
目前顯示的是 10月, 2011的文章


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒用為侵犯的性》。每次我們利用夥伴,從他們那兒奪取或帶走某些東西,這就是一種攻擊。我們為自己的需要在利用夥伴,除非所涉及的愛,較客觀地看彼此多,這不會滿足我們的需要。結果性永遠是不夠,並成為一個攻擊-退縮之處。這失去了性原是愛與結合的目的,是遠超過慾望和身體之外。今天是個很棒的一天,能去修復性的舒適及轉化的目的。成為一個給予的噴泉,將我們敞開去接受,享有,性的感謝和產生順流。有個甜蜜的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING SEX AS AGGRESSION Posted: 29 Oct 2011 02:50 PM PDT HEALING SEX AS AGGRESSION is the card for today. Anytime we go to use our partner to take or get something from them it is a form of attack. We use our partner for our needs and unless love is involved than we are objectifying them and ourselves and this does not satisfy us. As a result sex is never enough and becomes a place of attack-withdrawal. It then loses its purpose of love and joining that is beyond lust and the body. Today is a great day to restore sex to its purpose of comfort and transformation. As a fountain of giving, which opens us to receiving and enjoyment, sex blesses and generates flow. Have a sweet day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒憂鬱》。特別是因為它影響著我們的健康。憂鬱症在世界上被評為健康的首要問題,它引起許多疾病和問題。今天是放下悲傷和恐懼,再次開始一個全新層次的時候。有個放下的美好一天,並再次經驗順暢的流動。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING DEPRESSION Posted: 28 Oct 2011 02:24 PM PDT HEALING DEPRESSION is the card for today especially as it affects our health. Depression has been named the number 1 health problem in the world and it gives rise to many illnesses and problems. Today is a day to let go of sadness and fear and begin again at a whole new level. Have a wonderful day of letting go and experiencing the flow once more. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《祈求奇蹟》。當祈求奇蹟時,就能接受到奇蹟。它讓我們與天堂之間有個合宜的關係。我們是神的孩子,值得擁有每件好事。當我們的恐懼小於我們的渴望,將使我們能領受那原本就已經給予我們的奇蹟。有個奇蹟的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ASKING FOR A MIRACLE Posted: 27 Oct 2011 05:32 PM PDT ASKING FOR A MIRACLE is the card for today. Our ASKING FOR A MIRACLE opens us up to receive one. It puts us in our proper relationship to Heaven. We are the child of God and deserve every good thing. When our fear is less than our desire we will allow our selves to receive the miracle that has already been offered to us. Have a miraculous day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《聆聽內在》。藉由傾聽內在,我們感知自己真實的方向。藉由寧靜的心靈,我們感受到我們與天堂之間的連結和愛。讓自己進入內在等待的持久和平。今天給自己一些安靜的時間。讓自己漂浮在和平的河流裡。真理等待著你願意去聆聽。唯一的出路就是在內。這是回家的路。今天是療癒和釋放的重要日子。讓自己被愛。讓自己美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) LISTENING WITHIN Posted: 26 Oct 2011 12:19 PM PDT LISTENING WITHIN is the card for today. By LISTENING WITHIN we have a sense of our true direction. By obtaining a quiet mind we can feel the connection and love between us and Heaven. Let yourself into this abiding peace that waits within. Take some quiet time for yourself today. Let yourself float on a river of peace. Truth is within you waiting for your willingness to listen. The only way out is within. It is the way Home. Today is a major day for healing and release. Let yourself be loved. Have a good one out there!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《教師原型》。身為老師乃同時在學習自己的功課也同時在分享自己。教得越多就學得越多。今天傾聽內在的老師,你可能會有好的學習也會有相應的分享。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE TEACHER ARCHETYPE Posted: 25 Oct 2011 12:28 PM PDT THE TEACHER ARCHETYPE is the card for today. It tells of lessons we are learning that we are also sharing as a TEACHER. The more we TEACH the more we learn. Today listen to the inner TEACHER that you may learn well and share accordingly. Have a fine day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒沮喪》。我們在那裏失去了心和信心,我們也能夠再次恢復它。因為某些事再次打開我們的心,再次恢復我們的生氣,這給予我們新的動力。有很個棒且由衷的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING DISHEARTENMENT Posted: 24 Oct 2011 04:03 PM PDT HEALING DISHEARTENMENT is the card for today. Where we have lost heart and faith we are able to regain it once more. This occurs because something opens our heart and revitalizes us once more giving us new motivation. Have a great, heartfelt day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《大法師》。