【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒愉悅與痛苦的大戰》
今天的卡片是《療癒愉悅與痛苦的大戰》。這場戰爭發生在無意識心靈裡,所以我們並不瞭解這對我們的影響有多少。這場戰爭阻礙了我們的前進,製造出一切問題的根源 ── 兩極化與分裂。如佛陀所說,如果我們追求愉悅,就會找到痛苦。愉悅跟痛苦一樣,都會在生命中會自然而然地來到。痛苦表示,我們的心靈裡頭有著需要療癒的東西。此刻,我們可以問問自己,自己有多少像這樣子的大戰?並且祈求被帶到另一端,到大師心靈的平安裡。祝你有個幸福又平和的一天!
HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF PLEASURE AND PAIN is the card for today. This war exists in the unconscious and so we don't realize how much this is affecting us. It stops us from going forward and sets up polarity and separation, the root of all problems. If we seek pleasure we find pain as the Buddha said. Pleasure comes naturally in life as does pain indicating what we need to heal in our minds. Now we can ask how many of this particular type of Great War we have and ask to be carried to the other side of them in the peace of the mastery mind. Have a happy and peaceful day!!