through emotional blackmail. They are a form of revenge. They have us withdraw from life and catch us up in a vicious circle of domination and submission. As a result we close doors on ourselves. We withdraw and throw parts of ourselv...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《外星人E.T.(原型)》 今天的卡片是《外星人E.T.(原型)》。這是會助人、友善的外星人ET.,數千年來造訪地球,努力約束黑暗的外星人,觀察我們的意識成長。他們大多都默默地藏在幕後,做出正面介入。今天,你也許會與你的正向原型有接觸,或是過往對於這類接觸的記憶浮現上來,又或者因為某種重要原因,很罕見地遇見一位助人的E.T.,加速提升你的意識。祝你有個幸運的一天,也有個幸運的一晚! THE E.T.(ARCHETYPE) is the card for today. This is the friendly, and helpful E.T. that have visited the planet for millenniums trying to keep the dark e.t.s in check and monitoring our growth in consciousness. They most mostly stay behind the scenes in their approach and they make positive interventions behind the scene. Today you may have a close encounter with your positive archetype and maybe even have old memories surfacing of such encounters or maybe even much more rarely run into one of the helpful E.T.S for some important reason accelerating your consciousness…Have a lucky day and a lucky night!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們正在製造世界的心靈》 今天的卡片是《療癒我們正在製造世界的心靈》。我們的希望、怨懟、欲望製造出了世界。我們評斷、分裂自己的一部分,並投射出去。我們看見的,是我們對自己的想法。世界反映出我們的自我概念,我們可以用寬恕來拂拭這面明鏡。更好的辦法是,療癒我們夢出世界之處,好讓我們先把夢變成是幸福快樂的夢,然後再覺醒過來。祝你有個奇妙的一天! HEALING OUR MIND WHERE WE ARE MAKING THE WORLD is the card for today. Our wishes, grievances and desires make the world. We judge, split off a part of ourselves and project it out. We see what we think of ourselves. The world mirrors our self-concepts and we can clean the mirror with forgiveness but even better is to heal where we are dreaming the world so we can first make it a happy dream and then awaken. Have a wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《奉獻》 今天的卡片是《奉獻》。這是對人或計劃的貢獻與承諾。奉獻會在給出中深化愛,延展你的心。奉獻會產生順流,你會感覺到最棒的自己。奉獻是領袖力的一種形式,會贏回奉獻。奉獻會賦予價值,並收集自我價值。今天,你可以藉著處在今天的順流裡,再多點奉獻。選擇奉獻,就會消除所有的犧牲,產生更大的連結。祝你有個最美麗的一天! DEVOTION is the card for today. It is dedication and commitment toward a person or a project. DEVOTION deepens love in the giving and expands the heart. It generates flow and has you feel like your best self. It is a form of leadership that wins DEVOTION back. DEVOTION gives value and gathers in self-value…Today you can increase your DEVOTION by being in the flow of the day. The choice for DEVOTION banishes all sacrifice and leads to greater bonding. Have a most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒舊傷》 今天的卡片是《療癒舊傷》。意思是,於今天浮現的一切麻煩不幸,其實都可以追溯到一份舊傷。如果你知道,有多少這樣的舊傷設定了你,而你療癒了舊傷後,生活又可以少掉多少壓力與負面性,那你就會覺得自己挖到金礦了。今天,靠著天堂的幫助,放掉一切對過往的執著,不管它是正面還是負面。並且感覺生活新領地的自由與順流。祝你有個美好又有力的一天! HEALING OLD WOUNDS is the card for today. That means that anything that surfaces today that is untoward actually has a direct route to an old wound. If you realized how much these old wounds program you and how much less stress and negativity there would be in your life if you healed this old wound you would feel like you were being given a gold mine. Today with Heaven's help relinquish any attachment to the past whether negative or positive and feel the freedom and flow that comes of new territory in your life. Have a beautiful, powerful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《譚崔》 今天的卡片是《譚崔》。這股能量能幫你穿越你的發脾氣,讓你在性的結合層次進入到成長的道路上,最終則是超越身體,進入靈性國度。譚崔可以開啟深刻又有啟發性的狂喜。今天,祝你有個美麗又幸福的一天! TANTRA is the card of the day. This energy helps you get over your tantrums and moves you into a level of sexual joining that becomes a path of growth. It ultimately moves beyond the body into the realm of the spiritual. It can open up ecstasy that is both profound and inspiring. Today have a day of beauty and happiness!!


