
目前顯示的是 1月, 2012的文章


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《拯救惡魔》。在過去的10年裏,惡魔甚至是可以被救贖的。今天透過老天的幫助不僅容易去除惡魔,也能夠將其送回至光明,其實這是他們宣告的主要理由之一。靠老天的恩典和保護去做。上帝是無所不在的。祝有個力量的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) DEMON SAVING Posted: 30 Jan 2012 09:37 AM PST DEMON SAVING is the card for today. In the last 10 years even demons could be redeemed. Today is a day where demons are not only easily removed with Heaven's help but they are able to be sent back to the light which is actually one of the chief reasons they are making themselves known. Do nothing without Heaven's grace and protection. There is no place God is not present. Have a powerful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒萬事亨通及一事無成的大戰》。這預示了另一個極大的分裂浮出表面需去療癒。通常這些埋藏在無意識裡得不到療癒,但認知到有多少無意識可以療癒,這是個大福音。今天,讓我們超越這個極大的分裂進到更深的中心與和平之處。讓我們不再被這種幻相產生的戰爭所吸引。這是邁向合一之道的另一重要一步。有個最優質的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF EVERYTHING AND NOTHING Posted: 29 Jan 2012 10:03 AM PST HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF EVERYTHING AND NOTHING is the card for today. It betokens another great split coming to the surface for healing. Usually these are buried in the unconscious and unavailable for healing but with the amount of unconscious available for healing to recognize this is a great boon. Today let us move beyond this great split to a place of much greater centeredness and peace. Let us no longer be held in thrall to this illusion generating war. This is another big step on the way to Oneness. Have a most excellent day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《交託在神的手上》。今天讓我們真正假裝有位神,而讓他處理所有一切的事宜,就如同他是愛我們的父母,而我們是那小孩。是放下所有的負擔和問題,讓他將所有的事情作最好處理的時候了。有個奇蹟的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) PUTTING IT IN GOD'S HANDS Posted: 28 Jan 2012 01:46 PM PST PUTTING IT IN GOD"S HANDS is the card for today. It is the day where we really act as if there is a God and let Him handle everything as if we were the small child and He the loving Parent. It is time to take the burdens and problems off and let Him handle what He does best .Have a miraculous day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《殷勤款待》。這是打自內心裡頭的歡迎。它延伸分享出去,達到內外在的滋潤和供養。這是在人類層次的上帝。無論給予或接受對每一方都有著甜蜜溫馨及順流。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HOSPITALITY Posted: 27 Jan 2012 10:25 AM PST HOSPITALITY is the card for today. It is a welcoming into heart, hearth and home. It reaches out and shares so that there is nurturing and sustenance inwardly and outwardly. It is Providence at a human level. Whether given or received there is sweet warmth and flow for all parties. Have a fine day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒害怕下一步》。每一個問題或創傷反映以下這核心動態:我們害怕下一步;害怕我們無法處理;害怕如果我們往前進了,我們將會有更多的犧牲。如果這些都是真實的,就不會有下一步。今天是藉由 療癒害怕下一步 ,使我們在生活中得以進展的好日子。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEAR OF THE NEXT STEP Posted: 26 Jan 2012 10:41 AM PST HEALING THE FEAR OF THE NEXT STEP is the card for today. Every problem or trauma reflects this core dynamic: we are afraid of the next step; afraid we can't handle it; afraid we'll be in even more sacrifice if we go forward. But it wouldn't be the next step if any of that were true. Today is a good day to progress in our lives by HEALING THE FEAR OF THE NEXT STEP. Have a good one!

