
目前顯示的是 10月, 2017的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《老天之指》 今天的卡片是《老天之指》。這是占星術用語,代表如果你偏離路線的話,老天之指正在指引你,讓你重回路線。因此在今天,準備好接受引導和修正,讓自己回到路線,再次前進。祝你有個深受啟發的一天! YOD is the card for today. It is an astrological term that means the Finger of God is directing you and setting you back on course if you have gotten off. So be ready for guidance and course correction today to get you back on course and moving forward once more. Have an enlightening day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《老天之指》 今天的卡片是《老天之指》。這是占星術用語,代表如果你偏離路線的話,老天之指正在指引你,讓你重回路線。因此在今天,準備好接受引導和修正,讓自己回到路線,再次前進。祝你有個深受啟發的一天! YOD is the card for today. It is an astrological term that means the Finger of God is directing you and setting you back on course if you have gotten off. So be ready for guidance and course correction today to get you back on course and moving forward once more. Have an enlightening day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒特殊性偶像》 今天的卡片是《療癒特殊性偶像》。這是在呼求愛。但是這樣子的呼求,卻會障礙住愛。這樣的幻想終究會破滅,帶來失望。特殊性會把事情搞得像是「一切都跟我有關!」,因為內在那受忽略、匱乏的感受,試圖霸佔關注。特殊性想要的是連結與忠誠度,但是這些東西,只會因為去連結、專心奉獻出去而得到。今天,你可以釋放掉你所有的特殊性偶像。如果沒有全部都釋放掉,至少也可以釋放掉一大部分。祝你有個最美好的一天! HEALING THE IDOL OF SPECIALNESS is the card for today. This is a call for love that blocks love and ends up being disillusioned and disappointed. Specialness makes it 'all about me!!' and tries to hog the attention because of a feeling of neglect and neediness within. It seeks the connection and devotion that only comes with bonding and being devoted. Today you can release much if not all of your idols of specialness. Have a most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《好時光》 今天的卡片是《好時光》。這反映了愉快的一天,有來自與他人結合的喜悅,以及當朋友與家人相聚時所分享的友好歡聚。祝你這天充滿了樂趣! GOOD TIMES is the card for the day. It reflects a pleasant day where there is joy that comes of joining with others and the conviviality that is shared when friends and family get together. Have fine day full of fun!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《盼望》 今天的卡片是《盼望》。盼望會療癒分裂心靈,設立同一個正向目標。盼望會將平安帶給有衝突的心靈,終結鬥爭的需要。盼望是絕望的解藥。祝你有個最精彩美好的一天! 從我的iPhone發送 HOPE is the card for today. HOPE heals the split mind and sets one positive goal. HOPE brings peace to a conflicted mind and ends the need for fights. It is an antidote to despair. Have a most wonderful and amazing day!! Sent from my iPhone


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《覺醒》 今天的卡片是《覺醒》。這反映的是我們可以從夢裡醒過來,明白我們的一。這可以是最受啟發的一天。跟隨你的靈感與指引。祝你有個精彩美好的一天! 從我的iPhone中發送 AWAKENING is the card for today. It reflects a time when we can AWAKEN from the dream and realize our Oneness. This could be a most enlightening day. Follow your inspiration and guidance. Have a most amazing and beautiful day!! Sent from my iPhone


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《一體故事》 今天的卡片是《一體故事》。這代表的是同在幸福快樂的成功裡。一體就會前進,提振意識,讓我們在手足情誼裡同心。造就社群的就是這份一體,會拯救到地球的就是這份一體,因為我們分享我們的愛與資源,所以一切都有進步發展……。祝你有個歡喜愉快的一天,充滿連結與享受! THE UNITY STORY is the card for today. It denotes a place and time of coming together in happy success. Unity advances and uplifts consciousness and brings us together in brotherhood. It is this unity that leads to community and it is this that will save the earth as we share our love and resources so that everything progresses...Have a fun and delightful day of connection and enjoyment!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒具有威脅性的事》 今天的卡片是《療癒具有威脅性的事》。具有威脅性的事,可透過寬恕與連結來轉化。如果我們放下了自己的孤立,記得與我們同行的祂,那就沒有什麼好怕的。