今天Chuck博士的卡片是《寵愛》。 寵愛是一個日本詞,這意味著以甜蜜的方式照顧他人,比如家長照顧孩子或老師照顧學生。這是對那些依賴者更深層需求的認識。有時,這會在一種放縱的狀況,這裡所指的並不是這樣子。所以好好享受,如你是那給予或是那接受的人。有個甜美流動的一天。祝美好。 (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 05 Jan 2012 10:54 AM PST
AMAI is the card for today. AMAI is a Japanese word that means taking care of others needs in a sweet way, such as a parent to a child or a teacher to a student. It is an awareness at a deeper level of the needs that those in a dependent position. Sometimes there is an indulgent form of this but it is not indicated here. So enjoy yourself if you are the one responding or the one being responded to. There is a sweet flow to the day. Have a good one!
Posted: 05 Jan 2012 10:54 AM PST
AMAI is the card for today. AMAI is a Japanese word that means taking care of others needs in a sweet way, such as a parent to a child or a teacher to a student. It is an awareness at a deeper level of the needs that those in a dependent position. Sometimes there is an indulgent form of this but it is not indicated here. So enjoy yourself if you are the one responding or the one being responded to. There is a sweet flow to the day. Have a good one!