今天Chuck博士的卡片是《寬恕》。寬恕是所有療癒的基礎原則。它帶來和平,回歸幸福,轉換幻想,放掉過去,所以新生復興是可能的。寬恕結束分離和帶來和平治療了疾病,帶來豐富和愛。它療癒問題,議題和模式。由於世界只反映出我們對自己的信念,所有的寬恕都是自我寬恕,這消溶了我們隱藏的內疚。寬恕療癒了他人也治療了自己,使世界的距離更近。有個快樂療癒的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian
Posted: 13 Jan 2013 11:28 AM PST
FORGIVENESS is the card for the day. It is
the foundation of all healing principles. It brings peace, restores happiness,
transforms illusions, relinquishes the past so that a renaissance is possible.
It ends separation and brings the peace that heals illnesses, brings abundance
and love. it heals problems, issues and patterns. Since the world only reflects
what we believe about ourselves, all forgiveness is self-forgiveness dissolving
our hidden guilt. FORGIVENESS heals others and it heals ourselves bringing the
world closer. Have a happy, healing day!