
目前顯示的是 6月, 2017的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《不設防》 今天的卡片是《不設防》。不設防不會像防衛那樣招來攻擊。不設防,因為是敞開的,所以是安全的。不設防,不會招來敵對情緒,而是會邀請連結。只有小我會因為自己的貪婪、自我攻擊、投射出去的攻擊,而想要捍衛自己。而解藥就在於不設防。擁抱不設防,過個敞開、無憂無慮的一天吧! DEFENSELESSNESS is the card for today. DEFENSELESSNESS does not invite attack like defenses do. DEFENSELESSNESS is a place of safety because of its openness. It invites connection rather than aggression. Only the ego wants to defend itself because of its own because of its own rapaciousness, self-attack and attack projected out. DEFENSELESSNESS is the antidote for that. Have an open and carefree day as you embrace DEFENSELESSNESS!!

PoV願景心理學 Chuck博士每月一信 2017-07

PoV願景心理學 Chuck博士每月一信 2017-07 七月看來可以有著強大的生產力。然而另一方面,七月也瀰漫著一股懶散的氛圍,人們只想要放鬆、玩樂、過得快活就好。如果這兩股能量能平衡,這個月就會是一個爽快宜人的月份。如果是走到極端的話,你可能會因在社會生活上錯失良機,而自我攻擊;或因你給出自己要做的事沒有進展,而有罪惡感。 如果你有花時間感受自己的欣賞感謝,或是反思一切該感恩的事,尤其是你生命中的人,以及你生活周遭呈現出來的美好,那麼這個月份就會充滿豐富的情感。 七月本來就是為成功而來的。七月可以來得既輕易又順利。這個月可以有創造力和發現。讓答案在你平安的時候臨到你吧。你無需追逐答案。只需邀請答案前來。放下你的壓力。答案就在那兒。更好的出路會自己出現的。新的想法會為你帶來冒險和更好的出路。 不要在這麼努力要達成目標的同時,又偷偷地把目標推開。要有平安和領受。在你說話的同時,改變就正在發生。而能有更多豐盛、帶來更好人生的方式,就是改變。如果你將一切都看成是為了你的最佳利益而發生的,那麼也許那件事一開始對你的計劃來講是干擾、損失,但不管怎樣,有了這份信任,就會讓一切都有最好的結果。信任過程。這個過程是為了你的最佳利益,但不一定是為了你小我的最佳利益。 你的靈魂沒那麼在意你是否有個美好的一天。你的靈魂想要你信守承諾,學會你承諾過要學習的事,療癒你承諾過要療癒的事。你若依賴了不能再支持到你的人事物,你的依賴性就會讓一段真實的關係變成是你的阻礙。你的夥伴是你的入口通道,不是假神。這樣的緊抓不放會帶來失落,而失落又會帶來憂鬱。反之,放下才會帶來新生。對失落緊抓不放,又會造成無意義。無意義代表有些小我的意義不再有意義了。最好問問天堂,「我的意義是什麼?」這樣做就會支持到你,給你你所需要的一切。浮現上來的字詞會帶來意義與恩典。你還可以一直問這個問題,一直到無意義感完全消失為止。 大體上來講,七月原是順利的月份,偶爾會有一些顛簸而已。這個月出現的平安會幫你加滿油,讓你重新開始。為了你自己好,就讓這個月成為這個樣子吧。就算你個人沒有時時刻刻都介入,照樣會有生產力的出現。花園不需要你幫忙就會成長茁壯的。 如果你正在面對的是長期問題,那通常是古老小我的黑暗餵養出來的。痛苦、身體上的問題、打哈欠,都是這件事的徵兆。你可以直接問這句奇蹟課程的話:「神創造了這...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《信心》 今天的卡片是《信心》。有了信心,就沒有問題,就只是會有些事情要去處理而已。當你認出天堂與你同在時,還會有什麼問題呢?今天,在你內領受天堂的信心之道,祝你有個大大享受的一天! CONFIDENCE is the card for today. With CONFIDENCE there is no problem just something to handle. When you recognize that Heaven is with you, what could be the problem? Today receive the Tao of Heaven's CONFIDENCE in you and have a great and enjoyable day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《涅槃》 今天的卡片是《涅槃》。涅槃是人間天堂的狂喜體驗。在這裡,我們會享受到老天與一的體驗。回鄉之路上給我們充電恢復的美妙體驗,在今天是呼之欲出的。祝你有個快樂不羈的一天! NIRVANA is the card for today. NIRVANA is the ecstatic experience of paradise. Here we enjoy the experience of God and Oneness. The veil is very thin today to this wonderful experience that restores and refuels us for the journey home. Have a wildly happy day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《潛心投入》 今天的卡片是《潛心投入》。潛心投入會帶來成功與靈感,靈感是來自你如此完整地給出你自己。奇妙的是,潛心投入會帶來輕易,並且會讓你能與別人密切合作,或是讓自己能密切配合你正在進行的計畫。潛心投入會讓你敞開領受,因為你的注意力就不會再放在自己身上,而是專注在身邊的人事物上。這樣就會解開之前無路可走、含糊費解之處。給出即是領受,潛心投入則是對身旁的工作、關係給出自己。