在拉丁文為魔術師之意,當年的字義比現今魔術師的字義具有更深遠的意義。這是塔羅牌大秘儀之一,它指的是一個人精通愛,金錢,成功和真理。它意指如果你在這順流中,將會有精彩的一天。因此,對這個流敞開。讓這流動透過你來指引你方向。有個愉快的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE MAGUS Posted: 22 Oct 2011 04:49 PM PDT THE MAGUS is the card for today. It means magician in latin but MAGUS has a much greater meaning then how the word magician is used today. It is one of the major arcana in the tarot deck and it refers to someone who is a master of love, money, success and truth. it speaks of having a masterful day if you are in the flow. So, be open to the flow. Let it come through you to show you the way. Have a delightful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《光明啟發》。光明啟發已經到來,一切都被慰藉。智慧,知識和理解都在解開。結果是真理被明白而我們得以自由。光明啟發帶來美麗和輝煌。享受您的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ILLUMINATION Posted: 21 Oct 2011 11:32 PM PDT ILLUMINATION is the card for today. The light has come and everything is thrown into relief. Wisdom, knowledge and understanding are all part of the unfolding. The truth is made known and we are freed as a result. ILLUMINATION brings beauty and brilliance. Enjoy your day!!!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《相互關係》。這談到雙贏的能量和相同一致的利益和效益。相互關係實踐平等,這是成功關係的關鍵因素之一。相互關係產生順流和夥伴關係。今天當你牢記相互關係時,就進入到新的夥伴關係層次。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) MUTUALITY Posted: 20 Oct 2011 05:36 PM PDT MUTUALITY is the card for today. It speaks of win-win energy and having coinciding interest and benefit. MUTUALITY invokes equality, one of the key ingredients for a successful relationship. Mutuality inspires flow and partnership. Today you are being invited to new levels of partnership as you keep MUTUALITY in mind. Have a wonderful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《上帝原諒所有的一切》。這的確是張好卡。它斷然明確地指出,老天不相信有罪惡感或業力。如果這不是由上帝所創,那就是我執為其自身所建造。這意味著我們的內疚,乃是有某種目的,而這不是天堂的路徑,而是走進人間地獄。我們是無辜的,縱使我們經常犯錯或無知。今天讓我們從所製造出的黑暗過去的藉口中得以自由,而以當下的幸福取代替這些。有個愉快的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) GOD HAS FORGIVEN ALL Posted: 19 Oct 2011 04:08 PM PDT GOD HAS FORGIVEN ALL is the card for today. And it is a good card indeed. It categorically states that Heaven doesn't believe in guilt or karma. If it wasn't created by God it's an ego fabrication to build itself. It means that the guilt we do have we are using for a certain purpose that is not the path of Heaven so it leads to hell on earth. The card for today states that we are innocent though often mistaken and ignorant. Today let us be free of the dark past we invented as an excuse and instead be in the happiness that is here and now. Have a delightful day!!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《釋放》。這是我們在一個快樂的流中,從問題,緊張和錯誤中解脫出來。釋放令我們欣慰。不再受監禁...我們回到生命的流裏。願今天你有甜蜜的釋放!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) RELEASE Posted: 19 Oct 2011 05:07 AM PDT RELEASE is the card for today. It is a happy flow in which we are freed from problems, tension and mistakes. RELEASE makes us happy. No more imprisonment.. We are back in the stream of life. May you have sweet Release today!!!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《寬恕》。我們所看到的世界乃是我們心智的反映,因此,每一個寬恕就釋放了我們。生命中發生的情況乃是舊有的未竟事宜想要得醫治,然而我執卻試圖用它強化痛苦來壯大其自身。我們若覺知到,無論在思想言行上我們對他人所做的,都會發生在我們身上,這會幫助激發我們。如果我們明白所謂的潛意識和無意識心靈,我們就會知道所有事情的發生都是來自我們的選擇。如果我們運用寬恕來療癒這一切,我們就走在一個不斷增進的愛與幸福的路徑。當寬恕越多越深時,和平就會與你同在。有個和平的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) FORGIVENESS Posted: 17 Oct 2011 11:16 AM PDT FORGIVENESS is the card for today. The world we see is a reflection of our mind, thus every FORGIVENESS releases us. What happens in life is old unfinished business coming back for healing though the ego attempts to use it to compound the pain to build itself. Our awareness that whatever we do to another in thought word or deed we do to ourselves can help motivate us. If we knew the subconscious and unconscious mind we would know that nothing happens without our choice. If we use it all for healing, we follow a path of ever growing love and happiness. Let peace be with you today as you FORGIVE more and more, layer by layer.Have a peaceful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《天上的草坪》。