
目前顯示的是 3月, 2017的文章


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《療癒恐懼陰謀》 今天的卡片是《療癒恐懼陰謀》。這是個陰險的陰謀,讓我們僵住,無法得到隨手可得的恩典。領受天堂賜予的恩典與療癒,有助於讓我們看見,我們害怕的不外乎是個幻相。今天,領受療癒吧,因為療癒就是要給我們的。在我們有恐懼陰謀的地方,讓自己擁有愛。祝你有個美麗的一天! HEALING THE FEAR CONSPIRACY is the card of the day. This is an insidious conspiracy that keeps us frozen and unavailable for the grace that is all around us. In receiving the grace and the healing offered by Heaven it helps us to see that what we were afraid of was all an illusion. Today receive the healing as it is being given. Allow yourself to have love in the place of your fear conspiracies. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒消極》 今天的卡片是《療癒消極》。消極是失去了心,失去了與神聖靈性的連結,也失去了與自身靈性的連結。要重拾你靈性與神聖靈性的感覺,只要憶起你是誰、誰是老天即可。這份記憶會讓你漸漸重新拾起一份感覺:一切都很美好,所有的發生都有最好的安排,因為世界就是我們靈魂前進的學習課程,一切事物都是課題,有些課題則是我們要放下自己的計畫。與天堂的連結會提升你的靈性,讓你準備好跨出前進的下一步。祝你有個最棒的一天,充滿奇蹟! HEALING DISPIRITEDNESS is the card for today. To be dispirited is to lose heart and the connection with Spirit as well as your own spirit. To regain your sense of your spirit and Spirit is simply remembrance of who you are and Who God is. This remembrance gradually rebuilds your sense that all is good and that everything happens for the best because this world is our curriculum for soul advancement and all of these things are lessons some in letting go of our plans. The connection with Heaven will lift your spirits and get you ready for the next step which advances you forward. Have the best possible day full of miracles.!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒壞法術》 今天的卡片是《療癒壞法術》。人們有時會找上超自然的黑暗能量,而沒有選擇光;而療癒壞法術,就是在清理這股黑暗能量。因為我們從天堂墮落時,都會背離光,所以我們全都會有一些古老小我需要清理。我們只是犯了個錯,不代表我們得要繼續錯下去。神聖的愛一直都在我們身邊。今天,將我們所有的需要都交給天堂,放下我們潛藏的叛逆,歡迎神聖的愛不斷給出的幫助。祝你有個最受啟發的一天! HEALING BAD JU-JU is the card of the day. This is a clearing of the dark supernatural energy that people turn to instead of the light. Since we all turned away from the light as we fell from Heaven we all have a bit to clear up of our ancient ego. Just because we made a mistake once doesn't mean we need to keep making it. Today let us turn to Heaven for all our needs, give up our hidden rebelliousness and welcome the help that is always given from the Love that always surrounds us. Have a most enlightening day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《上主天音》 今天的卡片是《上主天音》。這會讓心靈有新的開端,能聽見來自老天的指引與答案,認識到更好的道路。如果我們允許自己聽見、認出訊息,其實傳遞上主天音的媒介俯拾即是。今天,不管訊息是來自內在還是外在,都對這類訊息保持敞開,並且欣然地接受指引、看見道路。祝你有個最平安美妙的一天! THE VOICE FOR GOD is the card of the day. This provides a new opening in the mind to hear the guidance and answers from God to show a better way. THE VOICE FOR GOD can come through many mediums if we allow ourselves to hear and recognize the message. Be open today to these kinds of messages whether from within or without and be glad to be guided and shown the way. Have the most peaceful, wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒舊傷》 今天的卡片是《療癒舊傷》。這顯示了生活中絆住你的東西,因為每道問題背後都有尚未療癒的傷口、怨懟。這是很大的開展。我們會為了證實自己的故事,把舊傷留住。我們拿這故事當作藉口,用來維持正負向的自我概念,對我們的自我施加界線。今天,祝你有個很棒的療癒日,有個新的開始! HEALING OLD WOUNDS is the card for today. It is a great unfolding in that it shows what has been holding you back in your life as there is no problem without an unhealed wound or grievance. We keep old wounds to support our story that we use as an excuse and as a support for certain self-concepts both positive and negative that impose boundaries on our self. Today have a great healing day and a new beginning!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《這真的是我想看的嗎?》 今天的卡片是《這真的是我想看的嗎?》,這句話也是引用自奇蹟課程。你可以看著任何一件不幸的事,然後問自己這個問題。你一直問自己這個問題,答案就會從你的表意識心靈裡浮現。表意識心靈有著你的選擇與力量,可以顛覆你潛意識與無意識心靈的負面性。你不斷問自己這個問題,視線就能穿透層層幻相,甚至是穿越這世界夢境的錯覺,穿透這讓你看不見天堂的障礙。祝你有個最美好的一天! "IS THIS WHAT I WOULD SEE?" is the card for today and also a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. You can look on anything untoward and ask yourself this question. The answer will be from your conscious mind your place of choice and power that can derail the negativity of your subconscious and unconscious mind especially as you ask yourself this question again and again. It cuts through levels of illusion and even the delusions of this dream world that blocks our view of Heaven as you keep asking yourself this question. Have a most fine day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《老闆》 今天的卡片是《老闆》。