祝你有個平安快樂的一天! HEALING WHAT IS MENACING is the card for today. What is menacing can be transformed through forgiveness and bonding. If we give up our and remember Who walks with us there is nothing to fear. Have a peaceful and happy day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒內在的監獄建造者》 今天的卡片是《療癒內在的監獄建造者》。這位監獄建造者,因為害怕自由、害怕不夠好,所以一直在打造監獄。今天,我們可以找出自己內在的監獄建造者,接納它,直到我們可以放下它,將它換成帶來信心的平安。過個有力量的一天,用愛與成功釋放生命、祝福生命吧! HEALING THE PRISON-MAKER WITHIN is the card for today. The prison-maker keeps making prisons out of fear of freedom and the fear of inadequacy. Today is a day when we can find the prison-maker within us and accept it until we can relinquish it and replace it with the peace that brings confidence. Have a powerful day that frees and blesses your life with love and success!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒榮耀自己》 今天的卡片是《療癒榮耀自己》。會榮耀自己,代表我們在某個地方有低人一等、不夠好的感受。會想榮耀自己,是想要補償這些感覺與信念。今天,我們可以來放下這份小我的需要,不用非得在自己的心靈裡當個傳奇人物不可,而是擁有愛與喜樂。祝你有個美好又歡喜的一天! 從我的iPhone送出 HEALING SELF-GLORIFICATION is the card for today. Self-glorification shows a place we feel inferior and inadequate. Self- glorification is meant to compensate for those feelings and beliefs. Today we can let go of this ego need to be a legend in our own mind and have love and joy instead. Have a beautiful and joyous day!! Sent from my iPhone


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《信任》 今天的卡片是《信任》。信任,是將你心靈的力量朝向正向的結果。信任有轉化一切問題的力量。信任似非而是地讓問題開展,直到問題變成有正向性質為止。分裂心靈會出乎我們意料地產生糟糕的結果;而信任則是非常重要的療癒原則,可以療癒到分裂心靈。今天,運用信任,讓信任轉化你的問題與生命。祝你有個最精彩的一天! TRUST is the card for today. It is the power of your mind turned in a positive direction. TRUST has the power to transform any problem by unfolding it in a paradoxical manner until it becomes positive. Trust is one of the great healing principles that heals the split mind that can surprise us with dark results. Today use TRUST and let it transform your problems and your life. Have the most amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒榮耀自己》 今天的卡片是《療癒榮耀自己》。今天,可以帶來新的完整,療癒讓你想要榮耀自己的渺小感。今天,可以帶來新一層的信心與存在,無需誇大自己。祝你有個幸福快樂的一天! HEALING SELF-GLORIFICATION is the card for today. Today can bring a new wholeness that heals the sense of smallness that leads to self-glorification. Today can bring a new level of confidence and presence that belies the need to exaggerate oneself. Have a happy day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《恢復活力》 今天的卡片是《恢復活力》。這說的是,從你的日常活動裡挪出時間,讓自己更新、放鬆。這會在你的生活裡創造順流,提供新層次的輕易與更生。無論你在做什麼,都過個放鬆平和的一天吧! REFRESHMENT is the card for today. It speaks of a time out from your usual activities in a way that renews and relaxes you. This creates a flow in your life providing a new level of ease and rejuvenation. Have a relaxing, peaceful day whatever you do!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒獨立所掩蓋的害怕下一步》 今天的卡片是《療癒獨立所掩蓋的害怕下一步》。生命中的一切問題,都是掩飾自己走向獨立的方式;而獨立又掩飾住你對下一步的恐懼。今天有恩典,可以來解開獨立的防衛,以及讓你不能動彈的恐懼。祝你有個精彩的一天! Healing where independence hides fear of the next step is the card for the day. All of the problems in your life that are in your way hide where you are being independent, and the independence hides your fear of the next step. Today is a day where there is grace to release the defense of independence, as well as the fear that keeps you frozen. Have a spectacular day!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《光的代理人》 今天的卡片是《光的代理人》。這反映的是轉身離開黑暗、面向天真無罪與光的時刻。這反映的是一個人靠著思想、言詞、行為,努力為這個世界帶來光,用光芒將痛苦、匱乏、問題照散。