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《真理》 今天的卡片是《真理》。真理化解幻相,在有黑暗的地方恢復光。真理會穿透混淆、懷疑、恐懼,帶來新層次的連結、自由、真實。真理呈現的是返回天鄉之路。祝你有個美好的一天! TRUTH is the card for the day. TRUTH dissolves illusion and restores the light where there was darkness. It cuts through confusion, doubt and fear bringing new levels of bonding, freedom and authenticity. TRUTH shows the way Home. Have a wondrous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒被佔據的陰謀》 今天的卡片是《療癒被佔據的陰謀》。這個特別的案例,指的是被黑暗存在所佔據,黑暗存在則是隱喻我們古老的小我。黑暗存在會呈現在我們的倔強固執與不願放下的執著依附裡。在這樣的案例中,說魔鬼逼我這麼做,此言不虛。但說我與我的小我共同謀劃這件事,則是比較現代的講法。我們選擇當小我的人質,但今天我們可以選擇當迎接天堂的東道主。這樣子被困住,並非老天對我們的旨意;非老天旨意之事,根本不存在。幻相之所以逼真,是因為我們有對幻相投注心力。今天,讓我們選擇正確的認知,以及老天的愛,來釋放我們,擺脫古老小我的束縛。祝你有場美好的誕生! HEALING THE POSSESSION CONSPIRACY is the card for today. In this particular case it refers to being possessed by dark entities, which are metaphors for our ancient ego. They show in our stubbornness and attachments that we won't let go of. To say the devil made me do it is actually true in this case but to say I was complicit with my ego would be a more modern way to say it. We choose to be hostage to the ego but today we can choose to be host to Heaven. Because being stuck like this is not God's Will for us and what is not God's Will doesn't really exist. Illusions seem to exist because we invest in them. Today let us choose for right perception and God's Love to free us from...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒「攻擊絕非個別事件」》 今天的卡片是《療癒「攻擊絕非個別事件」》。這句話是奇蹟課程的一個概念,非常睿智。我們的憤怒、攻擊、評斷、怨懟會造成自我攻擊,也會攻擊我們愛的人,以及相關人等。小我的基礎正是攻擊與自我攻擊。今天,留意你讓自己被攻擊的地方,以及你製造攻擊的地方。小我不甘心自己只是幻相世界裡的一個幻相,所以企圖取得自己的正當性。祝你今天有個美好的一天,掙脫小我的束縛,讓世界充滿美善! HEALING 'ATTACK IS NEVER DISCRETE" is the card for today. It is a concept from A COURSE IN MIRACLES and it is very astute. Our anger, attack, judgment and grievances lead to self-attack as well as attack on those we love and everyone for that matter. The ego's very foundation is attack and self-attack. Today notice where you have attack come at you and where you make attack. Let all of it go as the ego's attempt to validate itself and make itself more than an illusion in a world of illusions. Have a wonderful day as you free yourself from the constrictions of the ego and let beauty and kindness abound!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《拋開所學》 今天的卡片是《拋開所學》。此為正向卡,象徵要釋放黑暗經驗與小我概念。兩者皆以痛苦為基礎,旨在將我們囚於有限之境。準備見到更為真實的道路吧,這條路成全的是你,不是你的小我。我們若完全捨下這個世界,就會認識到自己完全的天真無罪與神聖,一如造物主最初的設計。於是我們就會體驗到人間的天堂。祝你有個美不勝收的一天! UNLEARNING is the card for today. This is a positive card that signifies the release of dark lessons and ego concepts built on pain and meant to sustain our imprisonment in limitations. Prepare to see a truer way that supports you and not your ego. When we totally unlearn this world we know our total innocence and holiness as God created us. We then experience Heaven on earth. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《基督聖容》 今天的卡片是《基督聖容》。基督聖容象徵極大的療癒與老天的恩典,因為祂渴望把任性的孩子帶回家園。這代表你已受到全然的寬恕,並且能夠全然地去寬恕,再次體驗到伊甸樂園。祝你有個因天真無罪而美麗的一天! THE FACE OF CHRIST is the card for today. It signifies great healing and the grace of God because he desires to bring his wayward children home. This shows that you have been totally forgiven and can totally forgive experiencing the Garden once more. Have the beautiful day that comes of innocence!