PoV願景心理學 Chuck博士每月一信 2017-10
十月 2017
For many
in October there is a hidden desire to return to last year when things were
quieter and on a more even keel. Yet this is the month that shows the promise
of what is to come in 2018. Yet if the debris from 2017 has not been fully
cleared in September then it can interfere with the birth that wants to happen
beginning in October and continuing into the new year. So, clear any last bits
of emotional debris from this last year. You would not want to have your rise
to a new plateau blocked by unforgiving thoughts, because there are unforgiving
thoughts at the root of every problem.
By the
20th of October and for a number of days thereafter new perspectives of beauty
and possibility show themselves. The first ten days of October are spent in
building the new version of life and relationships that comes through
re-dedication to your purpose. When all seems lost following on whatever ego
darkness has occurred in the last year, miraculous events can lead to a new
level restoring your faith.
events are not God’s Will for you nor are they your true will. Yet, the ego’s
will is to generate as much confusion, dissembling and negativity as possible
to build or strengthen itself. Even though these choices are sometimes made
deep in the mind we are still responsible for whether we choose to side with
either Heaven or the ego. And whichever part of the mind we side with is
evidenced by the results. Yet, we can always choose again if negative choices
have led to negative events. The darkest events always hide the biggest gifts
and a renaissance.
In the
world we are slowly but surely advancing out of the dissociated Independent
Level into partnership, which comes from a balance of our masculine and
feminine. As we enter interdependence we face how the ego uses socially defined
reality as a defense with all of its self-concepts. We built the subconscious
mind, which is everything we hide from ourselves in this life to hold the
unconscious mind at bay because we are afraid of its power, darkness and
treasures. At this time in history many people’s issues have aspects of the
collective unconscious feeding into them with all of the leftover pain from the
history of humanity. The collective unconscious shows up as major world issues
and natural disasters. The painful past which has been buried is coming up to
be finally resolved. All that is unfinished and not yet healed such as war,
slavery, murder, rape and tyranny as well as natural disasters are now emerging
as dark energy and situations from the collective unconscious of humanity. Like
the weather which is a giant balancing mechanism for the earth what is coming
up now out of the collective is the earth and humanity’s attempt to balance
itself. If we don’t answer the knock on the door that calls for healing the knock
gets louder and louder until finally what needs to be addressed knocks down our
door and hits us from behind as we bend over to fasten our shoes. The results
aren’t pretty and we feel victimized. Though the signals were already present
for what came about for the victim event we simply chose to ignore them to our
To get
to partnership we will have to give up our neglect stories that we used as
children to separate and make an independent identity so we could do things our
way. The bigger the neglect story we wrote as a child the more we are acting
out an independent soul pattern coming into this life on the one hand while
still feeling self-pity on the other. Self-pity is one of the biggest shadow
figures hidden by denial by an independent person. But this is exactly what we
came to transcend. We made one or both of our parents a villain and us the
victim. But the subconscious shows that we ignored their call for help and used
them to separate and build our ego. Our ego is built on burnout and the “bones”
of the child we were. Deep inside we have the gifts of empathy, nurturing and
devotion. These gifts along with Heaven’s would have saved the day for all if
we weren’t afraid of shining and living our purpose. We can open these gifts
now and melt away the dissociation that leads to burnout, power struggle and
deadness and instead have the intimacy, success and joy we deserve.
who wants to help another becomes a teacher of God. To become an advanced
teacher of God we are called to give up our identification with our body and
know ourselves as spirit no longer needing anything from the world but knowing
the Kingdom of Heaven is within and everything we thought we needed is also
within us waiting as a gift of love to be shared.
feeling of neglect as a child if not healed leads to illnesses and injuries as
we attempt to get old needs met in unfulfilling ways. These attempts just don’t
work especially because our dissociated independence makes it almost impossible
to receive. In the subconscious it shows it wasn’t our parents who neglected us
that we were the ones who actually neglected our parents and partners because
we were the one who refused to share our healing gifts with them in our
hard-heartedness. This now leads to feeling that we don’t have enough love in
our life. It is just a karmic pattern we set up for ourselves. Within us is
still the dissociation of independence that keeps us frightened of our
emotions. Intimacy clears away such defenses and leads us back through the pain
to the success, ease and flow that partnership brings.
When we
understand what really happened in our past neglect patterns, we realize that
it was actually our mistake that we blamed others for. It is time to win our
hearts back to a whole new level of “juiciness” and fun instead of living in a
defensive way in an attempt to avoid the pain that we are already feeling
within ourselves. When the ego promised to dissociate the pain of our
separation so it could build an identity, it did so by locking the pain inside
us. This makes us want to keep success and intimacy at a distance because when
it comes close it brings up the old emotions that are in the place where
intimacy and success are meant to be. In the subconscious it shows that
whatever we are blaming another for is what we were doing but we deceive
ourselves to make a villain ignoring their calls for help. Even deeper in the
subconscious it shows that we set up the whole event that we have a grievance
about in order to try to get something, like building our ego, having an excuse
or so many other untrue goals. All of our villains, grievances and judgments
hide our guilt. One of my favorite and easiest forgiveness exercises from A
Course in Miracles is, “I won't condemn myself for this.”
month I wish you the courage for truth because then you will discover your own
and other’s innocence. With the truth you will discover that your problems are
a form of complaint and these as well as the neglect you experienced actually
hid a place where you were stingy. Now you can change all of that with giving
your compassion, understanding and love.
October I wish you a shining, renaissance as well as the raising of your
standards to the level you really deserve as a child of God.
I wish
you all the love and nurturing that you have been gifted with within yourself
so you can share this love with all.
In a
5-day workshop in Phuket, Thailand