
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《大鴻運》

今天的卡片是《大鴻運》。這張卡說的是這樣的一天:我們因為調正對準了天堂的旨意,一切都順心如意。大鴻運是天堂為我們準備的計畫,今天我們要對大鴻運說YES!我們要敞開自己,接受老天要給我們的一切。祂想要我們全然地幸福快樂。小我對我們應得之物則持有不同意見。讓我們放下小我的意圖,領受幸福快樂,因為幸福快樂才是我們真實的意願。 祝你有個最精采的一天!

GREAT GOOD FORTUNE is the card for today. It speaks of a day in which everything is going our way because we are in alignment with Heaven's Will. GREAT GOOD FORTUNE is Heaven's plan for us and we are saying YES to it today. Let us open ourselves to all that God wants to give to us. He wants to give us total happiness. Let us give up our ego's will which has another idea of what we deserve and receive it because it is our true will. Have the most amazing day!



