
今天Chuck博士的卡片是《寬恕》。我們所看到的世界乃是我們心智的反映,因此,每一個寬恕就釋放了我們。生命中發生的情況乃是舊有的未竟事宜想要得醫治,然而我執卻試圖用它強化痛苦來壯大其自身。我們若覺知到,無論在思想言行上我們對他人所做的,都會發生在我們身上,這會幫助激發我們。如果我們明白所謂的潛意識和無意識心靈,我們就會知道所有事情的發生都是來自我們的選擇。如果我們運用寬恕來療癒這一切,我們就走在一個不斷增進的愛與幸福的路徑。當寬恕越多越深時,和平就會與你同在。有個和平的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 17 Oct 2011 11:16 AM PDT
FORGIVENESS is the card for today. The world we see is a reflection of our mind, thus every FORGIVENESS releases us. What happens in life is old unfinished business coming back for healing though the ego attempts to use it to compound the pain to build itself. Our awareness that whatever we do to another in thought word or deed we do to ourselves can help motivate us. If we knew the subconscious and unconscious mind we would know that nothing happens without our choice. If we use it all for healing, we follow a path of ever growing love and happiness. Let peace be with you today as you FORGIVE more and more, layer by layer.Have a peaceful day!