這是原型人物,由我們或周遭的人演示出來,有著正向的影響。老闆充滿著自然而然的權威。祝你有個強而有力的一天! THE BOSS is the card of the day. It is an archetype and has a positive effect either acted out by us or by someone around us. It is full of natural authority. Have a good strong day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《我不是眼前世界的受害者》 今天的卡片是《我不是眼前世界的受害者》,這句話是引用自奇蹟課程。覺得自己是受害者,就是在否認我們小我的潛意識與無意識心靈。潛意識與無意識心靈為求小我的受益,計畫了這些事情。小我的受益主要是分裂,不過這裡頭還有其他許多小我可以獲益的地方。我們正在編寫自己的生命故事。我們是這故事的作家、導演、製片、明星、以及所有配角(隱藏起來的自我概念)。我們只有負起生命的責任,才有可能改變我們的生命。負起責任,就會讓偉大的轉化──寬恕──變得輕易。寬恕會帶來真理,以及對老天的記憶。祝你有個美麗的一天! "I AM NOT THE VICTIM OF THE WORLD I SEE." is the card for today and a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. To think we are a victim is to deny our ego's subconscious and unconscious mind, which plans these things for ego payoffs mostly to separate but with many other payoffs for the ego. We are writing the stories of our lives. We are the writer, director, producer, the star and all of the supporting actors( buried self-concepts). We can only change our lives through taking responsibility for them and by doing so it makes forgiveness, the great transformer, easy. From forgiveness comes truth and the remembrance of God. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《獎勵》 今天的卡片是《獎勵》。過去你一直在栽種,如今你可以收穫了。現在,你可以得到你值得得到的東西,而且根據天堂的說法,你值得得到一切美好的事物。天堂才有指揮你的權威,小我沒有。因此,今天就讓這甜美幸福的獎勵來臨吧!祝你有個最美好的一天! REWARD is the card for today. What you have been sowing now you can reap. What you deserve now you can have and according to Heaven you deserve all good things. And Heaven is the authority on you not your ego. So allow the sweet and happy REWARDS to come to you today. Have a most fine day!!


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《療癒角色》 今天的卡片是《療癒角色》。角色會造成死寂,因為我們是照本宣科行動,而非出於真實的舉動。角色無法領受,因此會走到精疲力竭。角色完成得了事情,但我們自己卻沒有給出,因此裡頭也沒有領受。角色是用錯誤的理由來做正確的事情 ── 為了證實我們自己都沒有相信的事,並且補償罪惡感、失敗感、不配得感。要療癒角色,你只要選擇給出就好,不要為應該做而做。你對某人、某事的承諾,會療癒你原本失去連結、開始靠角色而活的錯誤。祝你有個奇妙的一天,卸下角色,重拾為生活帶來輕易的連結,得著真理與自由! HEALING ROLES is the card for today. Roles cause deadness because we are acting from recipe rather than from authenticity. A role doesn't receive so it leads to burnout. It does things but there is no giving of ourselves so there is no receiving. Roles do the right thing for the wrong reason-- to prove what we don't really believe and to compensate for feelings of guilt, failure and unworthiness. You can HEAL A ROLE by simply choosing to give rather than doing it because you are supposed to. Your commitment to someone or something heals the original mistake in which you lost bonding and began living by roles. Have a wondrous day of truth and freedom as you divest yourselves of roles for regaining...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒祖先問題》 今天的卡片是《療癒祖先問題》。我們有這麼多的問題,由父母與祖父母傳承下來,再傳到我們跟孩子身上。我們只有在留意時,才會看見這些問題……今天,我們看見問題、轉化問題,為整個家族帶來益處。想像你回到心靈裡,撤回你對任何祖先問題所投注的心力。將這些問題放到心靈裡頭寬恕的祭壇上。不消一會兒,寬恕就會開始用真理調解陷阱的幻相,化解陷阱。祝你有個最美麗的一天! HEALING ANCESTRAL PROBLEMS is the card for today. So many of our problems are ones passed to our parents and grandparents and then passed on to us and our children. Only if we pay attention to them do we see them... Today is a day in which we could see and transform them to the benefit of the whole family. Imagine that you are pulling back into your mind any ancestral problem you see. Put them on the altar of your mind next to forgiveness. They will be only a moment like this before forgiveness begins to reconcile the illusion of the trap with truth dissolving the trap. Have a most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《由願心啟動》 今天的卡片是《由願心啟動》。這願心是就算你內在啥也不剩,只剩天堂,你也要做正確的事。這願心是你的靈性,因為你已清理掉足夠多的自我概念與小我的殘骸,於是你可以靠著願心來做你在做的事。祝你有個很棒的一天! FIRED BY WILL is the card for today. It is the will of doing the right thing even when you have nothing left inside but Heaven and the will that is your spirit because you have cleared away enough of the self-concepts and other debris of the ego to be FIRED BY YOUR WILL in what you do. Have a great day!!