今天適合來發現、認出你內在的光,當作愛的行動來與他人分享! AGENT OF LIGHT is the card for today. It reflects a time of turning away from darkness and toward innocence and the light. It reflects a person who by their thoughts, words and deeds works to bring light to the world to shine away pain, scarcity and problems. Today is a great day to discover and acknowledge the light within you and share it with others as an act of love!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《全球轉變》 今天的卡片是《全球轉變》。這代表,地球上的開展過程,已來到意識可以揚升的地步。這裡有了足夠的療癒與寬恕,因此我們可以攀升到新的層次。對個人而言,代表今天所發生的事,若與愛不相符的話,那就是要來讓你分心的,讓你注意不到這份向上提升的轉變。今天,讓自己攀在這份揚升的能量上,為發射升空而歡慶吧! PLANETARY SHIFT is the card for today. This means the unfolding process on the planet has come to a place in which consciousness can shift upward. There has been enough healing and forgiveness that we can ascend to a new level. Personally it means that what occurs today that is not in accord with love is a distraction from this upward shift for you. Today hitch yourself to this upward energy and revel in the lift off!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒丈夫與妻子的大戰》 今天的卡片是《療癒丈夫與妻子的大戰》。這反映了滿足需要、要是對的、試圖贏過、支持哪個小我的衝突,以及對下一步的恐懼。今天,適合平安、幸福快樂、婚姻幸福美滿。祝你有個可愛又美好的一天! HEALING THE GREAT WARS OF HUSBANDS AND WIVES is the card for today. It reflects the conflicts of needs, being right, trying to win, supporting one's ego and fear of the next step. Today is a great day for peace, happiness and marital bliss. Have a lovely, beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒愉悅與痛苦的大戰》 今天的卡片是《療癒愉悅與痛苦的大戰》。這場戰爭發生在無意識心靈裡,所以我們並不瞭解這對我們的影響有多少。這場戰爭阻礙了我們的前進,製造出一切問題的根源 ── 兩極化與分裂。如佛陀所說,如果我們追求愉悅,就會找到痛苦。愉悅跟痛苦一樣,都會在生命中會自然而然地來到。痛苦表示,我們的心靈裡頭有著需要療癒的東西。此刻,我們可以問問自己,自己有多少像這樣子的大戰?並且祈求被帶到另一端,到大師心靈的平安裡。祝你有個幸福又平和的一天! HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF PLEASURE AND PAIN is the card for today. This war exists in the unconscious and so we don't realize how much this is affecting us. It stops us from going forward and sets up polarity and separation, the root of all problems. If we seek pleasure we find pain as the Buddha said. Pleasure comes naturally in life as does pain indicating what we need to heal in our minds. Now we can ask how many of this particular type of Great War we have and ask to be carried to the other side of them in the peace of the mastery mind. Have a happy and peaceful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們的搞人》 今天的卡片是《療癒我們的搞人》。我們有在搞誰,我們就會怎樣搞自己。這樣會造成永無止境的麻煩與問題。我們的這部分是深藏不露的,而且還有在補償,所以我們根本不曉得自己在做這件事。這通常是因為,有個年輕的自己過去受情緒所困,如今就去招惹別人。也許為了好玩,也許不是。祝你這天有好玩,也有輕易! HEALING WHERE WE ARE FU**ING WITH OTHERS is the card for today. Who we fu** with others we do to ourselves what we do to others. This can cause endless amounts of hassle and problems. This part of us is deeply buried and compensated for so we have no idea we are doing this. It is mostly a young self that was emotionally arrested and now playfully or not so playfully fu**s with others. Today is a great day to let go of this theme that victimizes us and others. Have a fun and easy day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒自我攻擊》 今天的卡片是《療癒自我攻擊》。自我攻擊是世界上最大的問題。所有問題、對別人的攻擊,其根源都來自自我攻擊。今天重要的是要瞭解到,對自己的攻擊,是對其他每一個人的攻擊,尤其是在攻擊你最愛的那些人。自我攻擊不是真實的,所以就在今天,棄絕這一切自我攻擊吧!