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《大鴻運》 今天的卡片是《大鴻運》。這張卡說的是這樣的一天:我們因為調正對準了天堂的旨意,一切都順心如意。大鴻運是天堂為我們準備的計畫,今天我們要對大鴻運說YES!我們要敞開自己,接受老天要給我們的一切。祂想要我們全然地幸福快樂。小我對我們應得之物則持有不同意見。讓我們放下小我的意圖,領受幸福快樂,因為幸福快樂才是我們真實的意願。 祝你有個最精采的一天! GREAT GOOD FORTUNE is the card for today. It speaks of a day in which everything is going our way because we are in alignment with Heaven's Will. GREAT GOOD FORTUNE is Heaven's plan for us and we are saying YES to it today. Let us open ourselves to all that God wants to give to us. He wants to give us total happiness. Let us give up our ego's will which has another idea of what we deserve and receive it because it is our true will. Have the most amazing day!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《真理追尋者原型》 今天的卡片是《真理追尋者原型》。真理追尋者不會為任何事停下腳步,一直到他有了平安與自由為止。平安與自由代表他找到了真理。真理追尋者會修復連結,釋放痛苦。今天,讓我們全力擁抱心靈這一層面……祝你有個美麗的一天! THE SEEKER OF TRUTH ARCHETYPE is the card for today. The seeker doesn't allow anything to stop him until he reaches the peace and freedom that says he has reached truth. Today let us endeavor to embrace this aspect of our mind for the bonding it restores and the pain it releases...Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒輕蔑》 今天的卡片是《療癒輕蔑》。輕蔑含有評斷、優越感、貶低。輕蔑是試圖犧牲別人,讓自己感覺良好。這不利於我們的幸福快樂。幸福快樂來自給出幫助,而非評斷;來自平等而非競爭、想要贏。分享是豐盛與愛的關鍵。今天,為了大家的互惠互利,我們要放下傲慢,反過來與身旁的人連結。祝你有個美麗的一天! HEALING CONTEMPT is the card for today. Contempt contains judgment, superiority and disparagement. It is an attempt to make ourselves feel better at another's expense. This works against our happiness which comes of helping instead of judging and equality rather than competition and attempting to win. Sharing is the key to abundance and love. Today let us let go of our arrogance and instead connect with those around us for everyone's mutual benefit. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒索取》 今天的卡片是《療癒索取》。所謂索取,是指小我試圖從外在得到什麼,而不是擁有內心的幸福快樂。你可以判斷自己何時出現索取的意圖:雖然你會否認自己有索取,但受傷與心碎不外乎是索取後的下場。今天要放下一切索取,尤其是要放下明著給出、暗地裡卻在要;並且要清理多數舊有的心碎。祝你找回你的心,有個美好的一天! HEALING TAKING is the card for today. Taking is an ego attempt to get something outside of us instead of having our happiness coming from inside us. You can tell when an attempt at taking has gone on because hurt and heartbreak were always an effect of it in spite of protestations to the contrary. Today let go of all taking especially giving to surreptitiously take and clear up many old heartbreaks. Have a great day of getting your heart back!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒死亡陰謀》 今天的卡片是《療癒死亡陰謀》。死亡陰謀是跟小我的合約;我們除了死路一條,眼前似乎無路可走,但這只是小我的宣傳手法而已。其實活路到處都有。這裡就有一條,引用自奇蹟課程:「老天沒有創造死亡,祂也沒有創造恐懼,因為祂是愛,祂是生命。」把老天放在你的心裡,所有幻相就會消失不見。祝你有個很棒的一天! HEALING THE DEATH CONSPIRACY is the card of the day. The death conspiracy is an ego contract in which we are caught in a death direction and it seems there is no way out of it but that is only ego propaganda. There are actually many ways out. Here is one; a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES: "God did not make death and He did not make fear because He is Love and He is life." Keep God in your mind and all the illusions fade away. Have a great day!!


