【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《不設防》 今天的卡片是《不設防》。不設防不會像防衛那樣招來攻擊。不設防,因為是敞開的,所以是安全的。不設防,不會招來敵對情緒,而是會邀請連結。只有小我會因為自己的貪婪、自我攻擊、投射出去的攻擊,而想要捍衛自己。而解藥就在於不設防。擁抱不設防,過個敞開、無憂無慮的一天吧! DEFENSELESSNESS is the card for today. DEFENSELESSNESS does not invite attack like defenses do. DEFENSELESSNESS is a place of safety because of its openness. It invites connection rather than aggression. Only the ego wants to defend itself because of its own because of its own rapaciousness, self-attack and attack projected out. DEFENSELESSNESS is the antidote for that. Have an open and carefree day as you embrace DEFENSELESSNESS!!