它講的是超越這個塵世的完美世界。當我們寬恕所有的一切,當我們回到整體性,當我們有個深刻層次的覺醒,經驗到“這天上的花園”。 奇蹟課程的一課“超越此塵世是我渴望的世界”。今天是瞥見樂園的一天。我們都希望到人間的天堂,今天在我們的與這人間天堂的經驗之間的面紗是很薄的。 原諒任何事,需要一次又一次的療癒,直到經驗你就在那裡而有完全美好感覺。有個很棒的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE LAWNS OF HEAVEN Posted: 16 Oct 2011 11:55 AM PDT THE LAWNS OF HEAVEN is the card for today. It speaks of the perfect world beyond this one. When we have forgiven it all, when we return to wholeness, when we awaken at a profound level we experience 'the Garden'. “Beyond this world is a world I want" is a lesson from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. Today is a day to get a glimpse of paradise. We would all like to get to Heaven on earth and the veil between this experience and ours is very thin today. Forgive anything that needs healing over and over until you have that utterly beautiful feeling that lets you know you are there. Have a great one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《祈禱》。這是我們與神或其他媒介的連結。這連結提醒了我們作為神的兒女的可愛及當神沒有我們就沒有完整的無價。禱告是提醒 誰 在做主及 誰 是可以依賴能卸下肩上的負擔。今天的流就只是與神溝通。就如同老電影的台詞 “ET,打電話回家”。祝安好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) PRAYER Posted: 15 Oct 2011 10:50 AM PDT PRAYER is the card for today. It is our connection with God or other intermediaries. This connection reminds us of our loveableness as a child of God and our inestimable value as God Himself is not complete without us. Prayer is our reminder of Who is in charge and Who we can rely on to take the burden off of our own shoulders. Today the flow is all about communication with God. As the old movie line goes. "ET, phone home." Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《蘭西史匹桑諾》。在兩千多張牌中各有一張是我們兩個人名字的卡片,我沉思出現她的名字是意味著有什麼特質,我想出了許多的如下特質。心地好,奧秘,富有同情心,恩典充分,醫治者,直率的,有愛心,加上一個大的願望,為這個世界,找到進入天堂的出路,且盡可能能帶著更多的人能同她一起進入天堂。這似乎足以擁抱今天,去感受她所代表的祝福,並呼喚他們成為你的。有個很棒的日子!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) LENCY SPEZZANO Posted: 14 Oct 2011 11:29 AM PDT LENCY SPEZZANO is the card for today. In the 2,000 plus cards there is one name card for each of us. I was reflecting on the qualities of what this meant to have her name come up and I came up with a number of qualities. They are goodhearted, mystical, compassionate, grace-full, a healer, openhearted, loving, plus a major desire to find the way out of this world and into Heaven and to take as many with her as possible. This seems enough to to embrace today, to feel the blessings that she represents and call them yours. Have a great day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《自我寬恕》。自我寬恕讓我們回歸到純真與和平,這是一切美好事物的基礎。它消除了怨尤,指責和判斷,這是我們問題和痛苦的源頭。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) SELF-FORGIVENESS Posted: 13 Oct 2011 04:01 PM PDT SELF-FORGIVENESS is the card for today. SELF-FORGIVENESS restores us to innocence and peace, which are the basis of all good things. It removes grievances, blaming and judgments, which are the source of our problems and suffering. Have a wonderful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《自我寬恕》。它有助於解決所有大部分已被隱藏在怨尤,指責和判斷下的內疚。 自我寬恕讓我們回歸到純真與和平,這兩者是一切美好事物的源頭。它讓我們與他人,恩典與自己修復。 有個回歸到正確感知的美好一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) SELF-FORGIVENESS Posted: 13 Oct 2011 03:46 PM PDT SELF-FORGIVENESS is the card of the day. It helps relieve all the hidden guilt, most of which has been hidden under grievances, blame and judgment. SELF-Forgiveness returns us to innocence and peace both of which are the source of all good things. It restores us to others, grace and ourselves. Have a day where you are returned to right perception. Have a fine day!