靈魂 之井

今天Chuck博士的卡片是《靈魂之井》。它反映了集體的無意識,綁在種族記憶裡以及協助去超越那些過去的自我挫敗模式。透過目前的愛去療癒古老的仇恨,減輕對我們所有的業力負擔。尤其如果那個看起來不像是你的大議題在進行中,不必感到驚訝。藉由你的自我療癒,仍然可以使這有所不同。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE WELL OF SOULS Posted: 25 Jan 2012 10:35 AM PST HEALING THE WELL OF SOULS is the card for today. It reflects the collective unconscious, tying into racial memory and helping to transcend those self-defeating patterns of the past. To heal ancient hatred through present love reduces the karmic burden on us all. Don't be surprised if big issues are afoot that doesn't especially seem like yours. You can still make a difference by your healing. Have a fine day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《狂喜忘我》。來自拉丁文,超越停滯,凸顯自己。你是處在一個超越自己親密的異常狀態。擴展的越多,喜樂的感覺就越多。所以,今天的自然展現就是延伸接觸。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ECSTASY Posted: 24 Jan 2012 10:26 AM PST ECSTASY is the card for today. It comes from the Latin, ex stasis, standing out from yourself. You are in an altered stater of intimacy beyond yourself. The more extended you are, the more joyful you feel. So, today the natural unfolding is about reaching out. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《道歉和誘人靠近點》。我們的道歉示意我們讓他人靠近我們一點或當他人邀請我們或我們邀請他人更靠近點時,我們意識到這也是該我們道歉的時候。整天散佈這些能量,這美妙的能量力會創造出親密。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) APOLOGY AND COME HITHER Posted: 23 Jan 2012 07:56 PM PST APOLOGY AND COME HITHER are the cards for today. Our APOLOGY allows us to be beckoned closer or as we are invited or invite someone closer we realize it is time for us to apologize. These energies permeate the day and they are wonderful energies to create intimacy. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《卓越》。有個卓越優質的一天。 (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) EXCELLENCE Posted: 22 Jan 2012 05:30 PM PST EXCELLENCE is the card for today. Have an excellent day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒未開化的覺醒》。它是一種覺知,克服了否認及舊有模式的療癒。導致了順流,輕易和在突兀之處有美好的感覺,甚至有時有令人震驚的啟示。當你從容漫步通過草叢前,最好先清除草叢內的蛇。祝美好。 (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING RUDE AWAKENINGS Posted: 21 Jan 2012 10:38 AM PST HEALING RUDE AWAKENINGS is the card for today. It is an awareness that cuts through denial as well as the healing of old patterns. This leads to flow, ease and general good feeling in the place of an abrupt and sometimes shocking revelation. It's good to clear the snake in the grass before you saunter through it. Have a good one.


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒情緒放縱》。任何未用於療癒的情緒就是一種形式的情緒放縱,其意在怪罪或用來勒索。如果情緒被用來釋放,放下和療癒,這乃是情緒的本來意欲,也是項什麼是需要療癒的指標。否則它傳達了 “看你做了什麼,害我變成這樣。” 的訊息。 情緒是用來療癒,而不是用來爭吵或怪罪他人。讓今天有個新的覺知帶來情緒上的成熟。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING EMOTIONAL INDULGENCE Posted: 20 Jan 2012 10:54 AM PST HEALING EMOTIONAL INDULGENCE is the card for today. Any emotion that is not used for healing is actually a form of emotional indulgence meant to lay on guilt or be used for blackmail. If it is used to release, let go and heal it becomes what it was meant to be-- an indicator of what needs to be healed. Otherwise it communicates "Look what you did to me. Because of you I suffer this." Emotions are meant for healing not to use in a fight or to lay on guilt. Have a new awareness today that brings emotional maturity. And have a fine day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒敗家子》。我們可以認清在什麼地方揮霍浪費而節制這份揮霍的浪費支出。這不單是指錢的花費,也指各方面能量的消耗。祝美好。(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE SPENDTHRIFT Posted: 19 Jan 2012 10:39 AM PST HEALING THE SPENDTHRIFT is the card for today,. We can recognize the areas that we are spending extravagantly in and let this profligate spending go. This is not just about money but in all areas of energy expenditure. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒幻境》。它示意著療癒幻相以及愛和意願取代轉化減少了這世上極多的夢境。這是美好釋放的一天。有個甜蜜的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING MAYA Posted: 18 Jan 2012 10:03 AM PST HEALING MAYA is the card for today. It signifies the healing of illusion and transformation in the world even to the point of a significant amount of the dream of the world falling away replaced with love and willingness. It’s a good day for release. Have a sweet day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《救贖的故事》。它表明當我們救贖他人時,我們也拯救了自己。這是透過寬恕,看到他人的無辜,因而看到自己也是如此無辜。 每當我們感到沮喪出現這種情況時,往內看,讓老天說明這一切。帶著這樣認知的改變,對待他人及自己,這將會是使我們得以自由及享有平安的很棒日子。有個很棒的 一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE REDEMPTION STORY Posted: 17 Jan 2012 10:01 AM PST THE REDEMPTION STORY is the card for today. It suggests a time in which weave another and in so doing save ourselves. This occurs through forgiveness, seeing the other as innocent and thus seeing ourselves in the same way. This occurs whenever we are upset and turn inward to let Heaven interpret the events. It is a great day to free others with this change of perception and ourselves as well bringing us peace. Have a great day!