祝你有個精彩美妙的一天! APPLYING ONESELF is the card for today. APPLYING ONESELF leads to success and the inspiration that comes of giving yourself this fully. It paradoxically brings ease and aligns you with others or the project you are working on. It opens you to receiving because it takes your attention off yourself and focuses it on who or what is at hand. This opens what was closed or obscure before. Giving is receiving and APPLYING ONESELF gives yourself to any task or relationship at hand. Have a brilliant and beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《成功》 今天的卡片是《成功》。成功是我們生來就有的權利,是我們的天賦產權。我們沒有成功的時候,我們就是在躲起來。有事情出了差錯,由潛意識來看,是我們正在犯下這個錯誤。今天,我們受召要把自己調正對準自然的流,成為我們來要成為的人。祝你這天充滿成功,過個美好的一天! SUCCESS is the card of the day. SUCCESS is our birthright and our heritage. When we are not SUCCESSFUL we are hiding. Something has gone wrong and subconsciously it shows we are making the mistake. Today we are called to get ourselves in alignment with this natural flow and be who we came to be. Have wonderful day full of SUCCESS!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《聖杯四》 今天的卡片是《聖杯四》。這說的是愛與喜悅的新基礎。你可以藉著分享愛與喜悅給身旁的人,成為打造愛與喜悅的人。今天,盡情地愛、喜悅與分享吧! THE 4 OF CUPS is the card for today. It speaks of a new foundation of love and joy. Here you can become one who builds love and joy by sharing it with those around you. Today have a blast with love and joy and sharing!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒持續掙扎與情緒衝突》 今天的卡片是《療癒持續掙扎與情緒衝突》。這通常是在重播童年模式,而童年模式又起源自還在子宮內的時候。在無意識中,這則是從祖先模式與前世模式開始的。不只是這樣,你還是在害怕逃脫、害怕你的偉大與使命。今天,要記得,你是一位和平締造者,並且打開這份天賦才華,祈求天堂淨化、升級這份禮物,放下對肥皂劇與戲劇化的需要。祝你有個美妙超然的一天! HEALING CONSTANT STRUGGLE AND EMOTIONAL CONFLICT is the card for today. This is typically a replay of childhood patterns which would have had their origin in the womb. In the unconscious it would have had it's beginning in ancestral and past life patterns. But even more than this is the fear of escape, the fear of your greatness and purpose. Today remember you are a peacemaker and open this gift asking Heaven to purify and supersize it giving up any need for soap opera and drama. Have a beautiful and transcendent day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒強迫》 今天的卡片是《療癒強迫》。在這個地方,我們強迫別人、強迫自己去做我們不願意做、抗拒去做的事。我們利用別人強迫自己關上心門,不向前進。強迫是一種索取的形式,會製造出分裂心靈,以及心靈對生命的抗拒。今天,我們可以療癒這個模式,贏回連結與信心,帶來邀請與允許。祝你有個最甜美柔軟的一天! THE HEALING OF FORCING is the card for today. This is where we force others and ourselves to do what we are reluctant or resistant to. We use others to force ourselves as a way to close doors and not move forward. Forcing is a form of taking that sets up a split mind and its own resistance to life. Today we can heal this pattern and win back the bonding and confidence that invites and allows. Have a most sweet and tender day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒害怕親密》 今天的卡片是《療癒害怕親密》。害怕親密,就是害怕會失去一些東西,像是失去控制、事情不再照我們的方式、失去獨立。親密是愛,是連結,是柔軟,是回應力。我們真正想要的一切,都會與親密一同出現……今天,放掉你對親密的恐懼,換來充滿療癒的美麗人生故事吧。祝你有個精彩的一天! HEALING THE FEAR OF INTIMACY is the card for today. Fear of intimacy is the fear of loss of such things as control, having things our way and being independent. Intimacy is love, bonding, tenderness and responsiveness .Everything we really want will come with intimacy…Today relinquish your fear of intimacy for a beautiful life story filled with healing. Have an amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒心不在焉》 今天的卡片是《療癒心不在焉》。