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《基督面容》 今天的卡片是《基督面容》。這代表世界已被寬恕,天真無罪回來了。這代表人間天堂已成為真相。這是開始在每個人、每件事上看見基督面容。這是小我的終結、分裂世界的結束。一體與深刻的愛已回到人間。祝你有個充滿快樂釋放的一天,眼光超越世界的幻相! THE FACE OF CHRIST is the card for today. It means that the world has been forgiven and innocence has returned. It means that Heaven on earth is becoming a reality for you. This is the beginning of seeing THE FACE OF CHRIST on everyone and in everything. It is the end of the ego and the dissolution of the world of separation. Union and profound love have returned to the earth. Have a day full of happy release and seeing beyond the illusions of the world.


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒幻想》 今天的卡片是《療癒幻想》。幻想被小我拿來作為一種執著依附,小我藉著這份執著,阻礙了前進的過程。幻想是在補償需要,而需要其實障礙了領受。你幻想得越多,你就越難擁有真實的東西。如果你已擁有了真實的東西,幻想則會從中作梗,你會偏向物化它,而非享受、領受。今天,要放下幻想,恢復領受的能力。分裂心靈暗藏了解離獨立的心態,我們寧可保持某種自我概念,也不要擁有我們表面想要的東西。而放下幻想,就是療癒這個分裂心靈。祝你這一天有著滿滿的釋放與領受! HEALING FANTASY is the card for today. Fantasy is used like an attachment for the ego in that it stops forward progress. It is compensation for a need that actually blocks receiving. The more you fantasize the more you can't have the real thing and if you have the real thing, the fantasy is in the way and you tend to objectify rather than enjoy and receive. Today is a day to let go of fantasies and be able to receive. To let go of fantasy is to to heal the split mind that hides the dissociated independence inside which would rather keep a certain self-concept than have the thing we ostensibly want. Have a great day of release and receiving!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《正向否定》 今天的卡片是《正向否定》。正向否定,是在否定負面性會對我們有任何影響。這是一份療癒的才華禮物。這份否定不會讓我們因天真而盲目,這不是小我的否認。這份否定有著心靈的力量,知道我們只受上主天律的管轄。祝你過個有力量、有療癒的一天! POSITIVE DENIAL is the card for today. It is a healing gift that denies that negativity has any kind of effect on us. It is not the denial of the ego that leads us to be blind-sided because we were naive. It is the power of the mind to know that we are under no laws but God's. Have a powerful, healing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒祖先問題》 今天的卡片是《療癒祖先問題》。我們的祖先問題是小我用來阻礙我們的頭號無意識陷阱。任何祖先有的恐懼、罪惡感、負面模式,跟他們的才華禮物和天賦一樣,都會傳給我們。我們繼承了祖先的因果業力。但我發現,心靈深處,我們都承諾過,要將我們的祖先由這一連串的幻相中釋放出來。否則,我們會承載著同樣的問題或模式。就算我們有在補償這些問題,這些問題仍然影響著我們。今天,我們可以認出從家族傳遞而來的問題,並且與神聖的愛、神聖臨在、還有我們自己的愛同行,一代代釋放,直到我們穿越過問題開始的地方。祝你有個最美麗、最釋放的一天! HEALING ANCESTRAL PROBLEMS is the card of the day. Our ancestral problems are the # 1 unconscious trap the ego attempts to stop us with. Any fear, guilt or negative pattern our ancestors had is passed down to us as are their gifts and talents. We inherit their karma but I have found deep in the mind where we promised to free our ancestors from their chains of illusions. Otherwise we carry the same problems or patterns and even if we compensate for these problems they still affect us. Today we can acknowledge the problem passed through the family and walk with Divine Love and divine Presence as well as our love freeing each generation until we are well past where it began. Have the most beautiful and fr...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒目標衝突》 今天的卡片是《療癒目標衝突》。我們有目標衝突,所以一直完成不了表意識裡的表面目標。或者,目標衝突讓表面目標變得很難達成。目標衝突代表辛苦工作、困難。今天,我們可以請求所有潛在的目標衝突,都整合到我們的真實目標裡,讓我們可以快速輕易地來完成真實目標。