今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒利用性來獲勝》。利用性來獲勝是我們濫用性來構建我們的我執。有贏就有輸。我們在性的的競爭中隱藏了害怕親密及害怕下一步。性在最高的層次上是愛的工具。當濫用身體拿性成為手段,就建造了匱乏以及爭鬥的模式及死寂。今天是個好日子,克服我們的恐懼去承諾一個親密和成功的未來。有個愉快的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 20 Nov 2011 02:43 PM PST
HEALING SEX AS WINNING is the card for today. Sex as winning is where we are misusing sex to build our ego.
But where there is winning there is also losing. Our competition in sex hides both a fear of intimacy and fear of the next step. Sex is meant at its highest level to be a vehicle for love. When sex becomes political the misuse of the body sets up scarcity and patterns of fighting and deadness. Today is a good day to get over our fear and commit to to next of intimacy and success. Have a delightful day!
Posted: 20 Nov 2011 02:43 PM PST
HEALING SEX AS WINNING is the card for today. Sex as winning is where we are misusing sex to build our ego.
But where there is winning there is also losing. Our competition in sex hides both a fear of intimacy and fear of the next step. Sex is meant at its highest level to be a vehicle for love. When sex becomes political the misuse of the body sets up scarcity and patterns of fighting and deadness. Today is a good day to get over our fear and commit to to next of intimacy and success. Have a delightful day!