今天,可以把焦點、重要的事放在心上,而不是飄到神遊狀態,讓我們的想法散漫、不安。清楚明確、銘記於心是今天的重點。祝你有個幸福、清醒的一天! HEALING ABSENTMINDEDNESS is the card for today. Today is a day where focus and what is important can be kept in mind rather than us drifting into fugue states and being scattered and uncollected in our thinking. Clarity and remembrance are the order of the day. Have a happy and clear day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《回到中心》 今天的卡片是《回到中心》。不管今天有什麼事,你都可以祈求將你帶回到你的中心。如果還有需要,就祈求將你帶到更高更深的中心裡,直到你到達深刻的平安為止。有任何壓力、煩惱時,回到中心是很棒的處理方法……祝你有個平安幸福的一天! CENTERING is the card for today. Whatever is up today you can ask to be carried back to your center and if more is needed ask to be carried to higher and deeper centers until you reach profound peace. CENTERING is a good tool to have whenever there is stress or upset of any kind...Have a happy and peaceful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒要求》 今天的卡片是《療癒要求》。要求裡頭,既有需要,又有「別人得要照顧我的需要」的信念,以及「他應該要為我的幸福快樂負責」的信念。對於滿足自己的需要,我們其實是有矛盾心理的。我們想要需要被滿足,又害怕會失去自己的獨立。因此,我們既想要自己的需要被滿足,又不想要需要被滿足……我們既會有要求,要求需要要被滿足,又會積累抗拒,避免需要被滿足……今天,為了成功,認出你有什麼要求。要求會以你的憤怒、挫折、失望來呈現出來。並且要放掉這些情緒和要求,因為這是不真的,這裡頭沒有誠信正直。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING DEMANDS is the card for today. Demands are a combination of needs, the belief that other people need to take care of them for us and that they are responsible for our happiness. We have ambivalence about wanting our needs met. We want them met and we are afraid we would lose our independence. So we want our needs met and don't want them met…We demand and have built in resistance to having them met…Today for success recognize where you have demands as demonstrated by your anger, frustration and disappointment and let these emotions and your demands go as untrue and without integrity. Have a great and beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們控制自己之處》 今天的卡片是《療癒我們控制自己之處》。當我們害怕不能信任自己時,我們就會控制自己。今天,要信任自己;無論是在哪個地方,我們沒有全然信任自己,都讓天堂來主事。如此一來,我們就可以放心了,因為我們把事情交給了有本事的「大」能手……祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING WHERE WE ARE CONTROLLING OURSELVES is the card for today. We control ourselves when we are afraid we can't trust ourselves. Today is a day to trust ourselves and to let Heaven be in charge of whatever area we don't fully trust ourselves. In this way we can relax because we are in good Hands…Have a wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒危險》 今天的卡片是《療癒危險》。危險或許來自許許多多的原因,但總會有一個很好的解決辦法:記得,無論你走到哪裡,老天都牽著你的手,與你同行,祝福你,保護你。困擾你、困擾祂任何一位孩子的一切,絕非祂的旨意。在祂的大手裡安歇,就可以沒有問題的……祝你有個蒙福、平安的一天! HEALING DANGER is the card for today. Danger may come about through many reasons but there is one good solution. Remember the Hand of God goes with you wherever you go blessing and protecting you. It is not His Will that anything assail you or any of his children. Rest in His Hands and there can be no problem…Have a blessed and peaceful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒自我膨脹》 今天的卡片是《療癒自我膨脹》。