祝你有個精彩的一天! HEALING CONFLICTING GOALS is the card for today. Our conflicting goals keep us from getting to our conscious, ostensible goal or it makes it really hard to achieve that goal. Conflicting goals mean hard work and difficulties. Today we can ask that all of those hidden, conflicting goals be integrated into our true goal so it can be accomplished quickly and easily. Have a brilliant day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒需要壓迫》 今天的卡片是《療癒需要壓迫》。我們不讓自己知道自己有這個模式,但其實在關係裡很常見,影響遍及世界各地、各階層人士。我們帶著這個潛意識、無意識、集體無意識的模式,這樣我們就可以躲在受害-犧牲模式下,偷偷地獨立、解離、分裂。今天,恩典會揭開我們在進行這個模式的地方,賜給我們奇蹟,讓我們超越古老模式,不再侷限、奴役自己。祝你有個奇蹟的一天! HEALING THE NEED FOR OPPRESSION is the card for today. This is a pattern we hide from ourselves but is actually quite common as shown in and by relationships but it can affect whole countries and classes of people. We carry these subconscious, unconscious and collective patterns so that we can hide and be secretly independent dissociated and separate underneath the victim-sacrifice pattern. Today grace reveals where we are doing this and also gives us the miracle to transcend this ancient pattern that has kept us enslaved and limited. Have a miraculous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒高傲》 今天的卡片是《療癒高傲》。這是說我們自以為高人一等、用居高臨下的語氣對人說話。這樣的優越感是一種優越-自卑、贏-輸、臣服-支配的惡性循環……如果你有這其中一個層面,那你其實全部都有。你陷在競爭之中,作了你小我的人質。今天,選擇當招待天堂的主人,帶來平等、互惠、分享,因為這樣子每一個人會贏,豐盛會增長茁壯。祝你有個美麗的一天,充滿愛、豐盛、分享! HEALING OUR CONDESCENSION is the card for today. This is where we consider ourselves better than others and talk down to them. This superiority and ascendancy over others is a vicious circle of superiority-inferiority, winning and losing and domination-submission...If you have one of these aspects you have them all and are caught in competition as a hostage to your ego. Today choose instead to be a host to Heaven and bring equality, mutuality and sharing because in this way everyone wins and abundance grows. Have a beautiful day of love, abundance and sharing!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒壞法術》 今天的卡片是《療癒壞法術》。壞法術是詛咒、黑魔法、惡鬼、冥界的黑暗能量,以最負面的方式來影響我們。通常這股黑暗能量是來自無意識心靈,因此就算是我們自己幹的,我們也是會不知情。今天的恩典是既燦爛又猛烈的。領受恩典,並將恩典用在良好用途上,清理我們古老小我的黑暗。祝你有個美麗又光彩的一天! HEALING BAD JU-JU is the card for today. Bad Ju-Ju is the dark energy of curses, black magic, malicious ghosts and the astral which can affect us in the most negative way. Usually this dark energy is from the unconscious mind and so remains hidden from us even if we are the ones perpetrating it. Today grace is both resplendent and rampant. Receive and put it to good use to clean up the darkness of our ancient ego. Have a day of beauty and splendor!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《連結》 連結才是真理,其餘一切都是犧牲、獨立與受害。如果這三種角色有出現其中一個的話,那麼我們其實三種角色都有,我們利用了某件事,當作藉口,打破連結,保持獨立、分裂、控制。我們就是這樣打造出小我、利用事件責怪他人的。連結會療癒我們,給每個人帶來輕易、真理、真實、夥伴關係、天真無罪。連結療癒困難與匱乏,帶來成功與愛。連結會幫助我們的高層意識成長,其他一切都是評斷,分裂我們,讓我們自以為是,卻又感到罪疚,因而責怪他人。連結會平衡我們的陽剛面與陰柔面,帶來新層次的平等與互惠。祝你有美好的一天,充滿夥伴關係與順流! BONDING is the truth. Everything else is sacrifice, independence and the victim. If there is any one of these three roles then we have all three of them and we used an event as an excuse to break BONDING and keep independence, separation and control. This is how we built our ego and used events to blame others. Bonding is heal us bringing ease, truth, authenticity, partnership and innocence for everyone. Bonding heals difficulty and scarcity bringing success and love. Bonding helps us grow in higher consciousness anything else is the judgment that separates us and acts with righteousness but feels guilty and blames others as a result. BONDING balances our masculine and feminine sides and brings new levels of...