
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒心碎》
今天的卡片是《療癒心碎》。雖然這講的是破碎的夢,但潛意識裡卻透露出,不管我們是處在關係中、事業階段、還是生命循環,我們因為害怕面對不了下一步,於是採納了小我的計畫。這是對自己、對夥伴、對過程、對老天失去信心。我們以為自己做不來,於是訴諸控制的終極手段 ── 心碎。今天,我們可以放下自己的心碎,信任自己、夥伴、正在開展的過程,以及老天。復原你的心,過個美麗的一天!
HEALING HEARTBREAK is the card for today. It speaks of a shattered dream but the subconscious reveals it as an ego plan used by us out of a fear of not being able to handle the next step in whatever relationship, career stage or life cycle we might be in. It is a loss of faith in ourselves, our partner, the process and with God. We think we can't do it ourselves so we go for the ultimate control of a heartbreak. Today we can let go of our heartbreaks and trust ourselves, our partner, the unfolding that is occurring and with God. Have a beautiful day as you recover your heart!!
HEALING HEARTBREAK is the card for today. It speaks of a shattered dream but the subconscious reveals it as an ego plan used by us out of a fear of not being able to handle the next step in whatever relationship, career stage or life cycle we might be in. It is a loss of faith in ourselves, our partner, the process and with God. We think we can't do it ourselves so we go for the ultimate control of a heartbreak. Today we can let go of our heartbreaks and trust ourselves, our partner, the unfolding that is occurring and with God. Have a beautiful day as you recover your heart!!