我們會膨脹自己,都是在補償自己很渺小的感覺。我們困在膨風與漏氣的惡性循環裡。今天,我們可以超越自我膨脹,到身為老天孩子的偉大。祝你有個美好又崇高的一天! HEALING SELF-AGGRANDISEMENT is the card of the day. When we puff ourselves up it is always to compensate for feeling small. We are caught in an inflation-deflation vicious circle. Today we can move beyond self-aggrandizement for our grandeur as a child of God. Have beautiful and majestic day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒蠢事》 今天的卡片是《療癒蠢事》。這一天,我們可以來修正過去所犯的傻事,或是即將要犯的傻事,進而解除自我挫敗的模式……過個幸福快樂的一天吧! HEALING FOLLY is the card for today. It is a day to correct silly mistakes we made in the past or are about to make thus removing self-defeating patterns…Have a happy day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《願景》 今天的卡片是《願景》。願景是高層的意識狀態,我們在願景中會大大地給出自己,到對創造力敞開的地步,將正向未來帶進當下。願景是種臣服,為更大的良善所用。為了要協助提升人類,有份才華禮物會透過你流淌出來;今天,讓愛把你打開,接受這份才華禮物吧。這是你心智與心的擴張。猶如火箭脫離了第一截,以便獲取更流暢、更高層的視野。祝你這天有個精彩的提升! VISION is the card for today. VISION is a higher state of consciousness in which we give ourselves so much we open to the creative force that brings a positive future into the present. VISION is a surrendering to be used for the greater good. Today let your love open you to the gift that wants to pour through you to help lift up humanity. It is an expansion of your mind and your heart. It is letting go of one stage of the rocket for a more streamlined and higher perspective. Have an amazing, uplifting day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒苦命的人(心魔)》 今天的卡片是《療癒苦命的人(心魔)》。有些自我概念是出於生命裡最糟糕的經驗,如今仍然設定了我們的人生。我們是有機會療癒這些自我概念的。這是絕佳的機會,可以轉化這些潛意識與無意識的模式,為我們的人生帶來更多更多的幸福快樂、健康、安康。過個最有超越提升的一天吧! HEALING THE WRETCH (SHADOW) is the card for today. We have the opportunity to heal self-concepts that came about during some of the worst experiences of our lives and that still program our life. This is an excellent opportunity to transform these subconscious and unconscious patterns and bring a lot more happiness, health and well-being to our lives. Have a most transcendent day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒長期匱乏》 今天的卡片是《療癒長期匱乏》。長期匱乏來自恐懼與罪惡感。這是害怕擁有、害怕改變。長期匱乏也來自過往的罪惡感,罪惡感說你不值得得到些什麼。這只是小我害怕改變、害怕失去小我它自己的一部分而已。今天是顛覆遊戲規則的一天。放下你對小我的愚忠,天堂就會給你需要的奇蹟,讓你擁有你想要的豐盛,以及天堂想要給你的豐盛。你已來到了奇蹟的一天。好好利用這天,過個最棒的一天吧! HEALING DROUGHT is the card for today. Drought comes from fear and guilt. It is the fear of having and the fear of change. It also comes from the guilt in the past that says you don't deserve something. This is just the ego afraid to change and lose part of itself. Today is a game-changer. Give up your allegiance to your ego and Heaven will provide the miracles you need to have the abundance you want and that Heaven wants for you. You have come to a miraculous day. Take advantage of it and have the best day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《公主》 今天的卡片是《公主》。