今天Chuck博士的卡片是《希望》。希望是在似乎沒出路時,呈現了前進的方向。希望是我們的定心錨。這是認知到上帝永遠不會離開我們,被困住這不是上帝的意志,也不是我們真實的意願。無論多黯淡的事來到,今天希望顯現了一條出路。沒有任何地方沒有光明!今天邀請光明來到,祝美好!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 11 Apr 2013 11:22 PM PDT
HOPE is the card for today. Hope shows a
way forward when it seems there is no way. HOPE is what anchors us. It is the
recognition that God would never leave us trapped as it is not His Will nor is
it our true will. Today HOPE shows a way no matter how dark things have become.
There is no place the light is not! Ask for the light to come today and have a
good one!