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《療癒關係陰謀》 今天的卡片是《療癒關係陰謀》。關係陰謀是指,我們用關係與其中衝突,不讓自己進步、活出使命。今天,只要你好找,解決方案就好找。來自天堂的恩典與奇蹟是很充足的。愛與夥伴關係的新願景是看得到的……全力以赴吧,祝你有個最棒的一天! HEALING THE RELATIONSHIP CONSPIRACY is the card for the day. The relationship conspiracy is where we use our relationship and its conflicts to keep us from stepping forward and living our purpose. Today resolutions are available if you are. Grace and miracles from Heaven abound. A new vision of love and partnership is available...Go for it and have the best of all possible days!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒未受教之處》 今天的卡片是《療癒未受教之處》。內在未受教化的部分會造成無知,而無知又會引發惡行。今天,讓我們祈求接受教誨,輕易學會必學課題。讓真理成為我們的指引……祝你有個富有啟發的一天! HEALING THE UNEDUCATED is the card for today. What is uneducated in us leads to ignorance and ignorance can lead to evil acts. Today let us ask to be educated and learn the lessons easily that are necessary to be learned. Let truth be our guide...Have an illuminating day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒倔強固執》 今天的卡片是《療癒倔強固執》。倔強固執是我們最大、最長期問題裡的核心。倔強固執代表我們的小我正在為它的生存而戰,而我們害怕改變、害怕前進。然而,我們只須記得誰與我們同行,如果我們信任、臣服,過程就會很輕易。是時候選擇奇蹟與帶來奇蹟的光了,別再選擇小我與釘十字架的刑罰。除非我們用情緒來療癒,否則所有的情緒都只是小我期望打造它自己、穩固防禦工事而已。然而,小我是幻相……願你有個正見心境的一天,這樣,就能解除小我,在你的心靈出現更多的天堂! HEALING STUBBORNNESS is the card for today. Stubbornness is at the heart of all of our biggest and most chronic problems. Stubbornness shows our ego is fighting for its life and we are afraid to change and go forward. Yet, we only need remember Who walks with us and it can be easy if we trust and surrender. It is time to choose a miracle and the light it brings instead of the ego and its crucifixion. All our emotions unless used for healing are the ego's desire to build itself and cement its fortification but the ego is an illusion...May you have a day of right-mindedness so the ego dissolves and there is more Heaven in your mind!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《狂喜》 今天的卡片是《狂喜》。狂喜ECSTASY,來自拉丁文,意思是從自己裡頭突顯出來。這代表要超越我們打造出來、讓我們依附世界的心智與小我。我們超越了世界,佇立於自由中純粹的喜悅,與無盡的愛。今天要來超越用痛苦打造的住所,以及實為小我的分裂,找到已等候多時的狂喜。祝你有個美麗的一天! ECSTASY is the card for today. It comes from the Latin meaning to stand out from yourself. This means to go beyond the mind and the ego that we have built that keeps us attached to the world. We stand beyond that in the sheer joy of freedom and boundless love. Today is a day to go beyond the house built of pain and separation that is the ego and find the ECSTASY that awaits us. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《用真相來療癒》 今天的卡片是《用真相來療癒》。真相會讓我們走出幻相,脫離幻相擁護的黑暗與痛苦,走進釋放我們的光裡。今天,無論是什麼讓你祈求真相,穿越一切障礙,直達你值得的愛。祝你有個受祝福、美麗的一天! HEALING THROUGH TRUTH is the card for today. The truth sets us free of illusions moving us out of darkness and the pain that illusions hold and into the light that frees us. Ask for the truth today to be moved through whatever holds you back from all the love you deserve. Have a blessed and beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒否認病痛陰謀》 今天的卡片是《療癒否認病痛陰謀》。這是你呈現自己最好的一面,好像你已經療癒了某件事,但其實沒有,這件事又冒上來阻礙你了。陰謀是用來逃避你的使命的。在這個例子中,使命就是療癒,以及你對生活承諾要完成的貢獻。過個大大療癒的一天吧,願你所有的新生都是輕易的,這樣你就可以拉升到生活新層次! HEALING THE FLIGHT INTO HEALTH CONSPIRACY is the card for today. The flight into health conspiracy is where you look your best as if you have healed something but you haven't really and it comes up to stop you. A conspiracy is used to avoid your purpose and in this case it is healing and whatever you promised to accomplish as your contribution to life. Have a major day of healing and may all of your births be easy ones so you may rise up to a new level in your life!!