結合的 心智

今天Chuck博士的卡片是《結合的 心智》。這將產生療癒和奧秘層次的愛。它可以打開永恆之門及賜福這世界。這是來自真正的親密。它不是身體能做什麼的問題,是結合的心智帶來了甜美的親密感。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) JOINING MINDS Posted: 16 Jan 2012 11:11 AM PST JOINING MINDS is the card for today. This creates healing and mystic levels of love. It can open the door to eternity and it blesses the world. This is where real intimacy comes from. It is not a question of what bodies do; it is the joining of minds that brings intimacy and its sweetness. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒被釘十字架》。這是我們經常藉由他人之手一直釘死自己的地方。我們經常這樣做是因為我們認為它會拯救我們,使我們感到高興。在我們的信念系統裡認為這是件好事。或者,我們用它來回報內疚,以及/或因我們的痛苦而指責他人。這是個可怕的動力,我們願意受苦且為此而死。今天是清除所有這一切,並知道這是一條死胡同,為我們的錯誤承擔責任,但立即將這一切交給老天清去除掉。有個驚喜的一天! (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING CRUCIFIXION Posted: 15 Jan 2012 10:29 AM PST HEALING CRUCIFIXION is the card for today. This is a place we have been nailing ourselves frequently at someone else's hand. We do this most often because we think it will save us or make us happy. It fits our belief system as a good thing. Or we use it to payoff guilt and/ or accuse another by our suffering. These are terrible dynamics that we are willing to suffer and die for. Today is a day to clear all of this and know that it is a dead end, taking responsibility for our mistakes but immediately turning them over to Heaven for undoing. Have an amazing day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《先驅》。這表明在你生命新展望的探索和發現。建議您徐徐前進開拓新的疆土。祝有個滿腔熱血的一天! (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE PIONEER Posted: 14 Jan 2012 10:30 AM PST THE PIONEER is the card for today. This suggests the exploration and discovery of new vistas in your life. It suggests that you forge ahead into new territory. Have afire day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《歡迎》。它是我們精華的陰柔面,就是接受。今天歡迎愛、豐富、健康和幸福。歡迎天堂來到人間並進入到你的生命。讓今天是個收穫的一天。祝美好! (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) WELCOME Posted: 13 Jan 2012 11:42 AM PST WELCOME is the card for today. it is the quintessence of our feminine side, which is receiving. Today WELCOME love,abundance, health and happiness. WELCOME Heaven to earth and into your life. Let today be a day of harvest. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒悲劇和損失的黑暗故事》。這是個療癒我們在生命中創造了極大痛苦腳本的有力一天。隱藏的我執,藉由諸如獨立性,“我的方式”,特殊性所付出的代價,且利用它擊敗他人等事件以及看到破產和放棄而浮出表面。今天是個很棒的日子,療癒這使我們揭露的生命變黑暗下所隱藏的恐懼和內疚。有個很棒的一天! (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE DARK STORIES OF TRAGEDY AND LOSS Posted: 12 Jan 2012 09:11 AM PST HEALING THE DARK STORIES OF TRAGEDY AND LOSS Is the card for today. This is a powerful day for healing the scripts that generate great pain in our lives. The hidden ego payoffs for such events, such as independence, "my way", being special, and using it to defeat someone,etc. are brought to the surface and seen as bankrupt and let go of. Today is a great day for healing the hidden fear and guilt that darkens the unfolding of our lives. Have a great day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒對禮物的恐懼》。這可以療癒羞怯,忌妒的恐懼或害怕是被關注的焦點。在問題之後有時隱藏著對禮物的恐懼,而接受我們的禮物,就可解決這問題。每個問題的背後,有個相對應的禮物。這是個很好的一天,打開心智禮物之門,這將使我們及週遭的人生活輕易點。有個甜蜜的一天! (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEAR OF GIFTS Posted: 11 Jan 2012 09:29 AM PST HEALING THE FEAR OF GIFTS is the card for today. This heals the shyness, fear of envy or fear of being the center of attention. The fear of gifts can sometimes hide behind problems while it is accepting our gifts that resolve them. Behind every problem there is a corresponding gift. It is a good day to open the doors in our minds for the gifts that would make our lives and those around us easier. Have a sweet day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《情色》。它反映了富有吸引力,性能量的流動,帶著我們充滿浪漫/藝術和性能量在這世界裡流動,增添了一切事物的光彩。這是個有趣增添的能量。祝美好! (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE EROTIC Posted: 09 Jan 2012 01:58 PM PST THE EROTIC is the card for today. It is a reflection of the attractive, sexual energy moving moving through the world in a flow filling us with romantic/artistic and sexual energy that adds a luster to everything. It is a fun enhancing energy. Have a good one!

