今天Chuck博士的卡片是《聖所》。這表示安全內在的神聖性能夠修補和祝福。這是我們心智的極致點,也是我們能給予這世界的。它反映了真實和神聖的內徑。是我們給出的也是供給我們的。我們給出的越多,自然地就會有越多的助益來到我們身上。有個美好的一天! (Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 07 Oct 2011 07:40 AM PDT
SANCTUARY is the card for today. It denotes safety and an inner sacredness that restores and blesses. It is at the very heart of our mind and what we offer to the world. It reflects the path inward to what is true and holy. It is something we give and something given to us. The more we give it to others the more we naturally avail ourselves of it as it is offered to us. Have a wonderful day!
Posted: 07 Oct 2011 07:40 AM PDT
SANCTUARY is the card for today. It denotes safety and an inner sacredness that restores and blesses. It is at the very heart of our mind and what we offer to the world. It reflects the path inward to what is true and holy. It is something we give and something given to us. The more we give it to others the more we naturally avail ourselves of it as it is offered to us. Have a wonderful day!