PoV 願景心理學 Chuck 博士每月一信 2017-02 翻譯 廖予銘 我們在 2017 年度預言有提到,今年是要成為新生的一年。意思是,在某個時刻,我們要從自認安全舒適的地方,走到看似充滿危險之處。然而,新一層次出現時,你會更有自主能力,有更多的自由。這裡的關鍵是,不要守著舊有的防衛,而是信任展開的過程。生命這個階段,也許會是關於因果業力的生命課題;你在進入這一世前,為了轉化自己,你已設定好課題。我們會這樣設定,正是為了放下先前打造出來的小我防衛。課題的開始,可能是你還是孩子、有了害怕的時候。不過,這項課題也幾乎都是代代相傳,或是來自另一世。看起來像是你被攻擊了,你也可能真的被攻擊了。然而,如果在現在出現課題,這課題總是為了你療癒與成為完整的最佳利益著想的。 拒絕責怪、評斷、與外在力量鬥爭的誘惑。這樣會傷到你自己,拖累新生的過程,增強你的防衛。要有一場可行的新生,重要的是,要信任那帶出原始痛苦的展開過程。首先,就是要抗拒攻擊自己和別人的誘惑。有業力的狀況,已經帶有夠多的攻擊能量了,恐懼、罪惡感、受害的能量早就形成了對狀況的怨懟。潛意識顯示,我們把自己偷偷對自己和別人做的事,怪罪到別人頭上。 你本來就是要將你所有對別人的控制與自我控制,都轉成新的信心的。你受召要走出有壓迫的外殼,感受新的一天。有少數人會在一天內穿越一場新生、療癒,然後在第二天、或幾天後,又面臨到下一個層次。如果你信任過程,沒有受到誘惑去對抗,那過程就會快很多。如果你記得老天,呼求聖靈的幫助,這過程就能以最輕易的方式完成。一整天持續這樣做,晚上則感激有這份幫助。 有些才華禮物是你注定要擁抱的,你不用把狀況變成是一場指責活動,你是可以帶來一場新生的。會把狀況搞成指責活動,代表你沒有認出你助長事件的潛意識與靈魂模式。你沒有負起責任、沒有當責。你的小我想要捍衛它自己。你的小我想要你受更多傷、更自以為義、更不幸。你的高層心靈想要你站出來,在新的層次上閃閃發光。一場成功的新生過程,給出與寬恕是很自然的一部分。過去與古老的原始傷口造成了評斷、傷害、仇恨,而繼續評斷、傷害、仇恨,只是在加深傷口而已。如果你的轉化是在離開一種受壓迫的狀態,你可能是之前一直在偷偷壓迫別人,為小我打造安全環境。你會想把每道狀況都當成跳板,跳到新的層次,而不是當成障礙;是否可以這樣,...


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《寶劍二》 今天的卡片是《寶劍二》。這說的是在危險中的平衡,也代表正義。這代表事情正在展開,目前處在平穩狀態,下個層次將會往更真實的方向展開。今天,放鬆、喘一口氣,作為過渡期,接下來即將開始的真正新生,為你的生活翻開新的篇章,你會更為投入。寶劍二是兩個真理的平衡,全然結合時會帶來完整。你若經驗到心碎,你就知道你的方向錯了。享受這一天。承諾真理,感覺真理帶來的自由。今天適合把事情完成……過個最精彩的一天吧! THE 2 OF SWORDS is the card for today. It speaks of balance in a perilous situation and it speaks of justice. This means that things are unfolding and have now reached a plateau before the next level begins to unfold in a truer direction. Today relax and catch your breath as the transition to the actual birth is about to begin that will bring you to a new and more committed chapter in your life. THE 2 OF SWORDS is a balance of 2 truths that when fully brought together bring wholeness. If you move in the wrong direction you will know it by the heartbreak you experience. Enjoy the day. Commit to the truth and feel the freedom that brings. Today is a good day to get things done... Have a most amazing day!!