今天Chuck博士的卡片是《佔有-被佔有的陰謀》。 它是指一個有佔有需要者的恐懼,這會卡住我們導致疏離的獨立,害怕如果我們太靠近他人,他們就會在情緒上吸乾我們。其實我們所評斷及真正害怕的是,當我們曾經也是像這個樣子。我們評斷那個分裂部分的自己,因而現在看到他人這部分時嚇壞了。是放下所有這一切的時候了。交託給老天解開這一切。祝美好! (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 01 Jan 2012 12:12 PM PST
THE POSSESSION-POSSESSED CONSPIRACY is the card for the day. It denotes a fear of needy-possessive people and it locks us into dissociated independence fearful that if we get too close to another they will suck us dry emotionally. What we have judged and are really afraid us is how we used to be when we were that way. We judged that part of us and split it off and are now frightened of it when we see it in others. Time to let it all go. Turn it over to Heaven for undoing. Have a good one!
Posted: 01 Jan 2012 12:12 PM PST
THE POSSESSION-POSSESSED CONSPIRACY is the card for the day. It denotes a fear of needy-possessive people and it locks us into dissociated independence fearful that if we get too close to another they will suck us dry emotionally. What we have judged and are really afraid us is how we used to be when we were that way. We judged that part of us and split it off and are now frightened of it when we see it in others. Time to let it all go. Turn it over to Heaven for undoing. Have a good one!