今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒內疚的偶像》。偶像是我們想取代真神所創造出來的假神,這打破了十誡中的第一誡。他們一直在最深的無意識裏,因為他們不能忍受我們心智的光明。我們把他們視為根源來對待,認為會拯救我們,且使我們快樂。我們用內疚的偶像來報復,藉由自我攻擊停留在分離中,建構自我及攻擊的天堂。以此為前提的自我概念的偶像,會認為我們可以改變我們原是被創造的靈性,愛和光明。今天的動能走向放下那一切所有我們應該被懲罰的信念勝過只是放下並糾正我們的錯誤。有個和平純真無罪的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 09 Nov 2011 09:44 AM PST
HEALING THE IDOL OF GUILT is the card for today. Idols are false gods we invent to take the place of God breaking the 1st commandment. They are kept in the deepest unconscious because they wouldn't withstand the light of our reason. We treat them as our Source thinking they will save us and make us happy. The idol of guilt is one used for revenge using self-attack as a way of staying separate building our ego and fighting the Heaven. It presupposes the idol of self-concepts in which we think we can change the way we were created which was as spirit, love and light. Today the energy moves toward letting go of all that believes we should be punished rather than simply letting go of and correcting our mistakes. Have a peaceful innocent day!
Posted: 09 Nov 2011 09:44 AM PST
HEALING THE IDOL OF GUILT is the card for today. Idols are false gods we invent to take the place of God breaking the 1st commandment. They are kept in the deepest unconscious because they wouldn't withstand the light of our reason. We treat them as our Source thinking they will save us and make us happy. The idol of guilt is one used for revenge using self-attack as a way of staying separate building our ego and fighting the Heaven. It presupposes the idol of self-concepts in which we think we can change the way we were created which was as spirit, love and light. Today the energy moves toward letting go of all that believes we should be punished rather than simply letting go of and correcting our mistakes. Have a peaceful innocent day!