並且祝福這世界,因為祝福世界就是祝福自己! HEALING SELF-ATTACK is the card of the day. Self-attack is the biggest problem in the world. From it stems all problems and all attack on others. Today it is crucial to understand that an attack on yourself is an attack on everyone else especially those you love the most. Today relinquish all of that as simply untrue and bless the world as you bless yourself!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒對真理的否認》 今天的卡片是《療癒對真理的否認》。對真理的否認會讓我們持續鬥爭、或是留在死亡區。真理會讓我們自由,會給我們所需之物,來成就真實性和真實夥伴關係。而對真理的否認,先是帶來破碎的夢、讓我們措手不及,而後又讓我們變得復仇心切、苦澀尖銳、憤世嫉俗。今天,我們可以懷著勇氣,來面向真理,因為只有真理才會提供成功與夥伴關係的連結。祝你有個美好又得力的一天! HEALING THE DENIAL OF TRUTH is the card for today. The denial of truth keeps us fighting or in the dead Zone. Truth sets us free and gives us the what is needed for authenticity and true partnership. What leads to being blindsided and shattered dreams. Then it makes us vengeful bitter and cynical. Today we can have the courage to face the truth because only that will provide the bonding needed for success and partnership. Have a beautiful and powerful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《戰車》 今天的卡片是《戰車》。這是張塔羅牌,象徵可以平衡、專注,駕馭正負面的力量,甚至是黑暗與光明的力量。今天,祝你有個有力量、很平衡的一天! THE CHARIOT is the card for today. It is a tarot card symbolizing being able to balance, focus and manage both positive and negative forces even dark and light forces. Today have a very powerful, balanced day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們看重無價值之處》 今天的卡片是《療癒我們看重無價值之處》。今天適合來放下對瑣碎事物的追求。如果是你帶不走的東西,那這東西的價值就會逐漸減少。走在療癒的道路上、給出、寬恕、愛自己、愛人,這些事都會帶來持續的效果。祝你過個有價值的一天! HEALING WHERE WE VALUE WHAT IS VALUELESS is the card for today. Today  is a good day to give up trivial pursuits. If you can't take it with you it has an ever lessening level of value. To be on a healing path, to give and forgive, to love yourself and others all have lasting effect. Have very valuable day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒道德優越感》 今天的卡片是《療癒道德優越感》。這反映了一種態度,你覺得你比其他人都還要好。這樣的道德優越感,會讓你掉進優越與自卑的惡性循環,或者是在「比你好」跟「罪人」的態度之間惡性循環。今天,你會意識到你在哪個地方會有這樣的態度,這部分是多麼地競爭,又是怎樣阻礙了你自己。這份覺知會幫你擺脫這份對小我的投入。今天,祝你有場快樂的重生! HEALING MORAL ASCENDANCY is the card for today. It reflects an attitude in which you feel you are better than anyone else. This sense of moral superiority throws you into a vicious circle of superiority and inferiority or a 'better than thou attitude' and a sinner attitude. Today you will become aware of where you have this, how competitive it is and how it holds you back. This awareness will help you divest yourself of this ego investment. Have a happy rebirth today!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《先知》 今天的卡片是《先知》。先知會啟發你的心靈,給我們帶來一份天賦的才華禮物,得到正向未來的願景。先知也會幫我們做好心理準備,面對低迷時期,進行翻轉。先知會鼓舞人心,協助人迎接新生。今天,為了自己和別人的益處,迎接並打開這份天賦的才華禮物吧。祝你有個偉大又有願景的一天! THE SEER is the card for today. This opens your mind to one our natural gifts and to have a vision of a positive future. It also helps us prepare for downturns of the wheel of life and reverse it. THE SEER helps to uplift people to have a new birth. Today welcome and open up this God-given gift for your own and others benefit. Have a day of greatness and vision!!

PoV願景心理學 Chuck博士每月一信 2017-10