是時候展現你內在的公主了,因為她有她的美麗、同理心、回應力,在任何王國裡,這都是一個王國的精神核心。公主天生就是恩典的管道,將恩典帶給眾人,她會啟發出愛與敞開的心。今天,盡情享受這份愛與美麗吧! THE PRINCESS is the card for today. It is time to bring out your inner PRINCESS as she is the heart of any kingdom with her beauty, compassion and responsiveness. THE PRINCESS is a natural channel of grace for the people and she inspires love and an open heart. Enjoy the love and beauty possible today!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們對神的攻擊》 今天的卡片是《療癒我們對神的攻擊》。神想要給我們一切,包括天堂;然而,我們想要的是特殊性、分裂。因此,我們相信了自己能夠與一分離;也因此,我們極度受苦。今天,我們放下了自己對神的攻擊,就可以讓神愛我們。對任何人的攻擊,也是對神的攻擊。今天,我們可以放下這一切,因為這只是小我的幻相。過個燦爛華麗的一天吧! HEALING OUR ATTACK ON GOD is the card for today. God wants to give us everything including Heaven but we wanted to be special and separate. And so we believe we were able to separate from Oneness and have suffered terribly as a result. Today we can let God love us as we give up our attack on Him. Any attack on anyone is an attack on God also. Today we can let that all go as the ego illusion it is. Have a resplendent day of magnificence!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《改變》 今天的卡片是《改變》。改變會把我們帶到更好的地方去。儘管大多數的人都害怕改變,但改變是所有問題底下的動力。改變會帶領我們經歷新生的過程,去到更好的地方。今天,讓我們歡迎改變,在新層次上有個輕易的新生與歡慶吧。祝你有個美好的一天! CHANGE is the card for today. It brings us to a better place though most people are afraid of change and it is the underlying dynamic of all problems. Change takes us through a birth process to a better place. Today let us welcome CHANGE, have and easy birth and revel in the new level. Have a fine day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒消費主義》 今天的卡片是《療癒消費主義》。我們用消費主義來壓抑痛苦和憂鬱,然而這只是把痛苦埋起來而已,痛苦仍會啃食著我們。今天,我們可以仰賴天堂,不用靠食物、酒精、商品消費。天堂才會把我們的最佳利益放在心上,小我不會。過個美好的一天吧! HEALING CONSUMPTIONISM is the card for today. We use consumptionism as a means to suppress pain, and depression but it just buries the pain and the pain still eats away at us. Today is a day that we can rely on Heaven rather than consuming food, alcohol or retail consumption. Heaven not our ego has our best interest at heart. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《有詩意》 今天的卡片是《有詩意》。這樣的藝術會創造出新的語言,說出無法描述的事物,帶來神聖靈感。詩意會把正向未來帶進當下。敞開領受,我們就是在用愛讓自己的心對新層次敞開,為身旁的人領受願景;有時,我們是在為世界領受願景。如此一來,我們和世界就都能向前躍進。詩,是愛創造出來的言語和行動。祝你有個美好、唯美的一天! POETIC is the card for today. This is the art that brings divine inspiration by creating new language to speak what is ineffable or can't be described. This brings a positive future into the present. By opening to receive we break our hearts open in love at a new level to receive vision for those around us and sometimes the world itself. This leaps us and the world forward. Poetry is the words and actions that love made. Have beautiful and artistic day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒解離永恆》 今天的卡片是《療癒解離永恆》。與永恆解離,即是受困在這個世界裡,世界成了唯一的實相。於是,不管我們再怎麼努力,最好的情況也只是全部接納我們的人性而已,不會到全然接納我們的神性。覺察我們的神性實相,即是讓自己有奇蹟心境。這樣一來,當奇蹟有機會發生時,我們才能傳送神聖的愛與自己的愛,來修正情況。