PoV願景心理學 Chuck博士每月一信 2017-07












July 2017

July seems to be a month where strong productivity is available. Yet on the other hand there is also an air of indolence where people just want to relax, have fun and enjoy themselves. If there is a balance of these two energies, it will be a delightful month. If it goes to either extreme there will be self-attack for the missed opportunities socially or guilt for not progressing on what you have given yourself to do.

This is a month that can be full of emotional riches if you take time to feel your appreciation or reflect on all you have to be grateful for, especially in regard to the people in your life and the beauty that is present all around you.

July is a natural month for success. It can come easily and smoothly. This can be a month of creativity and discovery. Let the answers come to you when you are in peace. You need not chase the answers. Simply invite them. Let go of your stress. The answers are there. Better ways can show themselves. New ideas can lead to adventure and a better way for you.

Don’t work so hard for goals then secretly push them away. Be peaceful and receive. Change is occurring as you speak and it is change that will lead to a better life with more abundance. If you see everything that happens as in your best interest your trust will make everything turn out for the best in spite of how there may be disruption at the beginning or loss in regard to your plans. Trust the process. It is in your best interest but possibly not your ego’s.

Your soul doesn’t really care if you have a nice day. It wants you to keep your promises and learn what you promised you would learn and heal what you promised you would heal. When you have depended on something or someone that cannot support you any longer, your dependency makes a true relationship into something that holds you back. Your partner is your gateway not a false god. Holding on like this can lead to loss and loss can lead to depression rather than letting go for a new birth. Holding on to loss can also lend itself to meaninglessness, which is a sign that some ego meaning has been lost. It is now best to ask Heaven, “What is my meaning?” This will sustain you and give you all you need. The words that come in will bring meaning and grace. And you can ask this question until there is no more meaninglessness.  

In general July is meant to be a smooth month with only occasional bumps. The peace that is present this month can fill up your tank and renew you. Let it be so for you. Productivity can still occur without your personal involvement all the time. The garden doesn't need your help to grow.

If you are dealing with a chronic problem it is typically being fed by the darkness of the ancient ego. Pain, body problems and yawning are the signs of this. You could simply ask á la A Course in Miracles “Did God create this?” God is Love, Light and Truth. If He didn't create this, does it exist? And if it doesn't exist what happens to it? Then be ready for the next layer the ancient ego is throwing at you, to stop you. We are at a remarkable time where “falls” that occurred so long ago can be corrected and centers that where lost can now be regained. This is a wondrous time because of this restoration.

You can relax now. Whatever path you take this month can be easy unless your ego needs the attention and specialness of difficulty.

Have an amazing and beautiful month.

Nightlight Newsletter
July 2017
Undeloh, Germany



