
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒心碎》
HEALING HEARTBREAK is the card for today. This is a time to clear heartbreaks, Heartbreak Stories, Heartbreak Conspiracies, and heartbroken shadow figures. All of these program power struggle, revenge, control, hatred, self-hatred, guilt, fear, neediness, victim, independent, sacrifice and unworthiness issues, stories, conspiracies and shadows. Heartbreaks are a fight, a last ditch attempt to get needs met through emotional blackmail. They are a form of revenge. They have us withdraw from life and catch us up in a vicious circle of domination and submission. As a result we close doors on ourselves. We withdraw and throw parts of ourselves away. Today grace is there to show that we were just afraid to shine and to trust enough to go to the next step with our partner or situation. This gave us self-defeating self-concepts and a desire for revenge. Now we can get our heart back and get path on the path of right perception which has total responsibility and no pain for anyone. Have a brilliantly unfolding day!!