擁有這一切的恩典、健康、幸福快樂,是老天對我們的旨意。今天,我們可以與天堂、與一切要給我們的神聖之愛重新連結。祝你有個最精緻美好的一天! HEALING THE DISSOCIATION FROM ETERNITY is the card for today. To be dissociated from eternity is to be locked into this world as the only reality. Then the best we can do is to fully embrace our humanity but not our divinity. To be aware of our divine reality is to have us be miracle-minded so that as opportunities for miracles appear we can channel Divine Love as well as our own to correct the situation. It is God's Will for us to have all the grace, health and happiness there is...Today we can reconnect with Heaven and all the Love that is there for us. Have a most exquisitely beautiful day!!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《死亡不存在》 今天的卡片是《死亡不存在》。這句話引用自奇蹟課程。這反映的事實是,我們是永生的靈魂。我們有個小我-身體的身分,這個身分會消失,而我們仍然會存在。是時候打破與小我的契約了;我們都曾在這份契約裡同意了死亡,作為我們「相信自己是一具身體」的迴響。今天,明白我們不是一具身體,藉此得著自由吧。祝你這天有個很大的突破! "THERE IS NO DEATH." is the card for the day. This is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. It reflects on the fact that we are spirit and eternal. We have an ego-body identity that will pass away but we will still be here. It is time to break the contract with our ego in which we all agreed to die as part of the repercussions of believing that we are a body. Today let us be free in realizing that we are not a body. Have a great breakthrough day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《保護》 今天的卡片是《保護》。這代表了安心的一天。這是記得將一切、包括自己,都交到老天的手裡,只要和老天在一起打發時間就好。我們若忘掉自我、忘掉我們的需要,就不會擋到恩典與奇蹟的路;恩典與奇蹟會照顧我們特定的需要,也會照顧到全球的需要。和那神聖的愛在一起,我們就會輕易認出我們的神聖性;在這份覺知中,我們會知道,我們有資格得到一切,無須向老天苦苦哀求、糾纏不清;這樣子會阻礙到我們對祂的體驗。一旦處理了這份最原始的需要,我們就沒什麼好需要的了。過個美好的一天,在老天的手裡,全然地安心與被愛吧! PROTECTION is the card for today. It symbolizes a day of safety. It is a remembrance to place everything, ourselves included in God's Hands and just hang out with God. As we forget ourselves and what we need we get out of the way of grace and miracles that can take care of our specific needs as well as global needs. Being with Love Itself helps us recognize our holiness and in that awareness we know we are entitled to everything and need not pester God with our entreaties because it blocks our experience of Him. Once this primordial need is handled there is nothing we then need...Have a beautiful day of being perfectly safe and loved in God's Hands!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒無價值》 今天的卡片是《療癒無價值》。無價值是自我攻擊的形式,會導致自我毀滅。靠著對某人給出,就能輕易地療癒無價值。你給出時,你就給出了價值;不管是對誰給出,你給出的時候,就會有領受。另一種療癒無價值的方式,則是問天堂:「我的價值是什麼?」跳出來的字詞,會帶來那字詞的才華禮物與恩典。過個美好又珍貴的一天吧! HEALING VALUELESSNESS is the card for today. Valuelessness is a form of self-attack that leads to self-destructiveness. Valuelessness is easily healed by giving to someone. As you give you give value and as you give to anyone you receive as you give. Another way to HEAL VALUELESSNESS is to ask Heaven, "What's my value?" The words that come in will bring the gift and grace of the words themselves. Have a beautiful, valuable day!!