今天Chuck博士的兩張卡片是《療癒黑暗的代表及想要卻沒有意圖》。黑暗的代表是指有人卡在自己的自我中,且可能被冥界煽動挑起無知及恐懼。這是我們的心靈及世界裏值得去醫治的部分。 想要卻沒有意圖,是想要沒有結果的東西,或者對自己所想要的卻沒任何動力。 這兩個方面使我們萎靡不振,讓天堂消除這些以得釋放,這是很棒的。有個很棒的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE AGENT OF DARKNESS AND WILLING WITHOUT MEANING Posted: 12 Oct 2011 11:46 AM PDT HEALING THE AGENT OF DARKNESS AND WILLING WITHOUT MEANING are the cards for today. The agent of darkness is someone locked into their ego and possibly used by the astral to foment ignorance and fear. This is a good one to heal in our minds and our world.


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒神經質的放棄》。當預示有個希望和願景的能量時,我們放棄了調整自己可以療癒或改變的狀況。我們可以超越阻礙我們的恐懼,更持之以恆。今天是個重新再來的好日子,因為恩典是我們的後援。有個決心重生的今天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING NEUROTIC RESIGNATION Posted: 11 Oct 2011 11:09 PM PDT HEALING NEUROTIC RESIGNATION is the card for today. It bespeaks an energy of hope and vision in which we give up where we have adjusted to situations that we were called to heal or change. We can go beyond fears that have held us back and be more persevering. Today is a good day to begin again because grace is backing us up. Have rebirth of determination today!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒懷疑底下所隱藏的肯定呈現》。這種肯定是一種補償,隱藏沒有信心或感覺不恰當的一種防衛。透過整合這防衛和已防衛的情緒,它創建一個新的完整性和信心。你可以選擇藉由交託給老天處理或想像情緒與防衛熔化在一起完成此整合。每當整合發生,所有一切不是真實的就會融化掉,留下完整和真實。祝安好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE UNDERLYING DOUBT THAT HIDES BENEATH A SHOW OF CERTAINTY Posted: 10 Oct 2011 04:55 PM PDT HEALING THE UNDERLYING DOUBT THAT HIDES BENEATH A SHOW OF CERTAINTY is the card for today. This certainty is a compensation, a defense to hide lack of confidence or feelings of inadequacy. By integrating the defense and the defended feeling it creates a new wholeness and confidence. You can do this by choosing that it be done, by giving it to Heaven to do or by imagining both the feeling and the defense melting together. Whenever an integration occurs whatever isn't true melts away leaving wholeness and truth. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒對上帝的恐懼》。它是最大的恐懼,這遠比要公開演講和對死亡的恐懼還大。看似瘋狂,我們會害怕愛和清白的,但我們卻是一直在建構維護我們的自主權和自我意識,而不要合一。今天與我們一起的動能是療癒這個最終極的恐懼和歡迎神的覺知回來到我們的心與心智。這將是個療癒的大日子,當我們療癒了我執的根本即是攻擊和自我攻擊,且以喜樂取而代之。 有個極棒和美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEAR OF GOD Posted: 09 Oct 2011 04:08 PM PDT HEALING THE FEAR OF GOD is the card for today. It is the greatest fear we have even beating the fear of public speaking and the fear of death. Seems crazy that we would be afraid of LOVE and INNOCENCE but we want to keep our autonomy and sense of self that we have built rather than experience Oneness. Today the flow is with us to heal this ultimate fear and welcome the awareness of GOD back into our hearts and minds. This promises to be a big day for healing as we are going to heal the bottom line of the ego of attack and self-attack and have joy instead. Have a really big and wonderful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《分享》。它反映了愛的一個面向。一旦我們收到了其他愛的面向,也因我們的給出而增添更多能分享的。分享使得我們感到高興並帶來豐盛。今天的流動幫助我們分享我們擁有的,因而真正明白這是我們可以給出的。