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《譚崔的性》 今天的卡片是《譚崔的性》。這份性已超越了追求愉悅,或是使用某種技巧。這是天真無罪的回應和美妙,尋找伴侶結合,一起找到天堂的階梯。始於身體,超越身體,找到神秘的結合之處,帶來超越身體的存在狂喜。今天,只要是你在關係裡的性,如果你願意向前跨一大步,就會帶來存在狂喜。放下所有的罪惡感、羞恥、心碎、復仇、攻擊、自我攻擊、戀父戀母陰謀、你用性來滿足需要、你的憤世嫉俗、怨苦,最後,你對性的偶像,以及尤其是跟身體息息相關的其他偶像。這樣可以讓性敞開到美妙之境,作為再次有愛的方法。祝你有個美麗、超越的一天! TANTRIC SEX is the card for today. This sex that has gone beyond the seeking of pleasure or even following certain techniques. It is a response of innocence and wonder that seeks to join a partner and together find the stairway to Heaven. It begins with the body and transcends them to find a place of mystical joining bring the ecstatic joy of being beyond the body. Wherever you are in your relationship to sex today it can if you are willing take a giant step forward. Let go of all guilt, shame, heartbreak, revenge, attack and self-attack, your Oedipal conspiracies, your using sex to get needs met, your cynicism and bitterness and finally your idols of sex and any other idols it was tied to especially the idol...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《命運之輪(向上)》 今天的卡片是《命運之輪(向上)》。事情正開始好轉。藉著敞開領受一切賜給你的恩惠,好好利用這一天,以及這一天的向上移動。對屬於你的好事說Yes!祝你有個精彩愉快的一天! THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE ( GOING UP) is the card for today. Things are starting to look up. Take advantage of the day and it's movement upward by opening to receive all the bounty waiting for you. Say YES! to the good things possible for you. Have a brilliant and delightful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒舊傷》 今天的卡片是《療癒舊傷》。舊傷口如果不療癒,就會變成新傷口。今天適合來清理你從過去累積的垃圾,因為累積起來的話會產生壓力。就算你有在補償,把傷口遮掩起來,傷口還是在你內淌血。今天,承諾盡可能療癒你來自過去的一切,不再障礙著當下的幸福與豐盛。祝你有個自由美好的一天! HEALING OLD WOUNDS is the card for today. Old wounds if not healed turn into new wounds. Today is a good day to clean out the junk you have saved from the past as it generates stress. Even if you have compensated and covered wounds over they are still bleeding away inside you. Commit to healing everything you can from the past today so that it doesn't block present happiness and abundance. Have a wonderful day of freedom!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒惡夢故事》 今天的卡片是《療癒惡夢故事》。惡夢故事是恐怖的故事。這裡的關鍵是要記得,我們在無意識層次的某處編出了這篇故事,有天堂的幫助,我們就可以停止編故事了。說到底,這絕望是個幻相。我們可以想起老天與我們同行,幻相後頭是仁慈無害的實相。想起來的話,我們就能療癒這個幻相。在這樣的情形裡,幻相後頭的是一扇古老的門,可以超越世界、抵達天堂,我們最終全都要穿越那扇門,來抵達人間天堂,然後再到天堂。 這裡還有一套穿越絕望的方法:問問誰的需要比你還更迫切,然後就像你願意穿越情緒火焰去幫助對方一樣,去穿越你的絕望,好幫助到對方。這樣就會走向新生,如果絕望再次出現,那就代表還有另一位需要你的幫助。同樣,穿越絕望感去拯救對方。這樣會走向復興重生。在穿越你心智憑空捏造的恐怖、走入實相、看見老天旨意的路上,記得老天與你同行,再多前進一點點。過個最有力量的一天,領受老天給你的愛! HEALING THE NIGHTMARE STORY is the card for today. The Nightmare Story is a Horror Story and it is crucial to remember that we wrote the story at some unconscious level and with Heaven's help we can stop writing it. Ultimately it is an illusion of despair and we can heal this by remembering that God walks with us and beyond the illusion is reality and it is benign. Also in such cases behind the illusion is the ancient door that goes beyond the world to Heaven and we will all eventually go through that door to Heaven on earth and then to Heaven. Another way through despair is ...