
今天Chuck博士的卡片是《領導的故事》。領導的故事表示強化和關心每個人成功和幸福的選擇。領導是回應自己和他人的藝術。它回應你身邊所有呼求幫助的聲音,同時還完成工作。一個領導者是有願景的人,誠信且無可抗拒。領導的故事,是在生活中成為一位領導者。領導者,幫助大家成為他們最好的自己,同時為大家創造順流。開啟他們的天賦禮物,知道沒有任何情況,他們和天堂間會沒有任何轉化的方式。祝你有個才華和樂趣的一天,且知道領導的順流。有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 19 Jul 2012 09:06 PM PDT
LEADERSHIP STORY is the card for today. It betokens a choice to step up and be concerned for everyone's success and happiness. Leadership is the art of responsiveness to oneself and others. It is answering the calls for help around you while still getting the job done. A leader is a person of vision who is irresistible with integrity.  A LEADERSHIP STORY is one who becomes a leader as a way of life. A leader helps everyone be their best self while creating the flow for everyone. They open themselves to their gifts knowing that there is no situation that they and Heaven don't have the means to transform. Have a gifted and fun day out there and you will know the flow of leadership. Have a fine day!