PoV 願景心理學 Chuck 博士每月一信 2017-10 對許多人來講,十月會有份暗暗的渴望,想要回到去年比較風平浪靜的時候。然而,十月會讓你看出,未來這一年 2018 年,成功有望。只是九月如果沒有完整清除 2017 年的殘瓦碎片的話,就會影響到從十月初到新的一年的新生。因此,要清理這一年來殘留的情緒碎片。你不會希望有不寬恕的念頭障礙住你、讓你無法更上一層樓的;每道問題的核心,都有著不寬恕的念頭。 到了十月二十號,還有之後的那幾天,美好與可能性的新視野就會出現。十月的前十天,會因為你再次獻身給使命的關係,打造出全新版的生活與關係。這一年出現什麼小我的黑暗,讓你對一切都感到不知所措時,奇蹟事件會將新的層次帶來,將你的信仰恢復。 黑暗事件不會是老天對你的旨意,也不會是你的真實意願。然而,小我卻意圖盡其可能地製造困惑、掩飾、負面性,好打造、強化它自己。儘管,有時這是心靈深處所做出來的選擇,但不管我們選擇的是天堂還是小我,我們都得要負責的。我們是選心靈哪一邊站,從結果就可以看到證據。不過,要是負面選擇造成了負面事件,我們隨時都還是可以重新選擇的。最黑暗的事件總藏有最大的才華禮物,與一場重生。 在這個世界中,我們會緩慢但確實地,從解離獨立,走向夥伴關係;夥伴關係來自我們陽剛面與陰柔面的平衡。我們在走進交互依賴期時,會面臨到,小我是如何用社會建構的現實,以及它所有的自我概念,來作為防衛的手段。我們會建構出潛意識心靈;潛意識心靈是我們為逼退無意識心靈、在這一生中不讓自己看見的一切;我們害怕無意識心靈的力量、黑暗、寶藏。歷史來到了這一刻,許多人的議題,都有著集體無意識餵養的層面,以及人類歷史上留下的痛苦。集體無意識,會以世界重大議題與自然災害的形式來呈現。這曾被深埋的痛苦過往,如今正浮現出來,以求得最後的化解。尚未結束、尚未療癒的一切,如戰爭、奴役、謀殺、強暴、暴政、自然災害,如今都以黑暗能量和狀況的形式,從人類的集體無意識中浮現出來。就如同天氣是地球的巨型平衡機制一樣,從集體無意識裡冒出來的東西,也是地球與人性在試圖要平衡自身。如果我們不回應療癒的叩門,敲門聲就會越敲越響,到最後,需要得到處理的東西,就會撞破門,在我們彎腰綁緊鞋帶時,從背後把我們撞個正著。結果不會好看到哪去的,我們的感覺也會像是受害。儘管即將產生受害事件的訊號早...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《華麗》 今天的卡片是《華麗》。這說的是,無論你做什麼,都帶有風格與才氣。這是信心的層次,今天,在你做的事上增添一些藝術。過個好玩又巧妙的一天吧! PANACHE is the card for today. It speaks of having style and flair in whatever you do. This is a level of confidence to add some art to whatever you do today... Have a fun and artful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《遠景全貌》 今天的卡片是《遠景全貌》。看見遠景全貌,我們就會跳過令人分心的事物,獲得在生命、工作、關係下一階段的願景。今天可以來看見天堂正在賦予的提升與新篇章。天堂想在各方各面都幫助到你,因為任何一步的前進,都是在靠近天堂、靠近細膩的喜悅。今天,讓新篇章臨到你,讓所有相關的願景與靈感臨到你。祝你有個充滿希望的大日子! THE BIG PICTURE is the card for today. This allows us to go beyond any distraction and to gain vision for the next stage in our life, work and relationships. It is a great day to see the upliftment and new chapter Heaven is offering. Heaven wants to help you in all areas because any step forward is a step closer to Heaven and exquisite joy. Today allow the new chapter to come to you with all of the vision and inspiration involved. Have the biggest and brightest day!!

【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《光》 今天的卡片是《光》。這是一切事物的本質。光,偉大的光芒,是老天的本質;光,靈魂,是我們的本質。今天,要清理黑暗與受苦。呼叫光,因為光會帶來神聖的愛。這道光在每個人的內心,在一切事物之中。祝你有個最精緻美好、精神昂揚的一天! THE LIGHT is the card for today. It is the essence of all. It is the essence of God as The GREAT RAYS and of us as spirit. Today is a day to clear away darkness and suffering. Call in THE LIGHT because it brings Divine Love. This LIGHT is within everyone and everything. Have the most exquisitely beautiful and uplifting day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《嬉戲》 今天的卡片是《嬉戲》。嬉戲是慶祝的時光。嬉戲是放鬆與享受的時光。嬉戲是欣喜歡呼與恢復活力的時刻。工作告了一段落。呼求天堂的幫助,協助你休息、玩得開心。祝你有個最棒的一天! 從我的iphone送出 MERRIMENT is the card for the day. It is a time of celebration. It is a time to relax and enjoy. It is a time to rejoice and rejuvenate. The work is done for now. Call in Heaven's help to help you rest and have fun. Have the best day!! Sent from my iPhone


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒情緒不成熟》 今天的卡片是《療癒情緒不成熟》。這反映了一份覺知。我們走出了小我的防衛,站出來,讓新層次上的夥伴關係成為可能。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING EMOTIONAL IMMATURITY is the card for today. This reflects a place of awareness where we step up to a new availability for partnering and away from ego defenses. Have a wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒你在證明什麼》 今天的卡片是《療癒你在證明什麼》。證明是一種補償。證明是一種防衛,你不相信你在試圖證明的事。因為有防衛,所以也沒有領受。今天,有機會覺察你試圖在證明的是什麼,並且,放下這件事,也放下防衛。這樣會讓你前進到新層次的夥伴關係與敞開。祝你有個很棒的一天! 從我的iPhone送出 HEALING WHERE YOU ARE PROVING is the card for today. Proving is a compensation. It is a defense that doesn't believe what you are trying to prove so there is no receiving where there is a defense. Today there is a possibility to be aware of what you are trying to prove and let it go as well as the defense. This allows you to move to a new level of partnership and openness. Have a great day !! Sent from my iPhone