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒暗中破壞》 今天的卡片是《療癒暗中破壞》。暗中破壞最常見的形式,是我們偷偷希望事情出差錯。我們把成功跟犧牲搞混了,而且無法想像駱駝的背上還要再多那麼一根稻草,所以光是想著要前進到更大成功,我們就吃不消了。雖然這看起來像是別人幹的、是某件事導致的,但這其實是我們所希望的。暗中破壞的所有形式都來自罪惡感與自我攻擊。今天,放掉評斷與犧牲,我們就可以放下暗中破壞。暗中破壞不是處理問題的正確方式。祝你有個最多釋放的一天! HEALING SABOTAGE is the card for today. The most common form of sabotage is when we secretly want it to go wrong because we can't stand the thought of going forward to more success because we have confused sacrifice with success and can't imagine being in any more sabotage. While it looks like it was someone or something else it was actually our wish. All forms of sabotage are from guilt and self-attack. Today by giving up judgment and sacrifice we can let go of sabotage, a mistaken way of dealing with another problem. Have a most freeing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒妄見之心》 今天的卡片是《療癒妄見之心》。每當我們沒有感覺到幸福快樂時,我們的心靈就有了妄見,但這是可以修正的。我們可以為自己的經驗負起全部責任,將這份經驗交到天堂手裡;我們也可以寬恕。我們經驗到的煩惱或缺乏喜悅,來自某種怨懟,終究會追溯到自我評斷和對老天的攻擊。寬恕會帶來平安與真實的感知。選擇療癒,擺脫鬥爭與自我衝突吧……祝你今天有個很棒的療癒! HEALING WRONG-MINDEDNESS is the card for today. Anytime we are not feeling happy we are wrong minded and this could be corrected through taking full responsibility for our experience and turning it over to Heaven or through forgiveness. The upset or lack of joy we are experiencing comes from some grievance that ultimately comes back to a self-judgment and attack on God. Forgiveness brings peace and true perception. Go for the healing and get out of the fight and self-conflict…Have a great healing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒心碎》 今天的卡片是《療癒心碎》。雖然這講的是破碎的夢,但潛意識裡卻透露出,不管我們是處在關係中、事業階段、還是生命循環,我們因為害怕面對不了下一步,於是採納了小我的計畫。這是對自己、對夥伴、對過程、對老天失去信心。我們以為自己做不來,於是訴諸控制的終極手段 ── 心碎。今天,我們可以放下自己的心碎,信任自己、夥伴、正在開展的過程,以及老天。復原你的心,過個美麗的一天! HEALING HEARTBREAK is the card for today. It speaks of a shattered dream but the subconscious reveals it as an ego plan used by us out of a fear of not being able to handle the next step in whatever relationship, career stage or life cycle we might be in. It is a loss of faith in ourselves, our partner, the process and with God. We think we can't do it ourselves so we go for the ultimate control of a heartbreak. Today we can let go of our heartbreaks and trust ourselves, our partner, the unfolding that is occurring and with God. Have a beautiful day as you recover your heart!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《嬉戲》 今天的卡片是《嬉戲》。這說的是生命中恢復更新的喜悅,一場復活新生即將來臨。這是預兆,是你釋放一切罪失與罪咎之念後的結果。我們會透過基督眼光來看待自己。基督眼光,象徵了上主之子、也就是所有人類,連同世界,都得到寬恕。今天要來手舞足蹈,享受歡樂時光!將來會再出現更多的療癒,但現在是為生活的喜悅雀躍的時候。祝你有個精彩的一天! FROLICKING is the card for today. It speaks of the joy of renewal and the coming of a renaissance in your life. This is a harbinger of what is to come when all thoughts of sin and guilt have been released so we see ourselves through the eyes of Christ, the symbol that the Son of God, which is all humanity, is forgiven along with the world. Today is a good day to kick up your heels! More is coming up for healing but now is time to gambol about in the joy of life. Have an amazing day!