有個幸福的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源Translated by Ian Lai) SHARING Posted: 08 Oct 2011 04:11 PM PDT SHARING is the card for today. It reflects an aspect of love. Once we have received-another aspect of love, then we have more to SHARE which then increases because we have given. SHARING makes us happy and brings abundance. Today the flow helps us SHARE what we have so we really know it is ours to give. Have a happy day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《自愛》。自愛,打開每一件好事。這是愛他人,接受各式各樣的豐富以及與神連結的基礎。自愛有著自我價值。它提供了信心和幸福。自愛療癒所有基於自我攻擊的問題。這是個修正你生命錯誤的重要日子。歡迎自愛到來;是走向人間天堂的通道。有個極優的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源Translated by Ian Lai) SELF-LOVE Posted: 07 Oct 2011 05:08 PM PDT SELF-LOVE is the card for today. SELF-LOVE opens the door to every good thing. It is the basis of loving others, receiving all manner of abundance and connection with the Divine. SELF-LOVE has self-value. It provides confidence and happiness. It heals all problems, which are based on self-attack. This is an important day to correct mistakes in your life. Welcome SELF-LOVE; it is the gateway to Heaven on earth. Have almost excellent day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《聖所》。這表示安全內在的神聖性能夠修補和祝福。這是我們心智的極致點,也是我們能給予這世界的。它反映了真實和神聖的內徑。是我們給出的也是供給我們的。我們給出的越多,自然地就會有越多的助益來到我們身上。有個美好的一天! (Translated by Ian Lai) SANCTUARY Posted: 07 Oct 2011 07:40 AM PDT SANCTUARY is the card for today. It denotes safety and an inner sacredness that restores and blesses. It is at the very heart of our mind and what we offer to the world. It reflects the path inward to what is true and holy. It is something we give and something given to us. The more we give it to others the more we naturally avail ourselves of it as it is offered to us. Have a wonderful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《安慰》。安慰不只安慰身體甚至深入至情緒,心理和靈性層面。今天讓自己得到安慰和更新。在聖經裡承諾,我們會得安慰。安慰溫潤我們的心,療癒我們一直來的無精打采。這種甜蜜的擁抱能讓我們經得起所必需的任何階段。有個甜蜜安慰的一天! COMFORT Posted: 06 Oct 2011 10:22 AM PDT COMFORT is the card for today. This goes way beyond physical COMFORT into the emotional, mental and spiritual also. Today let yourself be COMFORTED and renewed. The promise in the Bible is that we would not be left COMFORT-less. COMFORT heartens us and allows to heal where we have been dis-spirited. It is the sweet embrace that sustains us at whatever level it is needed. Have a day of sweet COMFORT!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒個性群集》。它反映了能療癒一個自我概念的嵌入系統,它們彼此都關閉著且彼此防衛著,建構了自我攻擊的區塊,使我們不希望靠近它,因此我執能夠躲藏安置及受到很好的保護。但今天,我們和我們自己及生命和神之間的牆,都可以很容易地被移除掉。留意任何自我攻擊的主要區塊,或在你生命裡被消極地鎖著的部份。這些都指出個性的群集。當你抓住一個,就將整個群集交給天堂去移除。今天是贏回你重要本質很棒的日子。有個快樂的狩獵! HEALING THE CONSTELLATION OF PERSONALITIES Posted: 05 Oct 2011 10:37 AM PDT HEALING THE CONSTELLATION OF PERSONALITIES is the card for today. It reflects an ability to heal an embedded system of self-concepts that are all locked together and defend each other setting up a warren of self-attack so that we don't wish to venture near it so the ego stays ensconced and well protected. But today that wall between us and ourselves, life and God can be easily removed. Pay attention to any major areas of self-attack or locked in negativity in your life. These point to constellations of personalities. When you catch one, Turn the whole constellation to Heaven for undoing. It's a great day to win back a major part of your essence today. Happy Hunting!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《幻想》。幻想是對正在發生的事情或缺失了什麼的防衛。 因為所有一切的事在我們的腦海都以圖像顯示,如果我們想像我們有什麼,心智就會認為我們已經有了,就不要再打開去接受。