今天Chuck博士的卡片是《祈禱》。這是我們與神或其他媒介的連結。這連結提醒了我們作為神的兒女的可愛及當神沒有我們就沒有完整的無價。禱告是提醒誰在做主及誰是可以依賴能卸下肩上的負擔。今天的流就只是與神溝通。就如同老電影的台詞 “ET,打電話回家”。祝安好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 15 Oct 2011 10:50 AM PDT
PRAYER is the card for today. It is our connection with God or other intermediaries. This connection reminds us of our loveableness as a child of God and our inestimable value as God Himself is not complete without us. Prayer is our reminder of Who is in charge and Who we can rely on to take the burden off of our own shoulders. Today the flow is all about communication with God. As the old movie line goes. "ET, phone home." Have a good one!
Posted: 15 Oct 2011 10:50 AM PDT
PRAYER is the card for today. It is our connection with God or other intermediaries. This connection reminds us of our loveableness as a child of God and our inestimable value as God Himself is not complete without us. Prayer is our reminder of Who is in charge and Who we can rely on to take the burden off of our own shoulders. Today the flow is all about communication with God. As the old movie line goes. "ET, phone home." Have a good one!