2012 這年

2012 這年 Chuck恰克-史匹桑諾 博士 夜光通訊 2012/01/01 (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) 我們都一直在等待的這年總算到來了。它將會是比一個神秘驚悚片有更多的曲折和轉變的重大變化的一年。今年全世界最危險的事,可能是有某種流行病發生。而在內心境界的最大危險則是自滿。不要像被鞭打後才往前走的馬。像精明的馬般,隨著鞭子的陰影就能往前移。重大的變化和揭露將持續在未來四年發生。不要試圖吞喝這波浪或甚至隨波逐流。在其上衝浪吧。當你療癒你的首要之事,這些事會發生。看看在你的長期問題在那些區塊:如金錢,事業,關係,家庭,健康,體重,心碎或憂鬱。所有的一切反映了你害怕改變和前進的地方,舊有的傷痛,特殊性的需要,自我和對他人的攻擊。 最輕鬆完成療癒的方式就是回到所有療癒的源頭 - 上帝。回到源頭帶來恩典和奇蹟,那是藉著光照亮黑暗去除我執的危害。 世界如何因控制而爭奪,只是反映了我們內在心智在做同樣的事情。有越來越多的人基於夥伴關係和社群的因素產生一種新方式,而不僅是如一些人在窗簾背後拉繩控制。然而,唯一可以行得通的途徑是,從我們自己做起,斬掉我執的特殊性和驕傲自大。 只要我們遠離我執,就將會有外在和內在的兩個力量翻轉。這些力量的轉變,代表著從現在到2024年的一個新開始。直到2024年我們能夠實現的,將會設置下一個千年的基調。 我們為此刻而來的。這改變是發生這一切的緣由。 是放膽去給予及療癒的時候。開悟比較不在乎我們外在發生了什麼。它們漂浮在道上,注意內在的生命。如果它們繼續朝向被神所了解的或充分的覺醒,追求更多的相互關聯且放下所有的執著,就會喜樂而不分離。所有的老師及療癒師,會尋找內外在的平衡,而其他的人要不是較專注其中一點就是另外一項。兩者都會發生改變,但這完全由你決定要專注於那一項。 在任何不愉快的狀況下,我們被呼籲利用老天所賦予有益的轉化及超越,如果我們願意認知到我們負面經驗所隱藏的我執所需付出的代價,而真誠的呼求神的幫助,改變將會變為輕易及優雅。幻像將會移除掉,而更大的真實會充滿盛行。 重要的是信任這些揭露呈現,無論它看起來是如何,結果一切事情會平靜且變好。 今年將有一道彩虹到來,那不單單像以往一般正常的彩虹,而是我們會通過的凱旋門。 重要的是依賴神的力量而不是自己的計畫。如果我們重...


