今天Chuck博士的卡片是《殷勤款待》。這是打自內心裡頭的歡迎。它延伸分享出去,達到內外在的滋潤和供養。這是在人類層次的上帝。無論給予或接受對每一方都有著甜蜜溫馨及順流。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 27 Jan 2012 10:25 AM PST
HOSPITALITY is the card for today. It is a welcoming into heart, hearth and home. It reaches out and shares so that there is nurturing and sustenance inwardly and outwardly. It is Providence at a human level. Whether given or received there is sweet warmth and flow for all parties. Have a fine day!
Posted: 27 Jan 2012 10:25 AM PST
HOSPITALITY is the card for today. It is a welcoming into heart, hearth and home. It reaches out and shares so that there is nurturing and sustenance inwardly and outwardly. It is Providence at a human level. Whether given or received there is sweet warmth and flow for all parties. Have a fine day!