今天Chuck博士的卡片是《信任》。尤指在健康方面,當然,它影響到我們生活的各個領域。信任是恢復對真理的信心。心智用信任或恐懼來面對事情。信任建立我們的生命在一個真實的方向,它有能力醫治任何東西,因為是沒有任何問題是信任無法療癒的。今天用你的信任來恢復你的心智成為完整。有個輝煌的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 06 Nov 2011 11:05 AM PST
TRUST is the card today. It is especially in regard to health but, of course, it affects all areas of our lives. TRUST is the restoration of faith used for truth. We have to use our mind for something and we will use it either for TRUST or fear. TRUST builds our lives in a true direction and it has the power to heal anything because there is no problem that TRUST wouldn't heal. Restore your mind to wholeness today with your TRUST. Have a brilliant day!
Posted: 06 Nov 2011 11:05 AM PST
TRUST is the card today. It is especially in regard to health but, of course, it affects all areas of our lives. TRUST is the restoration of faith used for truth. We have to use our mind for something and we will use it either for TRUST or fear. TRUST builds our lives in a true direction and it has the power to heal anything because there is no problem that TRUST wouldn't heal. Restore your mind to wholeness today with your TRUST. Have a brilliant day!