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《堅持合作》。它反映了平等、雙贏和夥伴關係的需要。只有當雙方都對等的贏時,這樣在當下或將來就不會有問題。如果你想要事情成功,就讓每個人都有所貢獻吧。有個美好合作的日子! (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) INSIST ON COLLABORATION Posted: 07 Jan 2012 10:37 AM PST INSIST ON COLLABORATION is the card for today. It reflects the need for partnership, equality and win-win. Only when both parties win equally is there no problem in present or the future. If you want something to work, have everyone contribute. Have a fine day of partnering!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《佔有-被佔有的陰謀》。 它是指一個有佔有需要者的恐懼,這會卡住我們導致疏離的獨立,害怕如果我們太靠近他人,他們就會在情緒上吸乾我們。其實我們所評斷及真正害怕的是,當我們曾經也是像這個樣子。我們評斷那個分裂部分的自己,因而現在看到他人這部分時嚇壞了。是放下所有這一切的時候了。交託給老天解開這一切。祝美好! (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE POSSESSION-POSSESSED CONSPIRACY Posted: 01 Jan 2012 12:12 PM PST THE POSSESSION-POSSESSED CONSPIRACY is the card for the day. It denotes a fear of needy-possessive people and it locks us into dissociated independence fearful that if we get too close to another they will suck us dry emotionally. What we have judged and are really afraid us is how we used to be when we were that way. We judged that part of us and split it off and are now frightened of it when we see it in others. Time to let it all go. Turn it over to Heaven for undoing. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒個性群集》。個性群集代表著許多的個性總圍繞著一個核心的個性,提供支持和防衛。這變成了自我支持某種自我概念的信念系統。我執仰賴這些群集的支柱去分離而不是去愛。有個很棒療癒的一天,願你在分離裡獲得許多的愛!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE CONSTELLATION OF PERSONALITIES Posted: 06 Jan 2012 10:25 AM PST HEALING THE CONSTELLATION OF PERSONALITIES is the card for today. The constellation of personalities represents where a number of personalities aggregate around a core personality and provide support and defense. This turns into a belief system of it's own supporting a certain self-concept. The ego counts on these constellations as its mainstay but there could be love in its place instead of separation. Have a great healing day and may you gain much love where there used to be separation!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《寵愛》。 寵愛是一個日本詞,這意味著以甜蜜的方式照顧他人,比如家長照顧孩子或老師照顧學生。這是對那些依賴者更深層需求的認識。有時,這會在一種放縱的狀況,這裡所指的並不是這樣子。所以好好享受,如你是那給予或是那接受的人。有個甜美流動的一天。祝美好。 (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) AMAI Posted: 05 Jan 2012 10:54 AM PST AMAI is the card for today. AMAI is a Japanese word that means taking care of others needs in a sweet way, such as a parent to a child or a teacher to a student. It is an awareness at a deeper level of the needs that those in a dependent position. Sometimes there is an indulgent form of this but it is not indicated here. So enjoy yourself if you are the one responding or the one being responded to. There is a sweet flow to the day. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒對覺醒的恐懼》。 今天的卡片反映出我們從那些絕不會使我們高興的執著中得以自由的能量。鬆綁了我執所建立的高傲,以及其所需要的特殊性。接著更大的互相關聯性和喜樂就到位了。今天仁慈會跟著你,幫助你放掉想分離的慾望,而覺醒至新的一天。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEAR OF AWAKENING Posted: 04 Jan 2012 10:22 AM PST HEALING THE FEAR OF AWAKENING is the card for today. The card for today reflects energy that frees us from holding on to what could never make us happy. It loosens our pride that the ego has built itself on and its need for specialness. In turn greater relatedness and its incumbent joy are put in its place. Today is a day in which goodness will follow you helping you give up your desire to separate and thus awaken to a new day. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《意願》。意願克服恐懼且再次在生命中建立順流。它不僅讓我們往前進且重新建立聯繫。如奇蹟課程所建議的,我們真正需要的是願意有意願。祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) WILLINGNESS Posted: 03 Jan 2012 11:02 AM PST WILLINGNESS Is the card for today. WILLINGNESS cuts through fear and sets up a flow once again in our lives. It not only moves us forward it re-establishes bonding. And as A Course in Miracles suggests all we really need is the WILLINGNESS to be WILLING. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《朝聖者的原型》。它描述了,我們都是在這個星球上過境。我們不會在這裡停止。當我們更有意識到此時,我們就可以在相對短的時間內,更做些事。所以,朝聖者們,有個美好的的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE PILGRIM ARCHETYPE Posted: 02 Jan 2012 11:49 AM PST THE PILGRIM ARCHETYPE is the card for today. It depicts that we are all passing through on this planet. We are not stopping here. The more we realize this the more we can make something of the relatively short time we have. So, PILGRIMS, have a wonderful day!