換句話說,幻想阻止了我們想要擁有的。幻想來自失去連結而想獨立的渴望,因而帶來分離,滿足的禍根,阻止我們與人合作和接受。今天是個放下我們幻想的好日子,因為幻想讓我們停留在匱乏裡。有豐富的一天! HEALING FANTASY Posted: 04 Oct 2011 02:01 PM PDT HEALING FANTASY is the card for today. Fantasy is a defense against what is going on or what is missing. Because in our mind everything shows as images and if we imagine we have something the mind thinks we have it so then we don't open to receive it. In other words fantasy stops us from having what we want. Fantasy comes from lost bonding and the desire to be independent and thus brings dissociation, the bane of satisfaction, to keep us from partnering and receiving. Today is a good day to let go of our fantasy as it is keeping us in scarcity. Have an abundant day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《過度自信》。它幫我們看到誇張自己的能力,並用它們來彌補自己不足或失敗的感覺。過度自信會導致麻煩,因為我們往往自不量力。今天,讓我們祝福我們自己,仰賴恩典並享受成功。祝安好! HEALING OVERCONFIDENCE Posted: 03 Oct 2011 12:27 PM PDT HEALING OVERCONFIDENCE is the card for today. It helps us see where we have aggrandized our own abilities and used them to compensate for feelings of inadequacy or failure. Overconfidence leads to trouble as we tend to "bite off more than we can chew". Today let us bless ourselves, rely on grace and enjoy success. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《令人稱奇》。這是讓你體驗真正精彩甚至驚人展現的一天。雖然每天都有這種可能性,但今天它的能量是極高的。乘坐今天的流動。將會是很棒的航行!有個可愛且精彩的一天! AMAZING Posted: 02 Oct 2011 12:38 PM PDT AMAZING is the card for today. This allows you to experience an unfolding today that can be truly wonderful and even astonishing. While every day has this possibility, today the energy for it is extravagant. Ride that current today. It's a great ride! Have a lovely and AMAZING day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《心愛的》。它代表了神,是我們所心愛的,也是許多神秘主義所談的。 今天,讓自己想像,上帝愛你遠超越過你最瘋狂的夢想,因為就是這樣。同時允許你多麼地愛上帝,其實這也是我們內心最深處最主要的本質。允許你自己知道這意味著什麼及你擁抱著怎麼樣的喜樂。願你有個極好的一天! THE BELOVED Posted: 01 Oct 2011 12:28 PM PDT THE BELOVED is the card for today. It represents God as our BELOVED, something many mystics refer to. Today let yourself imagine that God loves you beyond your wildest dreams because that is so. Also allow that you love God that much, which is also the way it is in the deepest most essential part of us. Allow your self to know what that means and what joy is yours in that embrace. May you have a glorious day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒什麼讓心麻木》。這提到鬆綁我們的心,直至最終療癒這些一直讓我們關閉的心門。特別是那個舊的傷痛,現在終於我們能去面對且不再防衛。這讓我們重獲新機且讓生命中再次春天。享受今天能到來的自由!祝好! HEALING WHAT"S HEART-NUMBING Posted: 30 Sep 2011 11:00 PM PDT HEALING WHAT"S HEART-NUMBING is the card for today. It speaks of unclenching our hearts and finally healing what has kept us closed. There was typically a wound that we can finally address now that the defense is gone. This allows for renewal and a chance for springtime in our lives. Enjoy the new freedom that can come today! Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《明星》。這意謂著完全的閃耀,給出全然的迷人且成就了很棒的事的面向。我們內在都是個明星,而今天,這個樣子的我在呼喚我們。讓我們日日夜夜都是明星! THE STAR Posted: 29 Sep 2011 02:04 PM PDT THE STAR is the card for today. It signifies an aspect that shines brightly and gives totally winning the day and accomplishing great things. All of us have THE STAR within us and today that aspect of us is calling. Have a STAR-filled day and night!